Many caught with their pants down...

Well, I logged in last night after the extended maintenance, took a last look at my fishing boots, re-talented and turned on general/trade chats. I was surprised that many, many twinks on Uther seem to have been caught with their pants down about 3.1. My personal favorite, was the guy who automatically spammed a twink guild recruitment, followed up shortly with all-caps “What the F$%@ happened to my twink?!?†and “I just spent over a 1,000 gold on this guy.â€

And then the strangest thing happened: I started laughing uncontrollably. I’m really not sure where it came from (I tend to be a very compassionate person) but the shear lunacy of the amount of people angry/upset/â€ready to take a stand†was just… overwhelming.

Where were these “passionate†people two months ago? I didn’t even bother to queue up, as the trade chat alone was so full of QQ that I felt I was drowning in salty tears. And how does one spend 1,000 gold on a 19? I mean, with the exception of rare weapons (of which I have not seen on the server for many moons) a 19 really should get too far over 300-ish. Then it hit me- all the traffic, all these QQ-ers so upset about their newly nerfed twinks had one thing in common- exploited legs & helms. I guess maybe my subconscious made the connection before I did, because I again stated laughing.

On first review of my twinks post 3.1, it looks like my rogue is not terribly different- he’s lost a lot of HP, but that was expected. While I still have a new piece or two to go farm, he’s still close to 1300 HP’s in stam gear and his damage/hit numbers have actually increased slightly (+4 stats to chest over the now defunct 100+ HP). I just wonder if he’ll still be a viable FC or not… only time will tell. In his damage gear, the nerf is more pronounced in my crit numbers, so again, I’ll queue him up this weekend and survey the damage.

My druid seems to have been hit a bit harder with the nerf-bat. Now, his only viable WSG gear set is his stam set (still fairly good, even with the nerf) but his heal and DPS sets are trashed. Here’s to hoping that the loss of SP and HP’s equate when healing.

Moslty, I just cannot believe, with all the information out there on how 3.1 was affecting twinks, that so many people would invest that kind of money in a certain type of character without researching it first. It just blows my mind.

In any event, see you in the queue.
many, many twinks on Uther seem to have been caught with their pants down about 3.1.

The surprised are the ones who twink for all the wrong reasons.

"!!! Whars mah 3k HP 19twink !!!"
Rayekk said:
Then it hit me- all the traffic, all these QQ-ers so upset about their newly nerfed twinks had one thing in common- exploited legs & helms.

Haven't libram enchants been in the game since 1.x? I believe they have and to have them is not abusing an exploit.
Who gives a shit if your rogue can fc?

Secondly, please explain how any respectable pre-3.1 twink can be made on a 300g budget? Nethercobra alone (for dps) is like 600 and healers need three weapon enchants that are all in excess of 200g. I doubt you can find a class that is able to be fully twinked at anything less than 1000g.
Tetox said:
Who gives a shit if your rogue can fc?

Secondly, please explain how any respectable pre-3.1 twink can be made on a 300g budget? Nethercobra alone (for dps) is like 600 and healers need three weapon enchants that are all in excess of 200g. I doubt you can find a class that is able to be fully twinked at anything less than 1000g.

Well, obviously I do. It's how I spend most my time in WSG. I'm not sure why YOU'D care, but I do. And I don't think I asked your opinion, now did I?

As for your (only) question, I can only talk to my server- nethercleft mats are extremely cheap on Uther, and nethercobra mats are only slight more (I'd guess because many people had a "fire-sale" on these old LW mats). With mats, maybe 50 gold total on both. Getting the patch itself was higher, but since I'm looking at the best deals (as is my M.O.) then I'm excluding overpriced pre-created leg patches. I see Large Brilliant Shards on the AH for less than 2 gold each, and stacks of Illusion Dust are at 5-6 gold, so, for Uther, I stand by my statement. Your server/mileage may be different. And given it was someone on my server QQ-ing, it's still relevant. I guess, if I price-adjusted it for you, it’d be like someone dumping 4000-6000 gold into a twink without researching it. Would you do that? I seriously doubt it, because you're here! My musing thought was why aren't more people thinking before they spend time or money on a twink?
Retownsyou said:
Haven't libram enchants been in the game since 1.x? I believe they have and to have them is not abusing an exploit.

Sorry- I was thinking more of the Shattered Sun helm enchant exploit. I didn't/don't consider librams an exploit, same as BC leg patches, because you don't have to employ game-mechanic breaking tricks to apply them. Sorry for the confusion.
The shit on your server is super cheap because 1.) You are lucky and 2.) Pre-Bc and leg patch mats aren't worth anything now due to 3.1.

I garuntee the prices you cited were tripled a month ago, even though they would still be cheap. Spending 1000g on a twink isn't rediculous. A rogue for example needs 2 leg patches (more if you do exploits), 2 15 agi, 2 (minimum) dps enchants (fiery, ls, crusader, ect.), libram, regular enchants, boe gear. It should be around 1k and rogues are pretty cheap. Maybe some noobs overspent, but its honestly not that bad, its not like they dropped 10k. Even if they did spend 1k on something that should have cost 400, 1k gold at 80 is nothing.

