Spread the word or no? Many twinks are unaware of 3.1 nerf-hammer

I was in queue for WSG last night, and I got to talking to a 29 waiting with me. He was commenting on my 19’s HP, and we where comparing gear when I slipped in the “yeah, I’m going to go back to the drawing board once 3.1 hitsâ€￾ and was greeted by a slew of question marks. I gave him the brief run-down, and directed him here, and promptly dismissed it as him being a bit out-of-touch.

Five minutes later, I was in WSG in a (sorta) premade with my server’s more prevalent twinking guild (Hostess Twinkies-Uther) and slipped into the same conversation with their GM, and they had the same befuddled response. It seems that a good portion of our community (at least in my server/BG) are blissfully unaware of the upcoming changes.

I’ve never been one to preach to anyone, but personally, if I was sinking cash into a twink these days and what completely uninformed about the upcoming 3.1 patch, I’d be very pissed once it drops (and it could drive a bit more traffic to TwinkInfo!).

So, the question is, do we spread the word, or let them find out on their own?
I think it would be nice to spread the word. Every twink should know. Not all twinks visit the battlegroup forums or external resources like this either.
This site has helped me quite a bit. Had I not known about it, I would've loved if someone introduced it to me in a BG.

Spread the word!
same happens to me, i talked to a few twinks in BG/arena and not even 1 knew about .
Since recently finding this site I have been freely giving out it's address to many twinks while I play. The lower brackets have needed a site of this caliber for a long time.
I agree with the above posts. Spread it around! If I didn't hear about it and logged on after patch 3.1 and saw that everything was different I'd be pissed.
Best to spread the word, I found out recently, and had a "stare at screen with mouth agape" moment, I dread to think what it'd be like to just log on and find it like that.
IMO everyone should know about these potential changes, and it's also a good way to advertise twinkinfo to people who normally don't browse WoW sites/forums.
I try my best to spread the message about this site to other WoW players. Some of them heeded my warning, but I do think it would be good that everyone knew what was going on.

Tessal said:
Best to spread the word, I found out recently, and had a "stare at screen with mouth agape" moment, I dread to think what it'd be like to just log on and find it like that.

lol. I'm glad the community was able to help you prepare, Tessal :)

I told a few of my guildies in my raiding guild about this site. A few of the HC raiders are also pretty into their 39s. They're going to come here and be like Tessal.

yay for twinkinfo.com
I've let a lot of my IRL friends who twink, they don't normally go to any forums sites. I'll be putting twinkinfo.com in my sig on the forums too.
i'm always here, i preffer to check one single site then visit all 10 at once...

so i say go ahead, when it comes to myself... i'm ressources guy within my friends so when things goes wrong at some place, they all turn to me for answers.

go ahead warn them, better be warned then sorry when it comes !

my guess is that blizzard is trying to make people forced to redo their twink from scratch and that's what we'll have to do when 3.1 comes out. i still have about 4 bars till 20, so i should be fine getting new gears and stuff before i get to create another twink. though i might create myself another twink, and it would be a priest for the healing, we're missing a lot in my battlegroup !
I agree with everyone else, spread the word.

I mean, I didn't know about the 3.1 until I looked at this site.


It's probably the best twink site out there, thanks for taking your time to make it Drayner. :D

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