
starts good, turns lolweird, ends epic.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: hello

You: male/female?

Stranger: female

You: cool

Stranger: you?

You: Male

You: why?

Stranger: Why what?

You: why the fuck are you so curious about my gender?

Stranger: wow go to hell then...

You: Hey wait a minute

Stranger: yes?

You: look I'm sorry. I'm just a little paranoid

Stranger: paranoid?

You: yes

Stranger: of what?

Stranger: me?

You: No. I'm in hiding.

Stranger: LOL

You: Don't fucking laugh at me!

You: This shit is serious!

Stranger: What are you hiding from?

You: The cops.

Stranger: gimme a fucking break

You: I'm serious.

Stranger: I don't get it

You: The cops are after me.

Stranger: For what?

You: I'm wanted in three states

Stranger: For???

You: It's kind of embarrasing.

You: I had sex with a turkey.

You: Hello?

Stranger: You are fucking sick.

You: Send me your picture.

Stranger: why?

You: so I know you aren't one of them.

Stranger: One of what?

You: The cops.

Stranger: I'm not a cop i told you

You: Then send me your picture.

Stranger: hold on

You: Hurry up.

You: Are you there?

You: fuck you, cop!

Stranger: Hey sorry

Stranger: I had to do something for my mom.

You: I thought you were trying to find a picture to send to me.

You: When really you were notifying the authorities.

You: Weren't you!?

Stranger: thats not it

You: Then what?

Stranger: I don't want to send you the picture cause I'm not pretty

You: Most cops aren't


You: Then send me the picture.

Stranger: fine. What's your e-mail?

You: Do you have myspace? Mine is ************

You: email is *********

Stranger: alright

Stranger: Did you get it?

You: Hold on. I'm looking.

Stranger: That was me back in may

Stranger: I've lost weight since then.

You: I hope so

Stranger: what?!?

Stranger: that hurt my feelings.

You: Did it?

Stranger: Yes. I'm not that much smaller than that now.

You: Will it make you feel better if I send you my picture?

Stranger: yes

You: Alright let me find it.

Stranger: kks

You: Okay, sent.

Stranger: this isn't you.

You: I'll be damned if it ain't!

Stranger: You don't look like that.

You: How the hell do you know?

Stranger: cause your profile has another picture.

You: The profile pic is a fake.

You: I use it to hide from the cops.

Stranger: You look like the Farm Fresh guy lol

You: Well, you look like you ATE the Farm Fresh guy....

You: Not to mention all the groceries.

Stranger: Go fuck yourself

You: I was going to until I saw that picture

You: Now my dick won't get hard for a week.

Stranger: I shouldn't have sent you that picture.

Stranger: You've done nothing but slam me.

Stranger: you hurt me.

You: And calling me the Farm Fresh guy doesn't hurt me?

Stranger: I thought you were bullshitting me!

You: Why would I do that?

Stranger: I can't believe that cops are after you

You: I can't believe Santa lets you sit on his lap..

Stranger: FUC YOU!!!

You: You'd break both of his legs.

Stranger: You're a fucking ass.

Stranger: I've been teased my whole life because of my weight

Stranger: and you make fun of me when you don't even know me

You: Ok. I'm sorry.

Stranger: No you aren't

You: You're right. I'm not.


Stranger: I'm done with you

You: Aww. I'm sorry.

Stranger: I'm disconnecting

You: Wait a sec

You: We got off on the wrong foot.

You: Wanna start over?

Stranger: No

You: I'll eat your vag

Stranger: You'll what?

You: You heard me.

You: I said I'd eat your vag.

Stranger: I thought you said you couldn't get it hard after seeing my picture

You: Do I need a hard-on to eat your vag?

Stranger: I'd like to know that the man eating me out is excited yes

You: Well I'm not like most men.

You: I get excited in different ways.

Stranger: Like what?

You: Do you really wanna know?

Stranger: I don't know

You: You have to tell me yes or no.

Stranger: I'm afraid to

You: Why?

Stranger: cause

You: cause why?

Stranger: well lets see

Stranger: you say you have sex with turkeys. You call me fat. then you wanna eat me out

Stranger: doesn't that seem strange to you?

You: Nope

Stranger: well its strange to me

You: Fine. I won't do it if you don't want me to

Stranger: I didn't say that

You: So is that a yes?

Stranger: I guess so.

