Proffesions, HMMMMM?

Hello, im Dramaz.

I dont know wether to pick Skinning + Herb, or Herb + Mining, as a Shaman.

Any suggenstions?
Skinning + Herb.

Extra Crit and HoT > 70more hps and HoT
Definetly skinning and herb would be the two proffesions that you should choose.
Engineering is a 1.66 (Repeating of course) DPS increase per victim, assuming you aren't interrupted while casting and you also lose the DPS you would have done during it's cast time.

Are bombs on the GCD? Because if not then Engineering would prolly be a viable source of DPS 1v1.
why are people always considering crits to be higher then hp ?

it really all depends on what you are doing, which is what you seem to be missing in your post.

minning is for flag carrying or survival to begin with.

crit is for DPS increase only or healing if you need the feel of it.

so it all depends on what you are doing !
ArthurianKnight said:
why are people always considering crits to be higher then hp ?

it really all depends on what you are doing, which is what you seem to be missing in your post.

minning is for flag carrying or survival to begin with.

crit is for DPS increase only or healing if you need the feel of it.

so it all depends on what you are doing !

well he said he was a shaman. Shamans aren't the most viable FC's, and crit heals and shocks are nice :S. The HoT is a must for any class
Omgimarogue said:
well he said he was a shaman. Shamans aren't the most viable FC's, and crit heals and shocks are nice :S. The HoT is a must for any class

Lol? shamans aren't the most viable FC's?

How so? ever since the implementation of the Ghost Wolf ( Which as a shaman I disagree with) a Stam shaman has become one of the MOST viable FC's lol.
Restoshaman said:
Lol? shamans aren't the most viable FC's?

How so? ever since the implementation of the Ghost Wolf ( Which as a shaman I disagree with) a Stam shaman has become one of the MOST viable FC's lol.

Well there's always the fact that Ghost Wolf is completely useless in premades since it's dispellable.


so-called Mr. Bad Lifeblood-Crutching Troll who actually is none of those, as I don't even have Lifeblood.
Lol, IAT i really dont want to not like you.

I actually respect the level of depth you go into with your number crunching and what not, its quite good.

I just dont like it when you flame on a LOT of topics, I simply got mad and called you a bad because the second I posted my post, You quoted the whole thing insinuating I know nothing about 19s with quotes like " welcome to twinking" and stuff.

I understand however now, that you dont agree with my viewpoint and am ok with that.
Restoshaman said:
Lol, IAT i really dont want to not like you.

I actually respect the level of depth you go into with your number crunching and what not, its quite good.

I just dont like it when you flame on a LOT of topics, I simply got mad and called you a bad because the second I posted my post, You quoted the whole thing insinuating I know nothing about 19s with quotes like " welcome to twinking" and stuff.

I understand however now, that you dont agree with my viewpoint and am ok with that.

I wasn't implying that you know nothing, but the fact that the point that Librams, Leg Armors, etc must be back/is OP/was not OP/whateverelseyoucanthinkof is repeatedly pushed back into the realm of thought is annoying because there's absolutely nothing to discuss, it's like beating a dead horse. And there has never been stability. People LOVED Pre-BC twinking, where Mages weren't good, and there are those who loved BC. The fact still remains that the hunter class was, and will remain OP, so even while discussing balance in Leg Armors, Librams, and Fishing Boots, those Troll hunters will always be standing. Right. There. And then he will whisper you...

"and there's nothing you can do about it."

tl;dr You cannot discuss balance as long as the hunter class exists at 19, because it will always be imba.
True, I get what you are saying.

I think that perhaps I shouldnt have used the example of the hunter vs mage, because obviously even with patches, unless the mage played extremeley well ( And I do know mages who can beat hunter 1 v 1 ) the hunter would usually win anyway.

Sorry for bringing up a topic that gets under your skin, It was just something that I thought of.

Anyway, what Im trying to say is I have read all the posts you made on my thread and I can definitely see where you are coming from.

No hard feelings

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