Macro thread


Ok so first off if this is posted somewhere else sorry. Just delete if it is. I thought it would be a good idea to make a list of useful macros that new players (and maybe some older ones too!) could use to enhance their PVP abilities.

Note some of these I used from guides. I believe I gave credit to those people, if I missed you let me know and I will fix it!

And lastly as you will notice there are a lot of blanks, please leave more in the comments!

This macro will use a bandage on yourself, without losing your target.
/use [target=player](Name of Bandage)

Use this to fake kicks, silences, etc

This one is from dartofblue’s guide
/s ccd full duration
/s ccd half duration
/s ccd short duration
Used to tell teammates when you are CC’ed

Added by Tence
/equipslot 13 Inherited Insignia of the Horde
/equipslot 14 Arena Grand Master

you can replace w/e trinkets with the appropriate slots.

/cast [target=mouseover] Scatter Shot
This will allow you to cast scatter shot on an enemy without switching target. IE targeted FC you can use to scatter heals.

#show tooltip
/cast !Eagle Eye
This simple Macro will allow you to chain cast Eagle Eye. This can be useful for seeing out of Line of Sight in Warsong Gulch.

These are from Juno0

/stopcasting/cast Scatter Shot

/cast [@focus] Scatter Shot

/cast Concussive Shot


This is from Dorigon
/petpassive [target=pettarget,exists]
/petassist [target=pettarget,noexists]

1[SUP]st[/SUP] one is from Mocha’s Rogue guide

#show tooltip Sap
/console targetNearestDistance 10.000000
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console targetNearestDistance 41.000000
/cast [harm,nodead] Sap

This is a macro that will sap the closest enemy to you.

#show tooltip Kick
/cast [target=Focus] Kick

(Same concept as hunters scatter shot macro only with kick.)

Added by Dasfizzla/Brumble

/cast [target=mouseover, modifier:alt] Kick
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Kick
/cast Kick


#show tooltip Polymorph /cast [target=focus]Polymorph
Lets you cast polymorph on your focus target. (Most likely healer)

#show tooltip Counterspell /cast [target=focus] Counterspell

Same as above only counterspell instead of Poly


/cancelaura Metamorphosis
/cast Corruption

/cancelaura Metamorphosis
/cast Hand of Gul'Dan


/cast [target=focus] Hammer of Justice

Used to cast HOJ on your focus.

Added by Tence

My FOL macro
#showtooltip Flash of Light
/cast [modifier:ctrl,target=player] Flash of Light; [target=target,help] Flash of Light; [target=targettarget,help] Flash of Light; [@mouseover, exists] Flash of light; Flash of light

this will cast flash of light on myself with the control modifier, cast flash of light on my mouseover if no one is targeted and cast of the target's target if I have an enemy targeted else it will just cast on my friendly target like normal.

**I have this same layout for word of glory as well

my holy shock macro
#showtooltip holy shock
/cast [modifier:ctrl, target=player] holy shock; [@mouseover, exists] holy shock; holy shock
/use Poison Extraction Totem

this will cast holy shock on myself using control, the targeted player or the mouseover (if one exists)

my name plates macro:
#showtooltip Divine plea
/run local a = GetCVar("nameplateShowFriends"); SetCVar("nameplateShowFriends",1-a); SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies",a);

this switches between enemy and friendly name plates (bound to shift v) to save keybind space. Once you get used to it. I find it is very useful!

my speed of light/seal macro:
/cast [nomod] Speed of light
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Divine Shield
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Hand of Protection
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Restorative Amber
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] !Seal of Command, !Righteous Fury

self explanatory but very handy!

burst healing macro
#showtooltip lifeblood
/equip Repurposed Lava Dredge
/cast Lifeblood(Rank 4)
/cast Flash of Light

again self explanatory but still useful

focus hoj
/cast [target=focus, exists] Hammer of Justice; hammer of justice

psyfiend hoj
/target psyfiend
/cast Hammer of Justice

my party targeting macros (when I arena it is bound to mouse wheel up and down)
3s (mouse wheel up)
#showtooltip Cleanse
/target [nomod,
/cast [mod:shift,
party1] cleanse]
/target [mod:ctrl, target=partypet1]
/cast [mod:alt, target=party1] blessing of freedom

3s (mouse wheel down)
#showtooltip Cleanse
/target [nomod,
/cast [mod:shift,
party2] cleanse]
/target [mod:ctrl, target=partypet2]
/cast [mod:alt, target=party2] blessing of freedom

5s (mouse wheel up)
#showtooltip Cleanse
/target [nomod,
/target [mod:shift,
/target [mod:ctrl, target=partypet1]
/cast [mod:alt, target=party1] Cleanse

5s (mouse wheel down)
#showtooltip Cleanse
/target [nomod,
/target [mod:shift,
/target [mod:ctrl, target=partypet2]
/cast [mod:alt, target=party2] Cleanse

Added by

#showtooltip Flash of Light
/cast [no modifier] Flash of Light
/cast [modifier:shift, target=mouseover] Flash of Light
/cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Flash of Light

Added by Dasfizzla/Brumble

/cast [target=mouseover, modifier:alt] Wind Shear
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Wind Shear
/cast Wind Shear

Added by Yde

/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Riptide

/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Flame Shock

/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Purge

/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Wind Shear


/cast [target=mouseover]Shadow Word: Pain

Use to keep dots on those pesky rogues/druids!

