10-19 Rogue Academy: Dealing with Mage AoE


Thought this might be a cool idea for a rogue-centric guide series. The format is pretty simple - I bring up a situation that rogues encounter frequently, and we talk about how to deal with it optimally. Though I'm writing the series, I want it to be more of a discussion. This means any concept is open to criticism or additional info, particularly from other established rogue mains.

So let's get into it: Dealing with Mage AoE!

All three mage specs are effective against rogues, but two in particular are especially threatening: Frost and Arcane. Even at level 19, there's a significant amount of complexity that comes into play when dealing with mages. For now, we'll talk about dealing with their AoE.

Frost and Arcane mages in particular can spam AoE abilities, and although the meta has recently shifted to favor Fire/Arcane mages, we still need to be aware of Frost's tools. Fire doesn't really bring anything into the mix other than baseline mage abilities that concern stealthies.

Let's go over threatening AoE abilities, and the abilities that compliment them:

Blizzard (Frost): Has a cast time, channeled spell, large range, targeted area, slows

Arcane Explosion (Arcane): Instant, covers area surrounding mage, no slow, highly spammable

Frost Nova (All Specs): Instant, roots in place, larger radius than Sap**

Blink (All Specs): Instant teleport, syncs well with Frost Nova and Arcane Explosion (more on this later), decently long CD

Arcane Torrent (Blood Elf Racial):
Instant, silences (irrelevant), breaks stealth, smaller radius than other abilities but still a threat

All characters (Trinket): Obvious, will explain more in a bit.

These are the biggest abilities to worry about pertaining to mages trying to get you out of stealth. While Blizzard, AE, Nova and Torrent are the only abilities that can physically remove you from stealth without targeting you, Blink and Trinket make them much stronger in some situations.

Let's go down the list of mage abilities and how to play around them:

Playing around Frost AoE: Blizzard

If a frost mage is aware that the rogue may be lurking in their general area, it is likely they will begin to start casting Blizzard frequently. Blizzard is dangerous because even though it has a cast time, its location cannot be known until it is cast. It essentially creates an invisible landmine when the cast starts, and at the end of the cast, you may or may not 'step on it' depending on where the spell lands. It also has range, which means the mage can safely cast it far away from you.

A good mage will have a general idea of where a rogue should be depending on the situation, and when they'll be there. Additionally, if the rogue repeats the same pattern of movement, a good mage will also pick up that pattern and punish it. Getting hit by blizzard is very bad because it also has a built-in slow, so it is easy to follow up and punish the rogue. Furthermore, getting caught out in any situation can ruin a crucial play and set your team behind.

As rogue, you have to be intelligent with your movement. Think about where the mage wants you to be, and then don't be there. This can be tricky, because sometimes the place you need to be is also where the mage knows you'll be. In that instance, it comes down to each step - being in the right place, but stepping through it carefully and creatively. However, if you're just generally moving through a broad area to get into position for something, you have more freedom to stall your movement, or take an unexpected path.

These scenarios can be even harder if the mage has recently seen you get a restealth, because their blizzard guess will be far less random. You've gone from being potentially anywhere on the map to a far more specific area.

In this moment, you have to get into the 'mental chess' aspect of playing a stealth class.

1. The mage saw you get restealth
2. The mage will assume your intended goal/objective in that moment
3. The mage will reposition, and an AoE ability will be cast in an area and at a time that is most likely to obstruct your goal and get you out of stealth

Mental chess means identifying this process at step one, rather than reacting to it at step 3. It means reading the situation and formulating an advantage in your mind before the enemy player even makes a move.

But even if you realize the situation at hand, you need to know how to execute around it optimally.

Some examples (varies with situation):

• Completely change your direction after getting restealth to contradict the direction the mage saw you traveling beforehand
• Stall/stutter your movement after stealthing
• Take an odd path that skirts around the AoE threat without wasting too much time
• Pursue another objective of equal advantage to your team (if possible) that is away from the area the mage believes you will be (this is very situational)
• Etc.

