Paladin healer, holy or prot?


Hi there, no idea if someone ever tried this out, but what if you would heal as prot spec in holy gear? There's quite a few advantages and of course disadvantages.

advantage: 15% more hp, shield on 15 sec cd for offensive or defensive purpose, 12% healing increase on yourself and 6% healing overall, 30% on WoG not to consume HP (which is rather irrelevant because of WoG cd, but you wouldn't have to waste globals for stacking HP via crusader) and -10 sec cd on stun, not to forget the 8% spell hit, 30% manaregen over 10 sec via judgement

disadvantage: no holy shock, WoG 20 sec cd.

I could imagine myself just spamming flash of light, (hardest "hitting" heal) without going oom because of judgement. Of course there would be situations where I'd miss that extra instant heal.

Any thoughts?
Hmm never really thought of that. I guess prot would give more utility, would be more mana efficient, extra stamina, and a pretty good nuke in avengers shield. I agree that most holy paladins just go around spamming flash of light so it could work. However I think the holy abilities tip the balance too much in favor holy when you are on the move holy shock is just too good, every 4 seconds it heals for about 180-200. Within 8 seconds you have easily covered the extra HP (15%) that the prot tree grants. Protector of the innocent even with the recent nerfs is still one of the best passive abilities in the bracket.

With all of the prot paladins out there today it would be helpful if some of them would at least have a holy set in their bag for support situations. I'm guessing that a prot paladin wearing holy gear could be decent if you want to off heal but not as a primary healing spec. Get yourself some mail eagle gear.
I used to play Protheal for quite a while and it was great. AS is simply amazing to avoid CC effects like fear or polymorph and 3 silenced healer/CC classes when they stand to close to each other can really help your O team to score a kill. Another advantage you forgot to mention is Touched by the Light which grants you another 25-30 spellpower. Judgement of the wise does not make able to just spam flash of light but you are close to it.

When you got 2 rogues/shamans on you and Hand of Protection isn't ready, you are pretty much screwed though.

I've seen paladins do this i think it's really smart more stamina and the talent points that lets you have a higher chance that your word of glory will not consume any holypower that can come in handy. But with the healing abilits you get more from your healz and good haste...And with holyshock that's 2 instant healz when you combine em with word of glory. but with 4.2 on the way and the increase mana cost on healing abilits that can make some trouble with the healing paladin....

This is my opinion..sorry if it don't make any Sense.
ipodz said:
the talent points that lets you have a higher chance that your word of glory will not consume any holypower that can come in handy.

The talent ur talking about has become useless for anything since the latest patch.

My opinion about prot healers is that they are very cool as Mid/D/O healers but they cannot take much pressure unless ur rly good at faking ur casts but thats not always enough, its true also that prot healer paladins mana lasts twice or even three times longer than holy paladins mana.

While holy paladins can pretty much stand alone and survive multiple rogues, prot paladin healers cant take too much pressure without instant heals.
Hotage said:
Hi there, no idea if someone ever tried this out, but what if you would heal as prot spec in holy gear? There's quite a few advantages and of course disadvantages.

advantage: 15% more hp, shield on 15 sec cd for offensive or defensive purpose, 12% healing increase on yourself and 6% healing overall, 30% on WoG not to consume HP (which is rather irrelevant because of WoG cd, but you wouldn't have to waste globals for stacking HP via crusader) and -10 sec cd on stun, not to forget the 8% spell hit, 30% manaregen over 10 sec via judgement

disadvantage: no holy shock, WoG 20 sec cd.

I could imagine myself just spamming flash of light, (hardest "hitting" heal) without going oom because of judgement. Of course there would be situations where I'd miss that extra instant heal.

Any thoughts?

Just goes to show how OP pallies are...
Holy, don't know why you would even debate this.
If you're going O, randomly on a Paladin, but you want to Heal; then go Prot.

But you'd be a better asset to your team just being Prot DPS.

Healing on D, with 98217389179 rogues on every team, there's no point being Prot.
Pizza said:
Holy, don't know why you would even debate this.

you are right. However, civilized debates are often called dicussions of another persons point of view. It is an interesting point about the mana regen that prot provides. Over a long period of time 5-10 minutes of healing Prot might actually come out on top. However prot will never be able to provide the burst healing that is required for PVP.
Just try both specs and see what you like the best , i tryed Ret holy at some point just to see how it worked out , 30 yard range judge ment dident seem bad at all + the regen and free minor speed .

In the end its down to what play style you like or play as .
holy, main reason being:

less FoL's needed = less chance of being interrupted = less dying from being interrupted. this is not a discussion topic i believe, if you truly want to be max efficiency FC however, go prot. but odds are, the less dmg taken by prot DOES NOT outweigh the CD on WoG, and PotI..
i healed as prot spec on Jøan for a little bit. had 2.2k hp but heals were a little screwy so i went back to holy. if you wanna heal, holy is where its at.

End thread.
Pizza's opinion shouldnt even matter. Hes so narrow minded all he knows is what he thinks he knows, which isnt much tbh.

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