Made 90k in 4 hours

This is the time to start farming for gold, trust.
Grab 2 gathering proffs, mining and herb is best.
Look up guides on YouTube.
Logout, use phone app to post all auctions and collect gold.
They usually sell in 30 sec - 7 mins max for me.
Have fun ;)
Wat do i farm wif minin and herb, wat types of herbs mines ?
90k is chump change lol.
People made over a million over night my friend. Personally, prefer I nice steady income rather than big jumps. I have only made a few hundred thousand since the launch. But I really have not been devoting that much time to it. And much of my income will be steady.
However, 90k to some people is quite a bit. Especially to people just starting out in the gold making business.
The people that wanted to make gold early on in the patch should have followed my gold guide I made a few months ago. Preparation really is the key.

Have fun!!

Only made a few hundred since launch? Get over yourself... Nice tall tale you HAD to share!
At the beginning of expansions double gatherers make a lot of gold but they taper off very very quickly. It does not offer long term steady income. This expansion will be worse than others since nodes are shared. This will cause a glut in the market. Leather may be the exception. I spoke of this in my preparation guides.
I have all proffesions so I'm good. And most people look for brainless farms that make a lot of gold, this is one of those times. If your beginning gold farms, this is great because it doesn't require checking the auction house much, they sell so fast. Most servers also have people that buy in bulk via C.O.D this is a viable option if you dislike the AH.
Real niggas charge someone's card for wow gold on sketchy sites and end up with goldcap x3 in 10 minutes get rekt kids
Nowadays you can conduct AH via mobile. That is what I do at work.
The key to the AH is automation and addons. There was a time I was posting 10,000 auctions a week. It may have been more. Maybe closer to 14,000. I spent more time emptying my mailbox than posting auctions. I probably only post 2,500-3000 a week now.
Yeah I did that yesterday at the beach, sadly got locked out until 12am because i posted too much. I tried to change my time on my phone, it doesn't work because of the account being linked :(
Yet people on my friends list are still asking me to help pay their sub's.
You can only make 200 transactions per day. Better make them count!!

Have contests to give them the gold. That is what I do! If they don't want to "work" for it then they truly don't want it now do they?
Now is the time to do it. The prices are down quite a biting tokens.

I prefer telling them to just quest through the Legion zones.

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