Price Check #2

Price check on the following :)

[item]Legguards of the Vault[/item]

[item]Robe of the Magi[/item]

[item]Necklace of Calisea[/item]

[item]Taran Icebreaker[/item]

Hammer of Northern Wind :)

[item]Precisely Calibrated Boomstick[/item]
Twinkytoes said:
Price check on the following :)

Here's what they go for on my server:

[item]Legguards of the Vault[/item] 1000g

[item]Robe of the Magi[/item] 500g

[item]Necklace of Calisea[/item] 100g

[item]Taran Icebreaker[/item] 250g

[item]Hammer of Northern Wind[/item] 250g

Item code is broken ^^

[item]Precisely Calibrated Boomstick[/item] 300g

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