Magtheridon Alliance!


the F2P PvEr
Join Magtheridon F2Ps!

Magtheridon EU is a server with long F2P tradition continued by a group of oldschool players with a mix of fresh newcomers.
Most of us began our journey with the Trial WoW at the beginning of Cataclysm so we are experienced and ready to help you in any way we can.

We organise daily AGM realm hops and chest farming events. Dedicated P2P characters stand online all day to help you with getting grouped for premades or
dungeons, which happen frequently as we have 20-25 players online during the evenings and at least 4-5 at all times except night.

We are also the only server that actively organises PvE activities like boss raids.


Magtheridon EU activities:

  • PvP premades in the Gulch and Basin happening pretty much all the time.
  • Weekend WSG wargames to pvp and practice jumps.
  • Lots and lots of arena activity.
  • PvE raids ranging in difficulty from vanilla to northrend bosses and general F2P PvE promoting on our realm.
  • Reputation grinds in Fray Island, Dungeons and Felwood, also group Tabard farming.
  • Death Knight achievement, pet and mount runs.
  • Chest farming.
  • Competitive fishing (you've probably never seen this amount of rivalry in one fishing tourney!)
  • Open and friendly F2P chat with lots of players online ranging from 1-2 at night to 30+ at peak hours.

So, what are you waiting for? Join Magtheridon F2Ps today!
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Wasnt that the reason why no one played there thru 2 expansions?

i kid bro, dont get all srs up in here.

shots fired, nah ppl just didnt know about our community.

tbh i never wanted to be big realm, i prefered when it was smaller, everyone knew eachother and had good chats.
Have been playing here for a month now and I'm greatly enjoying it.
It has gotten everything I want and could ask for; friendly, social people that are easy to get along with and who are welcoming to new faces, and experienced players to accompany you in the arena and battlegrounds!

Bump to that!

Decided I'll roll a char here.

Haven't played on EU in years, though I used to play on both EU and US in Vanilla - WoTLK.
Pls stop leaving your fabulous realm!!!

Horde EU needs you to stay lolliance to keep laughing!!!

Enough with faction changes!!!!
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