
just announced @ blizzcon inc monk twinks
Says here that monks can perform every role. DPS Heals tank.

Pandaren masters have chosen to share their ancient martial arts with young fighters in both the Alliance and Horde. Harnessing their inner strength and potent "chi" energy, Monks are extremely capable in every role: damage, defense, and healing.
No one excited with the possibility of exploitation from a race that can be both Horde and Alliance at the same time?

Blizzard better be watchful, or we're gonna be running around with level 9 Alliance-Horde hybrids.

and we are gonna name it the "Panda Bracket"
How are these things going to do pvp? Im assuming they will be randomly set into either horde/ally.
did nobody notice that the new companion-style gameplay is a ripoff of pokémon?

-edit, somebodys prolly gonna hop in now and say "LMAO, this is not pokémon ripoff, this is loosely based on some nerdgasm game that pokémon stole from lololol" so.. INB4.
did nobody notice that the new companion-style gameplay is a ripoff of pokémon?

-edit, somebodys prolly gonna hop in now and say "LMAO, this is not pokémon ripoff, this is loosely based on some nerdgasm game that pokémon stole from lololol" so.. INB4.

A chíll post is rare loool ^^ kick ur brother off ur wow and logg back on u bitch! ill promise to play my 19 more often hehe
did nobody notice that the new companion-style gameplay is a ripoff of pokémon?

-edit, somebodys prolly gonna hop in now and say "LMAO, this is not pokémon ripoff, this is loosely based on some nerdgasm game that pokémon stole from lololol" so.. INB4.

Seems like it would be mildly entertaining as we sit around waiting for q/ raid group

Oh and Demon hunters would be awesome.. they're already in the game as npcs
A chíll post is rare loool ^^ kick ur brother off ur wow and logg back on u bitch! ill promise to play my 19 more often hehe

Hai Sean, hows preschool treatin' ya? we'll queue up when i get home from my trip around europe. (well, technically just a week in paris, followed by a week in sweden..) i'm home around 02.00 PM monday or something. on a related note, i would dislike demon hunters :<
Hai Sean, hows preschool treatin' ya? we'll queue up when i get home from my trip around europe. (well, technically just a week in paris, followed by a week in sweden..) i'm home around 02.00 PM monday or something. on a related note, i would dislike demon hunters :<

:'( Could go hunt down Sageras' minions though

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