Added by Mocha

#showtooltip power word: shield
/use [@mouseover,harm][harm] Shadow Word: Pain;[@mouseover,help][help][@player] Power Word: Shield


Added by Ciren and
/cast shield slam
/cast charge

/cast victory rush
/cast shield block

/cast victory rush
/cast heroic strike

/cast heroic throw
/cast throw

/cast execute

/cast sunder armor

#showtooltip Charge
/cast [nomodifier] Charge
/cast [mod; shift, target=focus] Charge

This is useful for interrupting heals or quickly switching target in arena
I personally use it with Mod; ctrl but I guess most people are familiar with mod; shift

#showtooltip defensive stance
/equipslot 16 [1-hander name here]
/equipslot 17 [shield name here]
/cast defensive stance

#showtooltip defensive stance
/equipslot 16 [2-hander name here]
/cast defensive stance

#showtooltip Battle Stance
/equipslot 16 [2-hander name here]
/cast Battle stance

with those 3 macros I find it more easy to switch between weapons n stances. (a little tip, I have Battle stance / Defensive stance on binds: "1" and "2" and shield dstance on "shift-2" you might wanna bind them so you just have to press a modifier and the same key)

Added by Yde

Most heals like this: #showtooltip
/use [@mouseover,nodded,help][] Regrowth

Or: #showtooltip
/use [@mouseover,nodded,help][] Rejuvenation

Most attacks like this: #showtooltip
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Moonfire

Or just: /startattack
/use Maul

Other stuff: #showtooltip
/use [nostance,noswimming] !Moonkin Form; [swimming] !Aquatic Form; [stance:1] !Bear Form; [stance:2] !Aquatic Form; [stance:3][indoors] !Cat Form; [stance:4] !Travel Form; [stance:5] !Moonkin Form

Added by Eriwen

/castsequence; Moonfire, Lunar Fire

Added by IllyBillyn
/cast [nomodifier, stance:0] Moonfire
/cast [nomodifier, stance:1] Maul
/cast [nomodifier, stance:2] Moonfire
/cast [nomodifier, stance:3] Rake
/cast [nomodifier, stance:4] Moonfire
/cast [modifier] Moonfire

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Hunter macros;

/stopcasting/cast Scatter Shot

/cast [@focus] Scatter Shot

/cast Concussive Shot



/focus [target=mouseover]
Hunter pet control macro (toggles assist and passive)

/petpassive [target=pettarget,exists]
/petassist [target=pettarget,noexists]
#showtooltip Flash of Light
/cast [no modifier] Flash of Light
/cast [modifier:shift, target=mouseover] Flash of Light
/cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Flash of Light

A hard macro to get used to, this gives me the most flexibility on which targets I'm using FoL on. You can replace with other spells. I use same macro for Tiger's Lust endgame.

Shift for mouseover, alt for self, and no mod for normal casting. You can switch mouseover with focus or add a focus mod as well, or move the modifiers around to suit your style, like using alt for mouse over or focus instead of self.
paladin macros I use

My FOL macro
#showtooltip Flash of Light
/cast [modifier:ctrl,target=player] Flash of Light; [target=target,help] Flash of Light; [target=targettarget,help] Flash of Light; [@mouseover, exists] Flash of light; Flash of light

this will cast flash of light on myself with the control modifier, cast flash of light on my mouseover if no one is targeted and cast of the target's target if I have an enemy targeted else it will just cast on my friendly target like normal.

