Shadowfang drops from...

but no one is selling it :(
ive seen an AB drop from the under boss the one with all the guards and looks like a human. So if that can drop from him i think a SF can to.
reessagny said:
ive seen an AB drop from the under boss the one with all the guards and looks like a human. So if that can drop from him i think a SF can to.

Pic or zilch dude. Or was that back in vanilla? Then he had the highest drop rate pre-nerf.
Ive had 5 stams within my grasp twice before and 3/3 eagles once, but cruel fate snatched them away. This has only strengthened the argument that the only wranglers that actually exist are 2/3 whale, and the rest are a conspiracy.
Kore nametooshort said:
Ive had 5 stams within my grasp twice before and 3/3 eagles once, but cruel fate snatched them away. This has only strengthened the argument that the only wranglers that actually exist are 2/3 whale, and the rest are a conspiracy.

I had perfect falcon and monkey wranglers drop for me in southern barrens while I was farming chens empty keg for my ambassador title before faction change was available. Oh and I got some perfect stam bracers earlier today for like 15s :D I was stoked. Just thought I'd take a moment to gloat got a SS too but I'd have to dig it up.
domhring said:
I had perfect falcon and monkey wranglers drop for me in southern barrens while I was farming chens empty keg for my ambassador title before faction change was available. Oh and I got some perfect stam bracers earlier today for like 15s :D I was stoked. Just thought I'd take a moment to gloat got a SS too but I'd have to dig it up.

I've had a few pair of monkey and eagle show up on the AH, no falcon or stam however :(
got shield of blocking for 5s 3/3 eagle bracers for 15s and the TCS my hunters using for 1.5g all in the same day lol

Ok i xfered so heres my stuff.

Ok, Bag 1 has some wrangles perfect 3/3 monkey, eagle, stam,falcon

A 2/2 eagle+9stam for a cc mage if anyone on my new serv wants.

3/3 eagle mail for some hpal+15sp.

Bag 2, 5 darkweaves

2 5/5 mail eagle and rest are 5/5 w/e

bag 3,

3 sentry's 2 treebarks, 3/3 eagle, 3/3 tiger rings. kellers gridle. 4 skullbreakers

a deviate and something else.

bag 4, 2 perfect shields of blocking. 2 razors edge, 2/2 eagle axe, prospectors axe, evo blade, Staff of blessed seer, staff of friar, 3 redbeards, forest buckler, and a ironpatch blade.

bag 5 enchanting matts/chants.

bag 6, pots.

main bank slot is just rumsy and ya. I got 296g. 4 from cap so im good.

In my main bags i got some perfect 9/9 monkey/tiger 29 hats.

Rest is just offsets/rumsy/comsumables.

Got all of this in about a week period.

i got a assasins blade on warriors bank, got some other stuff im still throwing around.
nobody said:
Ok, Bag 1 has some wrangles perfect 3/3 monkey, eagle, stam,falcon

Bag 2, 5 darkweaves

bag 3,

2 treebarks, 3/3 eagle, 3/3 tiger rings

not even jealous. but those are nice.
jailbot said:
orcgasm you are a good luck charm.. if i come back will you come with me as i farm it :O

Yes. I will. Me and my friend are extremely lucky with rare drops. 1 run for DMH, farmed world drops and got 5 in under 30 minutes.
Rumors say it still drops off of ALL MOBS.
Orcgasm said:
Yes. I will. Me and my friend are extremely lucky with rare drops. 1 run for DMH, farmed world drops and got 5 in under 30 minutes.

Try to get him to come too :O


I ran SFK about 464 times or so (rough estimate on a note pad doc in my desktop...) and I never seen shadowfang or assassin's blade drop... btw all those runs were only when i was "farming it" on my main. that doesn't include the hundereds of alt runs

EDIT: PS on private servers Shadowfang drops off anything in sfk.. but that could easily be modded loot tables don't take this as valid information with out farther studying of the server. (NAXP GAMING>INSTANT 80 level 100 cap)

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