Slow Queues as a Baby 10-11


So my 50+ damage toon queues and it's 1-2 min, then my 10 or 11 queues and it's 15-30 min. So is it me, or are the throttling us?
What spec are you que'ing as?
When I queue tank and I am not in a group it usually pops in a minute or two if not instant.
When I finish a dungeon and someone in the group re-queues even if were full 5/5 there will be a 2 or 3 minute delay.
Have for sure never ran into 15 or 30 minute queue times as a tank.
When I finish a dungeon and someone in the group re-queues even if were full 5/5 there will be a 2 or 3 minute delay.
Re-queuing with someone in group with XP off can cause a delay. Leaving and re-queuing does not do anything except waste more time.
There are articles online addressing this but no official explanation from Blizzard. Most common opinion is It is likely a stealth CD for twinks that clear dungeons too fast.
If you blast thru a TW with XPoff on a 20 you will have.......

I’m pretty sure he’s referring to doing BGs and not the endless RDF queues
If you blast thru a TW with XPoff on a 20 you will have.......



TBH I don't even mean PvP brackets or RDF,

I mean the very fabric of the game itself.

11's are by far & away one of the best farming tools F2P's have ever had.
To be able to Cuisinart through whole dungeons & clap bosses with the might of a capped toon in Legacy mode,
is unrivaled in it's usefulness; in farming loot drops or mats.

They're also ruining the game.

You're a NEW player to WoW. You zone into a TW run, cause you've heard that the leveling is swift & easy.
Your tank is a level 11 asshelmet playing whack-a-mole with the entire dungeon,
wordlessly charging ahead & destroying the place before you even see a mob pack;
skipping bosses, clapping the final boss & then leaving group having never said a single thing in chat or caring that you're there in the first place...

Following the trail of carnage, like breadcrumbs, to find your way through the twisting, body-strewn labyrinth'
you think to yourself "What in the fuck just happened? Is THIS 'it' ?!? Is THIS the GAME?!"

You wonder why people ( perhaps yourselves included ) do not know how to play their classes?
The 10's & 11's rotation is either Holy Nova or Whirlwind. That's it... that's the whole game.
You have turned WoW, in all it's graphical splendor, in all the meticulously planned encounters in all the masterfully rendered instances
-into a flash clicker-game.

These OP low level toons are AIDS. They are an insult to everyone trying to play the game the way it is intended,
& in the way that had led WoW rise to such heights of popularity in the now distant past.
I don't even know what people get out of it?! Where is the skill, the mastery, the knowledge of how any particular pull goes?
Gone... turned into a 1-button spam-fiasco. If you're even social at all, it is to declare"
" hey everyone, I'm just kill everything in one hit, so enjoy the ride." willfully ignoring everyone else in the instance.

Now.... I can already hear the outraged clack of keyboards, as you worthless fucks urgently retort in prideful defense of your un-earned superiority.

- stop -

& accept the fact that how you are playing is total bullshit, & an insult to the game & to it's players.

I am warning you now... Blizz cannot ignore this.
While Vet 20's & true F2P's have largely been cyphers for the last 16 years;
these uber-OP low-levels are going to get sufficient attention as to force them to take action.

Stop running dungeons with thee goddamn game-breaking toons NOW, before permanent measures go into action
that have repercussions that ruin the XPOFF experience for everyone.
Seems you're balling everyone up and painting them with the same brush a bit here. There's also folks like myself, Eleven and others who full clear, pause and loot with everyone else after a big pull, even help with missions and things to help reduce the timer. I have seen 80s do the whack a mole game too, if you're either end of the spectrum TW is soloable.

I do agree that it sucks following whack-a-mole style runs and it doesn't help people learn anything. I don't agree calling people playing a videogame a bunch of worthless fucks as a good way to open up the discussion. Seems like your pride or personal issues may be making you more upset then folks talking about these timers.
"Un-earned superiority"?

Last I checked, most people play games for fun, not a sense of self-worth.
It's not all on 10s/11s, they just make the problem very obvious. And its essentially a focal point for the whole problem WoW faces. It was a game built 20 years ago to be an open world MMORPG and 20 years later, the average gamer does not value or even desire an open world experience, MMO experience or even RPG experience.

This is as true at end game as it is at twinking. The difference is that end gamers tend to lie to themselves and others about it. 10s and 11s? Naw man, theyre brutally honest about what they want and what they want is low barrier to entry, trivialized content, constant reward, and minimal input. It's why they get grumpy about a 3 minute wait to port into the next dungeon. It's fucking up their "maximum levels/badges per hour" math.

And to be fair, the game as its currently designed incentivizes this kind of behavior. 10s/11s just heighten the contradictions between WoWs foundation and the current gaming environment WoW is trying to survive in.

And of course, it certainly doesnt help that so many of them are proudly antisocial
TBH I don't even mean PvP brackets or RDF,

I mean the very fabric of the game itself.

11's are by far & away one of the best farming tools F2P's have ever had.
To be able to Cuisinart through whole dungeons & clap bosses with the might of a capped toon in Legacy mode,
is unrivaled in it's usefulness; in farming loot drops or mats.

They're also ruining the game.

