Returning Twinker from Burning Crusade


Hello everyone,

I apologize if I'm posting in an incorrect location. Anyways, I received an email mentioning a $7000 Twink Cup and the revival of twinking in World of Warcraft; this definitely got me interested.

Back in the day, I used to play with a guild called Northern Chaos, Alliance, on Arathor. Twinking was life. Since then, I've played on and off, transferred realms a few times, and within the last 2 years, I made my final migration to Bleeding Hollow, hub of the twinks.

It has been almost 8 months since I played last, but after the email, I reactivated my account, hoping to return to the twinking community that once was popular and full of life.

To get to the point, I've returned to WoW, I love twinking, I'm on Bleeding Hollow Horde, I have around 40k gold, plenty of BoE items, a level 100 Hunter, a 19 holy paladin, 24 elemental shaman, and a few other characters (last I played, my 19 paladin was almost BIS).

I would like to join a guild based around twinking and low level PvP, however, I'm not sure I truly understand who is recruiting right now and the status of twinking. I've read a lot but I'm still slightly unclear.

I have a fair amount to offer: some gold, a few characters, and most of all, experience. Please reply to this thread with anything that might be helpful. I'm looking for a guild and a community to return to. Thank you for taking the time to read this! I look forward to returning once again.

Best Regards & Thanks,

19 Holy Paladin
Bleeding Hollow (H)
Welcome back! PuGs usually pop starting at around 6pm realm (eastern) time and go late into the night most nights. Right now the most active guilds on Alliance BH are Give Me Your Energy [MENTION=656]Stunnashadez[/MENTION] and ugly girls get tap water. Horde have a bunch too but these are the two most welcoming. There is also the NWL (Nineteens Wargaming League) going on right now that you can check out at
Thank you for the information; I actually play Horde! What would you suggest as far as Horde guilds?
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Hey mate! Welcome back. The answer to your question is based on what you're lookin for in the guild! If you desire a highly competitive atmosphere, you can apply to join WFS or Skill Ratio. If you're looking to play casually and just want some friends to kick it with, Laughing Skull FTW is your best choice. If you're looking for the latter, hit me up and I'll get your characters invited to LS FTW. Cheers :)
Hey mate! Welcome back. The answer to your question is based on what you're lookin for in the guild! If you desire a highly competitive atmosphere, you can apply to join WFS or Skill Ratio. If you're looking to play casually and just want some friends to kick it with, Laughing Skull FTW is your best choice. If you're looking for the latter, hit me up and I'll get your characters invited to LS FTW. Cheers :)

I actually just joined LF FTW! Feel free to add my battletag; its in my first post!

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