

give que achievment blizzard !

atm i'm # 3579 on twisting nether...have to wait 288min. for a log in :D

who can beat this?
i was in!!!! for 1min. got dc, log again and #5461 :D
Estimated time: 864 min. ololol i'm out for tday

Give them some credit. Its their first addon and it wont happen again, theyll learn...

Oh no wait that was me 8 years ago...nevermind
it' was to nice to be true :(
no lag's, 1h earlyer the servers was on, now we got server restart and? YES!
Estimated Time - 489 min.
got so mutch fun tday in 2s...

FCK YA BLIZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ptr works fine 2-4 min bg q's btw.

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