need pvp addons

"aesa enemy cooldown tracker"

"deadly boss mods" has a nice battleground component.

depending on your class "power auras classic" could come in handy.
Carbonite is a must for the map alone. Have a map of the whole battlefiled that shows all of your allies and who is in combat and with whom. A list of nearby enemies also pops up and you can target them by clicking on the list items, which can be helpful for targeting enemies you can't see, or who are behind a screen of defenders. Excellent for targeting the EFC.

Deadly boss mods pvp mods will put the names of the fc and the efc up on the screen too, so you can always know who has the flags.

If you are a healer, then you will prolly want Grid, Grid2, or Xperl Unit Frames sp you can see and select members of your raid, and not just your 5 man group. Xperl sure is purty, but I found xperl to be buggy, so I use a Grid2 on my priest. The raid frames show health, curses, diseases, CCs, etc., and spels you have on them like renew and shield, with a really intuitive color change to indicate a cooldown until you can shiled them again. You click on the raid frames to select your allies and cast heals and dispels on them, etc.

Bartender let's you customize youraction bars, resize them, put them anywhere on the screen. I have a row of clickables next to the Grid2 raid frames for things like bombs that just have to be clicked.

If you are a melee class, then you will need a swing timer for jousting. I forget the names of the swing timers.

That's all the addons I can think of right now that are important for pvp at 19.
This is a goodie.


PVPAssist2 - Addons - Curse
If it hasn't been said yet, Healbot is a healing addon I use for my healers.
squidmagnet said:
Carbonite is a must for the map alone. Have a map of the whole battlefiled that shows all of your allies and who is in combat and with whom. A list of nearby enemies also pops up and you can target them by clicking on the list items, which can be helpful for targeting enemies you can't see, or who are behind a screen of defenders. Excellent for targeting the EFC.

Deadly boss mods pvp mods will put the names of the fc and the efc up on the screen too, so you can always know who has the flags.

If you are a healer, then you will prolly want Grid, Grid2, or Xperl Unit Frames sp you can see and select members of your raid, and not just your 5 man group. Xperl sure is purty, but I found xperl to be buggy, so I use a Grid2 on my priest. The raid frames show health, curses, diseases, CCs, etc., and spels you have on them like renew and shield, with a really intuitive color change to indicate a cooldown until you can shiled them again. You click on the raid frames to select your allies and cast heals and dispels on them, etc.

Bartender let's you customize youraction bars, resize them, put them anywhere on the screen. I have a row of clickables next to the Grid2 raid frames for things like bombs that just have to be clicked.

If you are a melee class, then you will need a swing timer for jousting. I forget the names of the swing timers.

That's all the addons I can think of right now that are important for pvp at 19.

You can also try out the pretty new VuDoh, which is a pimped and better Grid. I use it for my restro drood, very nice addon!
You don't need many at 19 (you actually dont NEED any, at any level) but here's a few useful ones (i wont put links cause im lazy)

- Afflicted3 - Tracks enemy cooldowns (great for fake-casting)

- Quartz - Improved cast bars (lets you move them, change texture, better focus casting bars, and shows latency)

- Balyn's Spell Alert - pretty much spell alerter but I like it better

- Decursive - easymode dispels (i wouldnt use this if you want people to think you're good at dispelling)

Those are the main ones, bar addons are tedious but nice once you get them set up how you like.
Actually, I was playing goalie the other day in WSG stealthed by the flag and did not realize a higher level rogue had snuck up on me and sapped me until I noticed the debuff symbol counting down. He was already grabbing the flag and taking off before I could get moving in time to stop him. So I can see why saysapped would be useful. Ima get it.

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