You're a NEW player to WoW. You zone into a TW run, cause you've heard that the leveling is swift & easy.
Your tank is a level 11 asshelmet playing whack-a-mole with the entire dungeon,
wordlessly charging ahead & destroying the place before you even see a mob pack;
skipping bosses, clapping the final boss & then leaving group having never said a single thing in chat or caring that you're there in the first place...

Following the trail of carnage, like breadcrumbs, to find your way through the twisting, body-strewn labyrinth'
you think to yourself "What in the fuck just happened? Is THIS 'it' ?!? Is THIS the GAME?!"

You wonder why people ( perhaps yourselves included ) do not know how to play their classes?
The 10's & 11's rotation is either Holy Nova or Whirlwind. That's it... that's the whole game.
You have turned WoW, in all it's graphical splendor, in all the meticulously planned encounters in all the masterfully rendered instances
-into a flash clicker-game.

These OP low level toons are AIDS. They are an insult to everyone trying to play the game the way it is intended,
& in the way that had led WoW rise to such heights of popularity in the now distant past.
I don't even know what people get out of it?! Where is the skill, the mastery, the knowledge of how any particular pull goes?
Gone... turned into a 1-button spam-fiasco. If you're even social at all, it is to declare"
" hey everyone, I'm just kill everything in one hit, so enjoy the ride." willfully ignoring everyone else in the instance.

Now.... I can already hear the outraged clack of keyboards, as you worthless fucks urgently retort in prideful defense of your un-earned superiority.

- stop -

& accept the fact that how you are playing is total bullshit, & an insult to the game & to it's players.

I am warning you now... Blizz cannot ignore this.
While Vet 20's & true F2P's have largely been cyphers for the last 16 years;
these uber-OP low-levels are going to get sufficient attention as to force them to take action.

Stop running dungeons with thee goddamn game-breaking toons NOW, before permanent measures go into action
that have repercussions that ruin the XPOFF experience for everyone.
Relax buddy, there are no new player in wow
these uber-OP low-levels are going to get sufficient attention as to force them to take action.

It's honestly quite funny, just slap Lifesteal and call it a day. I bet slapping Lifesteal on even gray weapons still does the job.
Doctors hate him for this one simple trick!
TBH I don't even mean PvP brackets or RDF,

I mean the very fabric of the game itself.

11's are by far & away one of the best farming tools F2P's have ever had.
To be able to Cuisinart through whole dungeons & clap bosses with the might of a capped toon in Legacy mode,
is unrivaled in it's usefulness; in farming loot drops or mats.

They're also ruining the game.

You're a NEW player to WoW. You zone into a TW run, cause you've heard that the leveling is swift & easy.
Your tank is a level 11 asshelmet playing whack-a-mole with the entire dungeon,
wordlessly charging ahead & destroying the place before you even see a mob pack;
skipping bosses, clapping the final boss & then leaving group having never said a single thing in chat or caring that you're there in the first place...

Following the trail of carnage, like breadcrumbs, to find your way through the twisting, body-strewn labyrinth'
you think to yourself "What in the fuck just happened? Is THIS 'it' ?!? Is THIS the GAME?!"

You wonder why people ( perhaps yourselves included ) do not know how to play their classes?
The 10's & 11's rotation is either Holy Nova or Whirlwind. That's it... that's the whole game.
You have turned WoW, in all it's graphical splendor, in all the meticulously planned encounters in all the masterfully rendered instances
-into a flash clicker-game.

These OP low level toons are AIDS. They are an insult to everyone trying to play the game the way it is intended,
& in the way that had led WoW rise to such heights of popularity in the now distant past.
I don't even know what people get out of it?! Where is the skill, the mastery, the knowledge of how any particular pull goes?
Gone... turned into a 1-button spam-fiasco. If you're even social at all, it is to declare"
" hey everyone, I'm just kill everything in one hit, so enjoy the ride." willfully ignoring everyone else in the instance.

Now.... I can already hear the outraged clack of keyboards, as you worthless fucks urgently retort in prideful defense of your un-earned superiority.

- stop -

& accept the fact that how you are playing is total bullshit, & an insult to the game & to it's players.

I am warning you now... Blizz cannot ignore this.
While Vet 20's & true F2P's have largely been cyphers for the last 16 years;
these uber-OP low-levels are going to get sufficient attention as to force them to take action.

Stop running dungeons with thee goddamn game-breaking toons NOW, before permanent measures go into action
that have repercussions that ruin the XPOFF experience for everyone.
lol k
Seems you're balling everyone up and painting them with the same brush a bit here. There's also folks like myself, Eleven and others who full clear, pause and loot with everyone else after a big pull, even help with missions and things to help reduce the timer. I have seen 80s do the whack a mole game too, if you're either end of the spectrum TW is soloable.

I do agree that it sucks following whack-a-mole style runs and it doesn't help people learn anything. I don't agree calling people playing a videogame a bunch of worthless fucks as a good way to open up the discussion. Seems like your pride or personal issues may be making you more upset then folks talking about these timers.
He and those like him are the EXACT reason twink PvP virtually doesnt exist anymore.
Now that hes broken all the windows in his house he wants to throw rocks at other people.

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