Keep in mind that steps are a highly valuable resource on rogue, since you have no movement tools. Always use them wisely, and if standing still or taking an alternate will make a 1 yard range difference for landing a necessary Cheap Shot or Sap, then don't do it.

Playing around Arcane AoE: Arcane Explosion

Arcane Explosion is a very, very scary ability to deal with as rogue. The reason for this is that it's an instant cast, and it spawns out of the mage's body, so they can simply run around and spam it. Furthermore, when combined with Blink, the mage's effective AoE threat zone is massive. If they aren't having any luck catching you, they can simply blink to where they think you are and almost instantly pop you out.

However, if played correctly, you can make it much harder to an arcane mage to abuse Arcane Explosion and catch you out - but it's going to require some good timing, awareness, and patience.

The best friend of the rogue vs. arcane mage is the global cooldown, and your second best friend is the mage's required positioning to catch you. Each GCD is a small window of time for you to get a sap on the mage or your intended nearby target.

As rogue, you'll have to do some fancy and carefully-timed footwork to get in position in between explosions. Even if the explosion isn't hitting you, it's controlling your positioning (zoning), which is still a very effective tool in limiting a rogue's movement. If you're too greedy, you'll get punished. Be patient, be cautious, and the time will come for you to make your move.

If needed, you can sap the mage if they're protecting your objective, and then immediately swap CC to your intended target.

If the mage either knows or guesses that you're ahead of them in stealth, they will very likely use blink to gain position and then arcane explosion again. Once again, the GCD is on your side. All you have to do as rogue is target the mage, jump/turn or strafe, and spam sap. The instant they blink into range, they will be on GCD, but your sap won't. They'll instantly eat CC for getting too close to you, and you'll be free to continue on your way.

...Unless the mage has trinket, but we'll get into that more later.

Playing around General Mage AoE: Frost Nova

Frost Nova is arguably the most threatening spell a mage can cast vs. a rogue. It's an instant AoE ability that will root you in place on a reasonably long cooldown. However, the reason why it's so dangerous is that it has a 12 yard radius.

This is significant because sap only has a 10 yard radius, so even if you sap a mage, they can immediately Trinket/Nova, which has a very high chance of rooting you out of stealth unless you position perfectly. Mages will usually go for this due to its effectiveness, but it only works if the player has very fast reaction time.

While it's generally hard to deal with this combo, it can be played around - and furthermore, the reward for playing around it is huge. If the mage misses their combo, they have blown two extremely valuable cooldowns for nothing.

So, here's what you can do:

1. Get comfortable sapping at absolute max range while moving.

There's a 10 yard radius around any target you want to sap, so get used to skirting along the very edge of that radius, getting your sap off, and immediately peeling away from the invisible circle. This technique will require some practice, but if done correctly, the time it takes for the mage to react and trinket will barely warrant you enough time to travel >2 yards away and out of Frost Nova's range. NEVER, EVER stand still after sapping a mage that has trinket. You will get Nova'd out if they pop it.

If you get good at this, it's actually an excellent way to punish mages, as they will often reflexively Trink/Nova combo to try and catch out a rogue. Abuse this habit to your advantage, but only if you're confident you can pull it off.

2. Don't sap the mage if you don't have to.

Pretty straightforward. If you see a mage out of combat, or otherwise feel compelled to sap a mage, keep in mind that you're taking a huge gamble if their trinket is up. Sometimes it's simply better to not sap a mage and go for an alternative objective, unless the mage has extremely high priority in that moment. Even then, this will be situational.


If a mage Blink/Novas on top of you, you're probably in trouble unless you happen to be at max range to sap AFTER they blink, which is really unlikely. Even if you get the sap off, they can immediately do their Trink/Nova combo unless you're at that magic distance and already moving in an optimal direction along the edge of that radius. Arcane mages can also follow up with this if you sap them out of Blink/Arcane Explosion, and Blood Elf mages can do the same with Torrent. There's not a whole lot to discuss about Torrent beyond that, it's just an extra stealth-popper with a decent range and a long-ish CD.

