Sonydigital-Warrior-60 new twink LF GUILD EU, OR US!?

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Hey everyone, new here to the lvl 60-69 bracket, little introduction I'm Sonydigitalz of blackrock previously known as Sonydigital of Detheroc (Vengeful Gladiator) #1 in the world for 3 consecutive months on arenajunkies back in season 3.

Anyways i'm looking for a extremely legit EU or US lvl 60 twink guild that raids etc boosting isn't preferred i kind of want a 100% legit twink guild but looking through these forums thats somewhat hard to find =P.

Hit me up on this post if you are an officer of a well ran guild or know a good guild i can look into more. Thanks and looking forward to getting back into vanillllla =D
Sonydigital said:
Hey everyone, new here to the lvl 60-69 bracket, little introduction I'm Sonydigitalz of blackrock previously known as Sonydigital of Detheroc (Vengeful Gladiator) #1 in the world for 3 consecutive months on arenajunkies back in season 3.

Anyways i'm looking for a extremely legit EU or US lvl 60 twink guild that raids etc boosting isn't preferred i kind of want a 100% legit twink guild but looking through these forums thats somewhat hard to find =P.

Hit me up on this post if you are an officer of a well ran guild or know a good guild i can look into more. Thanks and looking forward to getting back into vanillllla =D

OMG Sonydigital I love your movies!You have the best warrior vids, you are mine mine mine!

I will fully fund you a twink with runs, enchants, I will even pay for your transfer so you can bring BOA's over to do 19s with us, We premade every weekend and the biggest twink guild on Ruin.

Mine mine mine!



Hit me with a PM Sony.
Wuv123 said:
OMG Sonydigital I love your movies!You have the best warrior vids, you are mine mine mine!

I will fully fund you a twink with runs, enchants, I will even pay for your transfer so you can bring BOA's over to do 19s with us, We premade every weekend and the biggest twink guild on Ruin.

Mine mine mine!



Hit me with a PM Sony.

loL. hide ur boner man, he said 60s

btw the only videos i could find of him was him getting beat by r/d
Nicozy said:
he made some good movies sure but in terms of arena he was never one of the rly top ones. and yeah hide ur boner Matt

Are you joking? He was the #1 warrior in the world in season 3. If you take the time to watch the movie I just posted above you will see him beating Neilyo several times.

Wrong wrong wrong.
idk how its obvious but meh. either way the only vids on youtube are of him getting beat so /shrug
The videos of me getting beat by r/d was back when dreamstate/rogue was way better than any other 2v2 comp out was almost a complete counter to war/druid in s3.... And w/d wasnt the only comp i got #1 in...i got #1 in 2s 3s and 5s, 3s as war mage druid and 5s as eurocleave (war,mage,druid,rogue,priest)
Sonydigital said:
The videos of me getting beat by r/d was back when dreamstate/rogue was way better than any other 2v2 comp out was almost a complete counter to war/druid in s3.... And w/d wasnt the only comp i got #1 in...i got #1 in 2s 3s and 5s, 3s as war mage druid and 5s as eurocleave (war,mage,druid,rogue,priest)

Why do you keep acting like you are sony ? It's quite obvious you aren't him. However, I am sure that if you could PROVE it people might beleive you :)
Wuv123 said:
OMG Sonydigital I love your movies!You have the best warrior vids, you are mine mine mine!

I will fully fund you a twink with runs, enchants, I will even pay for your transfer so you can bring BOA's over to do 19s with us, We premade every weekend and the biggest twink guild on Ruin.

Mine mine mine!



Hit me with a PM Sony.

hahaha fanboy inc!
ive never even heard of this guy. definitely not like warriors from prebc that were awesome and renownd
Sonydigital said:
The videos of me getting beat by r/d was back when dreamstate/rogue was way better than any other 2v2 comp out was almost a complete counter to war/druid in s3.... And w/d wasnt the only comp i got #1 in...i got #1 in 2s 3s and 5s, 3s as war mage druid and 5s as eurocleave (war,mage,druid,rogue,priest)

Although you might be Sonydigital (emphasis on the might), if you are, your terminology and facts are a little off.

1) In s3, dreamstate rogue / druid wasn't a big comp. Very few druids were dreamstate compared to most that went almost full restoration.

2) Even though ds/rogue was certainly better than every other comp, warrior/druid was a fair matchup, maybe 45-55 in ds/rogue's favor. Certainly not 'almost a complete counter.' And once, again, ds/druid wasn't exceptionally popular until s4.

3) Sonydigital didn't get #1 in 3v3 running warrior/mage/druid until season four, iirc.

4) Eurocleave didn't even exist even in the slightest bit until season four.
im so tired of stupid ass "sonydigital" posers.....its just so lame......
so far nobody has disproved him (except for the fact i remember almost no ds druids compared to full resto). and i doubt it would be a COMPLETE counter.
At the time i believed that DS was a counter to war/druid maybe it wasn't but thats my own opinion...and i'm the real Sonydigital..
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