New Video (Rogue/dics)

Bad quality, didn't watch it. It's disc rogue so i probably didn't miss anything.
vapriest, no offense but ur shit, in a 5minute game ur fearing once at most, u dont even have any idea what ur doing, standing at a pillar the entire game as a priest, your partners cyanerd and yow even asked me to level up a new priest on frostwhisper to play with them because you are so shit.
ok sparkly :D think what you want but it doesn't really excuse the fact you've been farmed by me whenever we've met you and played properly :) i get the feeling you're the priest in the video i guess hehe, i see why you got farmed down by shelbyz now after watching how you played with dj account sharing on feannor's rogue :)

Yeah i'm not that sick, and i'll openly admit that, i spot mistakes in my game all the time, wasting globals or what not but no need to pull bullshit out of your ass. I think there's a clear reason why you're mad though, but it's quite interesting, that without knowing it was you on that priest, i could see how horrible you truly are :) kinda dispels the myth that people hate just because of the name, like you appear to be doing to me, perhaps you'd like to try and attempt some sort of pathetic response to this to allow me to sit you down again.

If you want to deny the fact that you've been farmed whenever we've met then ok, i mean when me and yow told cyanerd that we farmed you and cyber 6-2 in 2s in the race to 2600, he was like "rofl no sparkly said it was 2-2" he also told me how about how desperate you were to beat me and yow when you wargamed us, then again it wasn't hard to tell as we were all in that one skype call listening to you tryhard your ass off against us whilst we were just derping around. Voice communication + tazik + undead advantage pretty nice, as were your disarms and silences as shadow ..... oh wait. Tryharding seems to be a pretty common thing whenever i've met you, take AB the other day for example, you were following cyber around, which is fair enough, but focus dispelling me gave me a darn good laugh, good thing you couldn't kill me with dem tazics though.

Not sure where you pulled that 1 fear out your ass bytheway, maybe against you and cyber, but we don't need fear to score kills, so why give up my position, the reason why we don't and you do, is the fact that you have no idea what to do as a priest ^^^^^

Looking forward to your response buddy.

Oh PS: Here's a quick meme yow made after we pissed ourselves at how crap a shadow priest you were that night.

Oh and another, hope you like it:
wooow big wall need to go make more popcorn, will read after!

edit: read it and had a blast, keep'em coming!! :cool:
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ok sparkly :D think what you want but it doesn't really excuse the fact you've been farmed by me whenever we've met you and played properly :)

So what your saying is you never played properly in your life? Ur on the right track, u played like shit everytime I saw you play, never calling out ur cc, dispels, heals, or anything at all, the funny thing is you have never even passed 2400 without Yow, who played priest rogue before he met you alot higher.

i get the feeling you're the priest in the video i guess hehe

woah, the priest sparklystars on defias brotherhood is actually played by me?! call the newspappers, stop the presses, sparklystars is playing a character named sparklystars!!! u should apply for copyright on that find, u will never need money again in ur life!
i see why you got farmed down by shelbyz now after watching how you played with dj account sharing on feannor's rogue :)

Umm, me and dj never even met shelbyz when playing rogue priest so I guess u´ve gone crazy, u should go find a doctor to put u on some medication so ur stupidness doesn't spread to people around you.

Yeah i'm not that sick, and i'll openly admit that, i spot mistakes in my game all the time, wasting globals or what not but no need to pull bullshit out of your ass.

Umm, your not that sick? you are both crazy and stupid judging from your post, but you do however make mistakes, all of the time.

I think there's a clear reason why you're mad though, but it's quite interesting, that without knowing it was you on that priest,
Here the million dollar find is again! got copyright on it yet?

i could see how horrible you truly are :) kinda dispels the myth that people hate just because of the name, like you appear to be doing to me, perhaps you'd like to try and attempt some sort of pathetic response to this to allow me to sit you down again.

Umm, this didnt even make sense, im really starting to get concerned about you, call ur doctor bro.