**I have this same layout for word of glory as well

my holy shock macro
#showtooltip holy shock
/cast [modifier:ctrl, target=player] holy shock; [@mouseover, exists] holy shock; holy shock
/use Poison Extraction Totem

this will cast holy shock on myself using control, the targeted player or the mouseover (if one exists)

my name plates macro:
#showtooltip Divine plea
/run local a = GetCVar("nameplateShowFriends"); SetCVar("nameplateShowFriends",1-a); SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemies",a);

this switches between enemy and friendly name plates (bound to shift v) to save keybind space. Once you get used to it. I find it is very useful!

my speed of light/seal macro:
/cast [nomod] Speed of light
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Divine Shield
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Hand of Protection
/cancelaura [mod:shift] Restorative Amber
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] !Seal of Command, !Righteous Fury

self explanatory but very handy!

burst healing macro
#showtooltip lifeblood
/equip Repurposed Lava Dredge
/cast Lifeblood(Rank 4)
/cast Flash of Light

again self explanatory but still useful

focus hoj
/cast [target=focus, exists] Hammer of Justice; hammer of justice

psyfiend hoj
/target psyfiend
/cast Hammer of Justice

my party targeting macros (when I arena it is bound to mouse wheel up and down)
3s (mouse wheel up)
#showtooltip Cleanse
/target [nomod, party1]
/cast [mod:shift, party1] cleanse]
/target [mod:ctrl, target=partypet1]
/cast [mod:alt, target=party1] blessing of freedom

3s (mouse wheel down)
#showtooltip Cleanse
/target [nomod, party2]
/cast [mod:shift, party2] cleanse]
/target [mod:ctrl, target=partypet2]
/cast [mod:alt, target=party2] blessing of freedom

5s (mouse wheel up)
#showtooltip Cleanse
/target [nomod, party1]
/target [mod:shift, party3]
/target [mod:ctrl, target=partypet1]
/cast [mod:alt, target=party1] Cleanse

5s (mouse wheel down)
#showtooltip Cleanse
/target [nomod, party2]
/target [mod:shift, party4]
/target [mod:ctrl, target=partypet2]
/cast [mod:alt, target=party2] Cleanse

trinket swap macros
/equipslot 13 Inherited Insignia of the Horde
/equipslot 14 Arena Grand Master

you can replace w/e trinkets with the appropriate slots.

mouseover taq bandage
#showtooltip Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use [@mouseover, exists] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; Heavy Runecloth Bandage

trinket USE macros (very important!)
#showtooltip Arena Grand Master
/use Arena Grand Master

#showtooltip Arena Grand Master
/use Inherited insignia of the horde

this uses the item if equipped, but unlike just placing the item on the bind, if it is not equiped it will not equip it.

focus LOH
/cast [@focus, help, exists] lay on hands; lay on hands

this cast loh on your focus if the focus target is friendly, else it will just cast it on the friendly target.

I use a whole bunch of other macros but those are the most useful. Also sorry for wall of text lol
Credit goes to Brumble for most of the macros I use today, he made most of them and some of them I tweaked a bit for myself.


/cast [target=mouseover, modifier:alt] Kick
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Kick
/cast Kick

#showtooltip Sap
/cast [nostealth] Stealth
/cast [mod:ctrl] Vanish; [target=focus, mod:shift] Sap; [target=mouseover, mod:alt] Sap; Sap

#showtooltip Sap
/cleartarget [nomod]
/targetenemy [nomod]
/target [target=Arena1, mod:shift]
/target [target=Arena2, mod:alt]
/cast Sap

#showtooltip Stealth
/Cancelaura Stealth

Have these from when I was Night Elf, unsure if they still work:

/Cast Shadowmeld
/cast [nostealth] Stealth

/cast [combat] Shadowmeld
/cast [nostance:1] Stealth


/cast [target=mouseover, modifier:alt] Wind Shear
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift] Wind Shear
/cast Wind Shear

Other useful Macros in BGs:

/use [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Seperate macros for dropping flag:

/bg I'm Dropping the Flag - Grab it!

/Cancelaura Alliance Flag (change from Alliance or Horde, depending on your Faction).

Basically the skeleton of most of my macros consist of alt/shift modifiers:

/cast [target=mouseover, modifier:alt]
/cast [target=focus, modifier:shift]
My favorite macro is for priest

it is mouseover

it bubbles friendly targets, dots enemy targets :p

#showtooltip power word: shield
/use [@mouseover,harm][harm] Shadow Word: Pain;[@mouseover,help][help][@player] Power Word: Shield

This is my focus counter spell / sheep macro. I use mouseover poly if I dont want to CS.

what this does is first cs's the healer, and then upon second cast / sheeps etc very useful

#showtooltip polymorph
/cast @[target=focus] counterspell
/cast @[target=focus] polymorph

Paly macro for judgment and crusader strike

#showtooltip Crusader Strike
/castsequence reset=4 judgment, crusader strike

my quick hoj macro for getting rogues out of stealth is my sap macro only replaced with hoj
May I suggest colour-coding classes to make them more visible? :)