As for FCing...why? The point of a rogue is offense and you would help your team more on offense. Throw on your rediculous AP set and go wreck their fc, let the pally/druid with 2x your health handle the fcing. If you love fcing so much why did you make a rogue?
Well, I don't track the intricacies of my server’s economy, but since I created my 29 about four months ago and, as a druid with multiple gear sets, topped out at about 450 gold, I’d guess that my server’s prices are just not that inflated. I do know that our twink community isn’t as robust as others I’ve heard about it. Or maybe my server is full of alts leveling gathering skills. Honestly, I don’t know. I can only say what I’ve seen, but again, you’re missing the point.

The point is this: Would you invest a large amount of gold into anything (twink, a tradeskill, a guild) without first doing a bit of base research? Again, just by you being a member of TwinkInfo, you answer is “no.” I’d lay odds that you’ve come here, like most of us, in search of answers based on real-world knowledge. I found it funny that twinks on my server (who, by my math, must have been using the exploted WotLK leg enchants) where QQing about the “surprise” nerf that we have been talking about for months.

As for my flag carrying passion- well, I kind of grew into it. I have a full AP set (swords and daggers) as well, and when I first got into WSG, I spent most my time mid-field DPSing or recovering flags. And don’t get me wrong, I liked it. But the first time I capped, I was hooked. Admittedly, it had gotten too easy with the leg & shoulder enchants, but I still liked the activity, especially if the other side was well organized and chasing me a lot.

I can tell you play horde (not a dig) though; Maybe your rogues don’t bother to explore it, but a Gnome rogue can be hard to hit (gear agility and evasion), and has two “escapes” (racial talent Escape Artist and the trinket) and two “sprints” (sprint and speed pots) means that you can get across the field faster than any other class in the 19’s. I didn’t intend for my rogue to become a great flag carrier; he grew into it. And as for the HP thing, prior to 3.1, unbuffed I was sitting a 2290 hp- with kings, fort and rumsy, I could break 2400- do date, in my WW PUGs, I had yet to see an equally HP-stacked class of any kind. Again, your BG may be different/more competitive.
You don't have to spend alot of money on items if you have connections/been around awhile.

I have several mains with almost all professions being relativly high.

enchants? i farm the mats, most gear can be found pretty cheap if your patient (troll bane leggings for 15g)

IMO the only way to spend more than 1,000g on a twink is if you flat out buy every thing as soon as its up.

My server lit up with so much of this all over the place I also couldn't stop laughing....until I went to go get my Triprunner Dungarees and dinged :(. Oh wells here I come 39 bracket!


IMO the only way to spend more than 1,000g on a twink is if you flat out buy every thing as soon as its up.

Or if you make 4 weapon sets for lolz cause you were bored :D
Rogue can get across the field fastest, but they basically suck dick once they get to standoff mode. Even if you wear full stam gear, you will be nearly 1k hp under a good druid, avoidance doesn't make up for that, especially since they have really nerfed dodge at 19.
Tetox said:
As for FCing...why? The point of a rogue is offense and you would help your team more on offense. Throw on your rediculous AP set and go wreck their fc, let the pally/druid with 2x your health handle the fcing. If you love fcing so much why did you make a rogue?

Are you kidding ?

Not all rogues are super-imba specced.

My first "twink" was a rogue.

Let's face it, very much a cookie-cutter.

I was trying things out and didn't do a great job of it.

That does not mean I don't have a use for him.

One of the best uses is precisely flag running.

Since he's not a big hitter, I play him as a stealther.

I've lost count on how many times I've picked up the Horde flag right under their noses.

With my Sprint Glyph and my Swiftness potions, I'm half way mid-field before they realise.

On a side note:

How come you always feel the need to swear at people when you reply to them ?

Is it that hard being polite ?


Lol, so many replies saying essentially the same thing before I managed to post this one :p
Boris_amj said:
On a side note:

How come you always feel the need to swear at people when you reply to them ?

Is it that hard being polite ?

Well, I don't know for sure, but I'd guess that swearing makes them feel more powerful and more knowledgeable... I do find it interesting that, in all my forum posts, the only ones who tend to swear at me (or other posters) or try to drag down their skill, lineage, sexual preference, or fondness of farm animals never seem to have a true fact-based argument- only their opinion.

Makes me wonder- do they need to be right/that much re-assurance about themselves that they’ll implode if someone thinks differently?
routes make the 19 pugging flag carrier, not necessarily class.

a well played flag carrying 19 rogue should have near the same potential as a well played 19 druid flag carrier in a PuG.
yeah people don't research when it comes to twink...

how many warriors had we seen when enti's was discovered !

i was seeing evel 10 warriors with enti everywhere in the BG back then !

fact was they weren't even geared and had like 300hp max !

i was lol'ing at them when i was 1 shotting them with a crit !

as for twinking costing less then 300g

i do agree that when you got mains which are 80 and have the proff you needs, yeah it doesn't cost anything at all. but when you are forced to buy things off the AH, like gears and all.... its unconceivable to be lower then 1000g. at least not on my server, now it finally got down a bit, but every twink enchants are like 100g+ and all gears are like 300g+

i guess it all depends on which type of server you are in, cause i have played on 3 different PVP servers and PVP servers have twink gears costing much on AH. while PVE server have their twink gears going cheap on AH due to the low demands. might be why your prices are that low. must be an hell to make money out of your server though if the economy is that low !

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