EU+US Socketed Weapons below 120


Hello fellow twinks,

i have a lvl 111 DH and i figured out, that a socketed weapon from temple or atal should be way better than the artifact weapon below 250 ilvl, maybe even more. But i had no luck with a socket procc on a weapon yet so i asked myself, if weapons can procc a socket at low lvl?
Does anyone know this?

thanks in advance.
I'm also curious about this. I've seen other crafted items proc a socket, and daily scour the AH for blue proc rings that have sockets. I've got numerous trinkets that proc'd a socket when they dropped, but cannot remember if I've ever seen a blue weapon below 120 with a socket proc.

For that matter, can the nominal 217 weapon drops proc up to 233 or higher? I got a 222 last night that was an upgrade for my druid I'm building (245g/248b) which helped me complete my first solo Freehold run last night including all bosses (no loot 'cept for greens sadly).

Until one day, maybe, acquiring legendary upgrades for the artifact weapons from M Antorous I keep hoping I'll come along a 233 + socket but I'll put that aside if it's confirmed they don't exist.

I want to say that on other toons I got a 280 proc of what would normally be 217 but that toon was higher and perhaps this controls how high the upgrade can be?
Hello fellow twinks,

i have a lvl 111 DH and i figured out, that a socketed weapon from temple or atal should be way better than the artifact weapon below 250 ilvl, maybe even more. But i had no luck with a socket procc on a weapon yet so i asked myself, if weapons can procc a socket at low lvl?
Does anyone know this?

thanks in advance.

Yes they can proc, on mymovment speed twink i farmed for a socketed haste 2 hander and got it!
Can also confirm Dungeon Drops with socket. My 111 Shaman has Seabreeze with one. I think it's possible to get it with a socket + tertiary stat as well.
If you have the garrosh heirlooms from back in the day, they're really good. I currently use it on my speed warrior for the extra haste
which crafted items for a 111 have you seen with a socket upgrade? any upgrade really. greens can turn blue but that’s the best ive seen. i think the crafted rings have a socket already and you cant wear 2 of the same one. looted BoE greens can also have both a socket and teriyary stats but as far that ive seen those stay green.
how do you run temple of atal/sunken temple and get scaled loot?
which crafted items for a 111 have you seen with a socket upgrade? any upgrade really. greens can turn blue but that’s the best ive seen. i think the crafted rings have a socket already and you cant wear 2 of the same one. looted BoE greens can also have both a socket and teriyary stats but as far that ive seen those stay green.
how do you run temple of atal/sunken temple and get scaled loot?
he means temple of sethralis and atal'dazar
i think the crafted rings have a socket already and you cant wear 2 of the same one...

I think you're right, about the socket being nominal. However, there are multiple ring recipes that proc the same stats at the same quality. So you can, effectively, have the same ring. For instance, I have both a Kubeline Ring of the Harmonious and a Kyanite Ring of the Harmonious. Both are 233 Versa + Mastery rings, with socket, and I can equip them both since they're unique to the other.

These run anywhere from 499 to ~2K on my server so I've bought up various combinations, even duplicate stats across recipes, since one spec I might gem Mastery and the other I might gem Haste.
have you seen a combo on any crafted item where all the secondary stat points were extremely in favor of one or the other? like if a crafted ring has 158 points split between crit/haste it usually something like 90/68 or some combo but im wondering if they can be made with a more extreme split or even 158/0. glass cannon if you will.
Personally, I've seen some with a majority in favor of one, but maybe closer to a 1/3 + 2/3 split, nothing super lop sided.

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