And to contribute, some of my silly macros. Be warned, rather random. >_>

General stuff:
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Music\\GlueScreenMusic\\BCCredits_Lament_of_the_Highborne.mp3")
(Go here for any WoW music you may feel a spontaneous urge to listen to. ^^)
/script ResetInstances();
/use Sea Turtle
/s b d b ee oo d a p
/s I love you
( - -)
((') (')
/cancelaura Horde flag
/cancelaura Alliance flag
Only use this on a Tauren:
/tar mouseover
(But I hear there are only BEs in 19s, so never mind. ^^)
Replace NameOfBandage, NameOfHealthPot and NameOfScroll with the names of the stuff you use. :)
/castsequence [nomod] reset=15 Inherited Insignia of the Horde,NameOfBandage,NameOfHealthPot
/castsequence [mod:alt] reset=15 NameOfBandage,NameOfHealthPot
/castsequence reset=15 Arena Grand Master,NameOfHealthPot,NameOfBandage
/use NameOfBetterScroll
/use NameOfLesserScroll
/castsequence reset=15 Shadowmeld,NameOfHealthPot,NameOfBandage
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Gift of the Naaru(Racial)

Before Bartender I used modifiers more, but now I just use the modifiers to switch bars to access other macro slots. ^^

Some druid macros:
Most heals like this:
/use [@mouseover,nodded,help][] Regrowth
/use [@mouseover,nodded,help][] Rejuvenation
Most attacks like this:
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Moonfire
Or just:
/use Maul
Other stuff:
/use [nostance,noswimming] !Moonkin Form; [swimming] !Aquatic Form; [stance:1] !Bear Form; [stance:2] !Aquatic Form; [stance:3][indoors] !Cat Form; [stance:4] !Travel Form; [stance:5] !Moonkin Form
Some shaman macros:
/cast Searing Totem
/cast Poison Extraction Totem
And lots of mouseovers again, for example:
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Riptide
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Flame Shock
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Purge
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Wind Shear
Thank you for all who posted!!!!

And thank you for the suggestion Yde, will start on that now as well.
Thank you for all who posted!!!!

And thank you for the suggestion Yde, will start on that now as well.
Thank you for your awesome idea of a bracket specific macro index! :)
I'm shamelessly borrowing that idea and making one as well for 20s. ^^
Please do! I think it will help more players (including myself) become more skilled on their class. Also besides color-coding is there anything else I can do to make this a little more neat? Kinda messy IMO
Nice collection. Here's a helpful macro for druids (I use this on my feral) when you want to put a macro in an action bar that doesn't change when you change forms.

This macro will cast different spells depending on your form, but if you hold down a modifier key (you can pick a specific one if you want), it will just cast Moonfire (and switch you out of your animal form). This one saves a lot of space in keybinds and I bind it to my easiest to press location on the keyboard. I didn't include stance:5 because if you are boomkin you may want to handle moonfire differently anyway.

/cast [nomodifier, stance:0] Moonfire
/cast [nomodifier, stance:1] Maul
/cast [nomodifier, stance:2] Moonfire
/cast [nomodifier, stance:3] Rake
/cast [nomodifier, stance:4] Moonfire
/cast [modifier] Moonfire
Nice collection. Here's a helpful macro for druids (I use this on my feral) when you want to put a macro in an action bar that doesn't change when you change forms.

This macro will cast different spells depending on your form, but if you hold down a modifier key (you can pick a specific one if you want), it will just cast Moonfire (and switch you out of your animal form). This one saves a lot of space in keybinds and I bind it to my easiest to press location on the keyboard. I didn't include stance:5 because if you are boomkin you may want to handle moonfire differently anyway.

/cast [nomodifier, stance:0] Moonfire
/cast [nomodifier, stance:1] Maul
/cast [nomodifier, stance:2] Moonfire
/cast [nomodifier, stance:3] Rake
/cast [nomodifier, stance:4] Moonfire
/cast [modifier] Moonfire
Thank you very much, updated!
I don't use that many macros when I play on my druid. Most of them are just for self healing ( /cast [@player] **healing spell**). For power shift, I just use:
/cast Bear Form (replace with all forms)
/cast Bear Form

For Wild Charge I have
/cancelform Bear Form(Shapeshift)
/cancelform Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/cancelform Travel Form(Shapeshift)
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Wild Charge; Wild Charge

basically cancels all forms and casts Wild Charge on the target, or if shift is held you fly to your focus. Only thing is you have to press it twice so its also used to just cancel forms too.

I don't know if it's needed anymore but I thought for /stopcasting macros you had to have it 2 or 3 times in macro to make sure it will stop casting 100% of the time, thought that just one line of /stopcasting has some weird moments when it doesn't work so its a just to be safe thing.
Please do! I think it will help more players (including myself) become more skilled on their class. Also besides color-coding is there anything else I can do to make this a little more neat? Kinda messy IMO
I'm currently trying to make it look neat with tables with coloured background separated by headers.
Not sure if you'd like that but take a look. :)

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