All I can say about this scenario is that try to play around the possibility that a mage with all their CD's up and an educated guess about where you are is pretty likely to get you out of stealth if they're determined and have the skill to pull it off. The best counter to this, or really ANY threat you'll deal with as a rogue is to keep a close check on what the threat currently can and cannot do, and find a way to adjust your play accordingly while still pursuing your objective.

That's all for now, may go back in and edit this at some point. Hope you guys find this helpful...I know it's a lot to read! As stated before, any additional knowledge/feedback is welcome.

I'll see about adding more to this series over time.


- Neebs
Great post! Fantastic idea to bring up and discuss challenging situations to maximize effectiveness. Keeping max range to sap can be tricky to navigate, especially if your intended target takes an unexpected path in the opposite direction of your sap. This can be highly punishing if your target is able to enter combat before/if you can even catch up.

Something to keep in mind about the blink+nova combo is that it takes away the majority of the mages toolkit to distance himself from you. It depends on the situation obviously, but I see a lot of rogues attempt to run away from a mage after this has happened. This often times is the worst thing you can do, as you have just played into his trap of endless control/CC (for frost) and will likely result in quick death or a major setback for your intended objective.

In the event of being broken out, it can be worth while to put pressure on the mage, forcing him to put himself in bad position or requiring focus from his healer.

There are some situations that I don’t have a great answer for, especially if your offense includes feral/rogue and your objective is on roof. With a frost mage keeping blizzard on the entrance to the roof, it can be difficult to navigate around. The best option is to just time your path to be where the expected blizzard is to be during his cast. It’s obviously easier said than done, but taking an indirect path, say, to the immediate left/right of roof access and pausing for the mages second cast can work.
Great post! Fantastic idea to bring up and discuss challenging situations to maximize effectiveness. Keeping max range to sap can be tricky to navigate, especially if your intended target takes an unexpected path in the opposite direction of your sap. This can be highly punishing if your target is able to enter combat before/if you can even catch up.

Something to keep in mind about the blink+nova combo is that it takes away the majority of the mages toolkit to distance himself from you. It depends on the situation obviously, but I see a lot of rogues attempt to run away from a mage after this has happened. This often times is the worst thing you can do, as you have just played into his trap of endless control/CC (for frost) and will likely result in quick death or a major setback for your intended objective.

In the event of being broken out, it can be worth while to put pressure on the mage, forcing him to put himself in bad position or requiring focus from his healer.

There are some situations that I don’t have a great answer for, especially if your offense includes feral/rogue and your objective is on roof. With a frost mage keeping blizzard on the entrance to the roof, it can be difficult to navigate around. The best option is to just time your path to be where the expected blizzard is to be during his cast. It’s obviously easier said than done, but taking an indirect path, say, to the immediate left/right of roof access and pausing for the mages second cast can work.
Nice addition Tonkks! I totally agree that pressuring the mage there can be a good move, since your chances of getting away are pretty garbage unless there's something you can use to LoS.

Regarding the roof situation, some careful timing could get you through the mage's entrance AoE...but obviously there will be hunters and likely a Feral on defense trying to get you out as well, so it will be close to impossible to get up there on your own.

I mostly think it's just one of those things where the rogue has to have already reached roof preemptively, or you lurk second while your team attempts to force the EFC to drop. I guess alternatively, you can wait for your team to make a push and then advance up to roof when the entrance-spammers are distracted, but this is a huge gamble because if the EFC rotates off of roof, you're SoL for getting a sap.

Also to add to this, a smart EFC will usually send a mage down to second spam knowing that the rogue will probably be in the area. Playing back a considerable distance can counter this, or a quick reflexive sap if the mage doesn't have trinket, and then a cc swap onto the EFC.
Odd, it didn't used to in arena either (since some point in Legion), and when people complained about it, Blizzard said it was working as intended. Maybe it works in BG's again as well then?
Nah it doesn't in bgs idk why it works in arenas, if u watch yowzas vods if they're there, you'll see it
If it really is common for mages to trinket sap (lol) I feel like rogues in your bracket should just get into the habit of spamming resap after every sap, if they aren't already. For those who don't know you can just keep spamming your sap button and you'll 'automatically' resap a potential trinket instantly.
If it really is common for mages to trinket sap (lol) I feel like rogues in your bracket should just get into the habit of spamming resap after every sap, if they aren't already. For those who don't know you can just keep spamming your sap button and you'll 'automatically' resap a potential trinket instantly.

