[NA] Classic Realm Info



Name Type Time Zone
Atiesh Normal Pacific
Mankrik Normal Eastern
Myzrael Normal Pacific
Pagle Normal Eastern
Name Type Time Zone
Faerlina PvP Eastern
Fairbanks PvP Pacific
Herod PvP Eastern
Thalnos PvP Eastern
Whitemane PvP Pacific
Name Type Time Zone
Bloodsail Buccaneers RP Eastern
Grobbulus RP-PvP Pacific
Oceanic realms will be:

Name Type Time Zone
Arugal PvP Australian Eastern Time
Remulos Normal Australian Eastern Time

Right off the bat, Me myself is feeling Herod or even Thalnos. https://www.avoidstreamers.com/ Is another good site to help make decision. What's your guys thoughts?
For twinks on US, pick Thalnos.
Yeah that's what I'm leaning towards for my Guild atm, Streamers claim they aren't going there but hearing that Brazil players will be rolling on Thalnos cause no South America. On the classic twinking discord Thalnos leads the votes, and right behind is Faerlina. Herod not getting as much love as i'd thought.

I'd like to see the list with physical datacenter locations. Shorter distance = lower ping

Edit: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/787 They got Data centers in Chicago and L.A
Personally I'm going to wait a week , to many dodgers in this bracket . Plus i might go EU so i can go WHAT ? WHAT ? all the time .
Given that Blizzard™ just added another Realm around an hour ago (Stalagg – PvP – Eastern Time)... it's probably a bit too soon to assume "who will end-up where".
I still think a solid core (Both Ally/Horde Guilds is sticking to Herod, at least for 19's. Was really last few hour decision it seemed, at first all was for thalnos then people trying to push for faerlina. Then last few hours before reserve names launched everyone was changing up their votes for herod lol.

I don't see much rerolling to other Realm too at this point at least not Guilds, more so Solo Player / Small Group of friends.

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