If you want to deny the fact that you've been farmed whenever we've met then ok, i mean when me and yow told cyanerd that we farmed you and cyber 6-2 in 2s in the race to 2600, he was like "rofl no sparkly said it was 2-2

Nice math there bro, if your counting like that perhaps we should count the games after we both went 2,6 and we farmed u 15-0. 6-17 grats on being shit and farmed down to 2.4k again.

he also told me how about how desperate you were to beat me and yow when you wargamed us, then again it wasn't hard to tell as we were all in that one skype call listening to you tryhard your ass off against us whilst we were just derping around.
We farmed you like hitler farmed jews in auschwitz, you got completely destroyed, damn I wonder why, perhaps because me and cyanerd talked and you sat quiet all game? Seriously if you started talking while playing you would be so much better, free tip for horrible priests.

Voice communication + tazik + undead advantage pretty nice, as were your disarms and silences as shadow ..... oh wait.

Basicly, me and cyanerd which neither of us has english as our main language communicate better then 2 people who doesnt, your just making urself look like shit now... just walk away before you make yourself look even worse then you already do (jk looks ugly as fk, u even sent a screen of ur face lol, im gonna send it to the teenage girls who throw up their food, this pic will definitly help people throw up)

Tryharding seems to be a pretty common thing whenever i've met you, take AB the other day for example, you were following cyber around, which is fair enough, but focus dispelling me gave me a darn good laugh, good thing you couldn't kill me with dem tazics though.

The fact that I use focus dispels and you dont makes you laugh? would make me really really sad if I where you and hadnt figured out how to focus dispel, lol.

Not sure where you pulled that 1 fear out your ass bytheway, maybe against you and cyber, but we don't need fear to score kills, so why give up my position, the reason why we don't and you do, is the fact that you have no idea what to do as a priest ^^^^^

The only reason you are standing at a pillar spamming dispel, flash heals, shields and penance is because you got 4 keybindings, seriously go reroll rshaman, with that playstyle u would do better with some easy class.

Looking forward to your response buddy.

Im not your buddy
Oh PS: Here's a quick meme yow made after we pissed ourselves at how crap a shadow priest you were that night.

You pissed yourself?... keep those things to yourself, I know ur disgusting but you dont have to spread it around, if I get the flue I dont go and spit and sneeze on people, its called manners.
It was so refreshing watching a non fotm class/comp video! Excellent skills! only criticism is that you don't have a preist of your own to show too.. but i guessing you do somewhere!
well that was a nice response, im sorry but i watched 3 minutes and felt like there was nothing more to see, no point watching further, i swear on my life i hadn't seen your name if it even appears in the vid by this point. The only time you've heard me physically playing arena was in those wargames .. where er.. you and cyanerd were talking and me and yow weren't, i think you're actually a retarded imbred idiot if you think that's how we normally play arena whilst on skype in a passive silent trance. Then again, i hear this is how you roll with cs's and interupts, which you don't call out :pPPPP

Talking about you being braindead, the reference to you getting farmed by shelbyz was when you played with cyanerd not dj, but yeah, he said it was cause of you, you got farmed by them, but talk to him about that. I'll say it again, people hate because of names in this bracket, likewise they love people for it, names precede the player a lot of the time. I actually had no idea it was you on that priest, thus you getting really mad about me calling the anonymous priest awful made me assume it was you.

It was more the fact you were using focus dispels in bgs made me laugh more than anything, nice to know you have a priest on focus in bgs, heard they're a real threat yo. I wish i had 4 binds, but there's no need to pull that piece of bullshit like the rest of your response out of your ass, you know as well as i do that nobody could get by with 4 bindings, now please if you want to waste my time with immature unconstructive posts then take it elsewhere, im getting fed up of idiots like yourself who take epeening to the next level, i wasn't trying to cause drama, but you sir, you really are, all i've seen so far is you just trying to come at me more, yet you seem to have "skipped out" parts which you have no response for.

