lvling through Bgs gear setup.


So I am lvling a new warlock to an undecided lvl ( 39 maybe 45?) just for fun and I wanted to lvl through bgs so I was looking for any tips/advice from xpoff.

This is the set up I am currently running for lvl 14
I was thinking of swaping out the helmet for the eng helm with cogwheels but I also kinda wanna keep tailoring for nets.

- - an example of a game I just did.

Generally the idea is at lvl 20 I would just quest /dungeon until 24 and make a new set of this gear since its all crafted/vendor bought. Then at 30 I would grab the ilvl41 gear from the cata vendor+ wotlk socket gear. as for weapon at 30 I would either stick with my looms or grab a socket wrathfull spelldagger until 34/35ish where I would swap to loom weapons again.

35 I would use just unscaled mop pvp crafted blues. Its after 35 I start to kinda question what set ups I would use for the 40s. I was also thinking of leaving all my quest socket gear until the 40s and just using that since cloth users have a lot of options from just world quests.

Just looking for thoughts and stuff to maximize my ability to stay relevent while also putting in minimal effort outside of bgs.

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