Yeah, that's a good point. It's not SO common that it's guaranteed, although this could be a good punish for a hard read. The only thing is that you're taking a bit of a gamble if your latency isn't super great, some players have historically gotten screwed out of outplays this way.

Still a good counter-measure to consider in the given situation.
If it really is common for mages to trinket sap (lol) I feel like rogues in your bracket should just get into the habit of spamming resap after every sap, if they aren't already. For those who don't know you can just keep spamming your sap button and you'll 'automatically' resap a potential trinket instantly.

Better to wait to resap when you see the trinket animation because you are potentially wasting DRs. You sap 7 sec, then 3 sec, then he trinkets, you can only get a 1 sec resap and then have to cs which mages can blink, or can try to get away within the 1 sec DR gap to not get found out of stealth. So, generally just sap once and then just be quick to react to trinket imo. Reading can work, but if you misread the trinket then you are just DRing yourself, which isn’t helpful to your team when you are supposed to be a control roll and are DRing your own saps for possible reads instead of using reactions to use your toolkit to the best of its ability.
Better to wait to resap when you see the trinket animation because you are potentially wasting DRs. You sap 7 sec, then 3 sec, then he trinkets
That's not how it works. If you spam your sap button on a target sitting a full sap, the game won't let you re-sap until the sap reaches 4 seconds in duration OR until they trinket. The game basically keeps your global open for you and lets you re-sap instantly.
You don't lose anything by spam re-sapping unless you need to be somewhere else.

The only thing is that you're taking a bit of a gamble if your latency isn't super great, some players have historically gotten screwed out of outplays this way.
I feel like you'd need extremely shitty latency for this to be a factor, if you're spamming your sap button hard enough. If you're able to spam at a really high frequency it basically cannot fail.
I did some tests just now against a mage using a trinket+frost nova macro (something that most mages in real situations won't use) to eliminate the human delay between pressing the 2 buttons, and the game still seems to favor the rogue and lets him sap before frost nova. We also swapped classes to make sure it wasn't a latency thing. Rogue got re-sap off before frost nova every time.
That's not how it works. If you spam your sap button on a target sitting a full sap, the game won't let you re-sap until the sap reaches 4 seconds in duration OR until they trinket.

That’s not what I meant. I was trying to say that spam sapping isn’t the best idea, since you are wasting your 7 sec sap for a DR’d sap, when you don’t have to read that they will or will not trinket, since you can react to their trinket with resap. I was trying to emphasize the importance of not spam sapping, since you are just banking on the player being reactionary in a certain window of time, when that’s just a really unncessarily hard read that will be punished by players who don’t trinket sap on reaction. So, just react to their trinket and sap. One sap, not saying to spam sap.
That’s not what I meant. I was trying to say that spam sapping isn’t the best idea, since you are wasting your 7 sec sap for a DR’d sap, when you don’t have to read that they will or will not trinket, since you can react to their trinket with resap. I was trying to emphasize the importance of not spam sapping, since you are just banking on the player being reactionary in a certain window of time, when that’s just a really unncessarily hard read that will be punished by players who don’t reaction trinket sap. So, just react to their trinket and sap. One sap, not saying to spam sap.

Option 1 -> Sap mage (full sap). Wait for trinket animation. Mage trinkets and resap (DR sap), but chance to not sap in tame due to lag/reaction time. Or mage doesn't trinket and you're safe from trinket+nova combo.

Option 2 -> Sap mage (full sap). Spam sap for a few seconds (stop before 4 sec left). Mage trinkets and resap (DR sap), very low chance to not sap. Or mage doesn't trinket and you're safe from trinket+nova combo.

