Making Money On Fresh Server?


Hello everyone! I'm looking to start a twink on a different server where some friends of mine are. I don't want to level another 60 to farm gold, and would prefer to farm gold from my twink. What is the best way to go about this? On alliance side.
Play with AH. You'll need some amount of gold to do it.

You can farm deviate fish, etc for some startup gold. Mage spellcleave dungeon setups bring too many BOE's to ah very cheap nowadays. Scarlet Monastary, Zul farrak boes especially. You can buy them now while they're cheap. After 2-3 months there won't be so many levellers around. This will be the time to sell them.
Play the auction house. I just started on a new server recently and have 30 gold. That's not exactly an impressive amount but I started flipping just a few days ago with 14 silver. If you're not using tsm get it and learn it. I started by using the vendor search for very cheap items that were listed at vendor price or below like peacebloom and silverleaf then selling for a profit.

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