Question: Can you see buffs on players of the other faction?


I am curious, I know mages have a "Detect Magic" spell that shows the beneficial buffs a target has.

Does this apply just to PVE or to PVP as well? Will other players not be able to see my buffs in battlegrounds unless someone casts Detect Magic on me?

I am aware you don't have to be able to see a buff to try to dispel it.

TOP Comment:

Domo in MC for his priests or whatever - it lets you know when to attack and when not to - as they have that buff that it has a 50% chance of reflecting the spell back at you. Does for melee too I think so it helps them. And yes other friendlies can see the results of DM just not enemies - though they can see the DM debuff on them and attempt to remove it if possible.

The whole "I'll DM this one to mark what I'm going to poly" helps but only if you double tag (as in another mage {if you have two or more} tags DM on that target and it gets TWO DM debuffs - so you poly the one with 2 and the other mage poly the one with, .... well 1 DM debuff :)

Comes in handy it does - with a Mage/Priest or Mage/Shaman combo you could rip through just about any magical class (such as a priest that likes to sheild, pally that likes to use seals and aura's or a druid with HoT)

And no this thing has no effect against Rogues stealth - however it will show if anyone has buffed them! Same with other non magical classes ie Hunter/Warrior.

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