Assuming it indeed works as Dreams said (I haven't played in a while so I don't really know) - why is it important to not spam sap?
That’s not what I meant. I was trying to say that spam sapping isn’t the best idea, since you are wasting your 7 sec sap for a DR’d sap, when you don’t have to read that they will or will not trinket, since you can react to their trinket with resap. I was trying to emphasize the importance of not spam sapping, since you are just banking on the player being reactionary in a certain window of time, when that’s just a really unncessarily hard read that will be punished by players who don’t trinket sap on reaction. So, just react to their trinket and sap. One sap, not saying to spam sap.
I feel like you didn't get what I was saying and that you're still under the impression that spamming your sap button on someone sitting a sap will somehow DR it. It won't. You cannot sap someone who is already sapped unless your new (DR'd) sap will extend the duration ie when the remaining duration is 3.99 or lower.
You don't have to "read" anything. You simply spam your sap button and IF the person trinkets they will instantly get re-sapped. Nothing happens if they don't trinket. You don't DR your sap. I don't know how to put this more clearly. I apologize if you already understand this and you're trying to make some other point that I'm not seeing.

Since pvp trinket is off the gcd, you can trinket->nova in one global. That means you can pick a random time after being sapped and then instantly trinket+nova and the rogue won't have time to react (human reaction time is about 200-300ms). The only way "waiting for the trinket animation" and then pressing sap would work, is if the mage for some reason takes a significant amount of time between pressing trinket and nova.
Option 1 -> Sap mage (full sap). Wait for trinket animation. Mage trinkets and resap (DR sap), but chance to not sap in tame due to lag/reaction time. Or mage doesn't trinket and you're safe from trinket+nova combo.

Option 2 -> Sap mage (full sap). Spam sap for a few seconds (stop before 4 sec left). Mage trinkets and resap (DR sap), very low chance to not sap. Or mage doesn't trinket and you're safe from trinket+nova combo.

Assuming it indeed works as Dreams said (I haven't played in a while so I don't really know) - why is it important to not spam sap?

Option 1 is what I said was the proper one. If you spam sap, then you are losing your initial 7 second sap because you DR’d your first sap. So even if they wouldn’t have trinketted, your sap wouldn’t last the potential 7 plus 4 plus 1 seconds or however long each DR lasts, let’s say approximately 12 seconds with 3 full resaps. If you sap, for 7 second, resap thinking they will trinket the first one, then your first 7 second sap is reduced to 4 seconds or however long the second DR is, which means your cc is noticeably shorter, which is your target as a rogue. Ccing targets effectively while also peeling, kicking at appropriate timings, depending on fake casts and shit, and peeling/slowing with cs, sap and pistol shot. Since sap is a huge toolkit for rogues, you don’t want to DR your sap just because they might trinket, cuz if they don’t you just lose so much time with your full sap (from 7 sec to 4) just because you tried to read instead of react. And inb4 ppl say your computer isn’t good enough to react. I have like 8 FPS each BG, but can react to enemy trinkets so idk. Just don’t DR your sap for no reason imo
I feel like you didn't get what I was saying and that you're still under the impression that spamming your sap button on someone sitting a sap will somehow DR it. It won't. You cannot sap someone who is already sapped unless your new (DR'd) sap will extend the duration ie when the remaining duration is 3.99 or lower.
You don't have to "read" anything. You simply spam your sap button and IF the person trinkets they will instantly get re-sapped. Nothing happens if they don't trinket. You don't DR your sap. I don't know how to put this more clearly. I apologize if you already understand this and you're trying to make some other point that I'm not seeing.

Since pvp trinket is off the gcd, you can trinket->nova in one global. That means you can pick a random time after being sapped and then instantly trinket+nova and the rogue won't have time to react (human reaction time is about 200-300ms). The only way "waiting for the trinket animation" and then pressing sap would work, is if the mage for some reason takes a significant amount of time between pressing trinket and nova.

Thought it refreshes it, but might be wrong I guess.

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