On a nicer note, i didn't even know you saw people, as far as i knew you were an anonymous "Rickard X" unwilling to give his last name to anyone, living in his mothers basement simply playing wow all day after dropping out of school with no job :/ baylife bro. Still waiting for your long awaited meeting with cyber, one of your friends on wow who lives a short journey away, i know if i was in your position i'd be seeing yow or ryan as much as i could if they lived close enough for me to do so.
well that was a nice response, im sorry but i watched 3 minutes and felt like there was nothing more to see, no point watching further, i swear on my life i hadn't seen your name if it even appears in the vid by this point.

Anyone could see it was me playing priest, except for you, thats whats making you so "special", just sit there I´ll go see if i can find u some crayons. :)

The only time you've heard me physically playing arena was in those wargames .. where er.. you and cyanerd were talking and me and yow weren't, i think you're actually a retarded imbred idiot if you think that's how we normally play arena whilst on skype in a passive silent trance.
You are retarded if you dont take advantage of a situation like those wargames to practise and learn, fact is I had played priest rogue for 2 weeks and you had done it for almost a year when we farmed you.

Then again, i hear this is how you roll with cs's and interupts, which you don't call out :pPPPP

umm, I often say stuff like "fearing that cast" or "mcing next cast", perhaps you should watch my stream abit more often so you can learn how to talk :) dont play with those crayons to much, you need to study aswell. :)

Talking about you being braindead, the reference to you getting farmed by shelbyz was when you played with cyanerd not dj, but yeah, he said it was cause of you, you got farmed by them,
Yeee, that must be why me and shelbyz played together for months and shelbyz and cyanerd didnt, fact is shelbyz had never played at as high rating before as he did with me.

but talk to him about that. I'll say it again, people hate because of names in this bracket, likewise they love people for it, names precede the player a lot of the time. I actually had no idea it was you on that priest, thus you getting really mad about me calling the anonymous priest awful made me assume it was you.
Instead of actually watching the movie, listening to the voices you decided to start posting here about stuff you had no idea about... I think this video is appropriate for this situation

Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon) - YouTube

It was more the fact you were using focus dispels in bgs made me laugh more than anything, nice to know you have a priest on focus in bgs, heard they're a real threat yo.
Right here are the diffrence between me and you, you try to avoid threats by for example putting mages on focus, I create threads by putting priests on focus and focus dispel their shields while gracing and keeping my partner alive, get some balls and play offensive for once in your life.

I wish i had 4 binds, but there's no need to pull that piece of bullshit like the rest of your response out of your ass, you know as well as i do that nobody could get by with 4 bindings,
There has been clicking blizzcon winners in TBC, last year the blizzcon winners was a PHD and the hunter was a duelist, and today you looked more stupid then anyone ever thought anyone could look, dont try to tell me miracles doesnt happen.

now please if you want to waste my time with immature unconstructive posts then take it elsewhere, im getting fed up of idiots like yourself who take epeening to the next level,
I gave you a way out of here in my earlier post, I actually told you to leave, you refused and came back for more, this is because of you, not me.

i wasn't trying to cause drama, but you sir, you really are, all i've seen so far is you just trying to come at me more, yet you seem to have "skipped out" parts which you have no response for.

If by "skipping out parts" you mean not having ugly 4chan pictures in my posts then ye, I´m not 15 years old and I can speak for myself, which apperently you can´t

On a nicer note, i didn't even know you saw people, as far as i knew you were an anonymous "Rickard X" unwilling to give his last name to anyone, living in his mothers basement simply playing wow all day after dropping out of school with no job :/ baylife bro. Still waiting for your long awaited meeting with cyber, one of your friends on wow who lives a short journey away, i know if i was in your position i'd be seeing yow or ryan as much as i could if they lived close enough for me to do so.
What is this, Im Thom, and my life is perfect, no job no school just the games and money from the city, thats how life is supposed to be <3, i gotta ask though why do you want me to met with cyber? what does that give you? doesnt even make sense, but then again, you never do.

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