Stam stacking Brew

+10 stamina rings from Charged gear or from the level 22 JC ring.
2x AGM obv if you don't mind the grind. The new heirloom trinkets will have +10 stam on them scaled at 29 once 6.1 comes out if you don't want to grind for AGMs.

Overall, too much INT gear for my taste. It's fun seeing that massive number next to your name but there is more to survivability then Stamina. Your "Guard" ability works off Attack Power and all self heals are powered by Agility, so highly lacking that you are probably going to actually end up with a weaker toon by trying to eek out those extra 20-30 points of stamina over other gear with Agi and Bonus Armor.
Go Tome of the the Dawn or whatever the 5int 8 stam OH is. Scales to 12 stam i believe.
Idk if there are better mainhands
For chest go mystic robes, scales to 18.
Use earthern vitality on boots.
Use resilient gloves.
Idk if there is better pants

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