You: Ok. I need your help getting excited though.

You: Are you willing?

Stranger: What do you need me to do?

You: I need you talk like a pirate.

Stranger: ???

You: When I start to go limp... you say "ARRRR!!!"

You: ok?

You: Hello?

Stranger: You can't be serious

You: Oh yes I am!

You: It's my fantasy.

Stranger: this is retarded

You: Do you want it or not?

Stranger: Yes I want it.

You: Then you'll do it for me?

Stranger: sure

You: Ok. Here we go.

You: I gently remove your panties and being to massage your thighs.

You: You get really juicy thinking about my tounge brushing up against


You: I run my tounge up and down your smooth skin.

Stranger: mmmm yeah

You: uh oh ...going limp.

Stranger: arrr

You: You gotta do better than that!

You: Your picture was really bad.


You: Ahhhh. Much better. I feel you get more moist with every


You: I begin to feel empowered by your femininity.

Stranger: mmmmmm you are good

You: I feel your thighs tighten as I suck harder

You: going limp

Stranger: ARRRRRRR

You: Mmmm I grab your swelling buttocks in my hands.

You: You begin to sway back and forth.

You: going limp

Stranger: this is stupid

You: ...still limp

You: Do it!


You: I turn you around to lick your ass.

You: I pry apart that battleship you call your ass.

You: I see turd nuggets hanging from the hair around your ass.

Stranger: WTF?!?!?

You: They stink really bad.

Stranger: OMG STOP!!!

You: I start to get fed up with your ugly ass

You: I tear off your wooden peg leg.

You: I ram it up your ass.


You: Then I pour hot carmel over your head.

You: And turn you into a fucking candy apple...

You: I kick you in the face!

Stranger: FUCK YOU!!

You: The celluloid from your cheeks hits the side of the cabin...

You: Your parrot flys away.

You: ...going limp again.

You: Hello?

You: Say it!

You: AARRRRRR!!!!!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Eurys said:
starts good, turns lolweird, ends epic.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: hello

You: male/female?

Stranger: female

You: cool

Stranger: you?

You: Male

You: why?

Stranger: Why what?

You: why the fuck are you so curious about my gender?

Stranger: wow go to hell then...

You: Hey wait a minute

Stranger: yes?

You: look I'm sorry. I'm just a little paranoid

Stranger: paranoid?

You: yes

Stranger: of what?

Stranger: me?

You: No. I'm in hiding.

Stranger: LOL

You: Don't fucking laugh at me!

You: This shit is serious!

Stranger: What are you hiding from?

You: The cops.

Stranger: gimme a fucking break

You: I'm serious.

Stranger: I don't get it

You: The cops are after me.

Stranger: For what?

You: I'm wanted in three states

Stranger: For???

You: It's kind of embarrasing.

You: I had sex with a turkey.

You: Hello?

Stranger: You are fucking sick.

You: Send me your picture.

Stranger: why?

You: so I know you aren't one of them.

Stranger: One of what?

You: The cops.

Stranger: I'm not a cop i told you

You: Then send me your picture.

Stranger: hold on

You: Hurry up.

You: Are you there?

You: fuck you, cop!

Stranger: Hey sorry

Stranger: I had to do something for my mom.

You: I thought you were trying to find a picture to send to me.

You: When really you were notifying the authorities.

You: Weren't you!?

Stranger: thats not it

You: Then what?

Stranger: I don't want to send you the picture cause I'm not pretty

You: Most cops aren't


You: Then send me the picture.

Stranger: fine. What's your e-mail?

You: Do you have myspace? Mine is ************

You: email is *********

Stranger: alright

Stranger: Did you get it?

You: Hold on. I'm looking.

Stranger: That was me back in may

Stranger: I've lost weight since then.

You: I hope so

Stranger: what?!?

Stranger: that hurt my feelings.

You: Did it?

Stranger: Yes. I'm not that much smaller than that now.

You: Will it make you feel better if I send you my picture?

Stranger: yes

You: Alright let me find it.

Stranger: kks

You: Okay, sent.

Stranger: this isn't you.

You: I'll be damned if it ain't!

Stranger: You don't look like that.

You: How the hell do you know?

Stranger: cause your profile has another picture.

You: The profile pic is a fake.

You: I use it to hide from the cops.

Stranger: You look like the Farm Fresh guy lol

You: Well, you look like you ATE the Farm Fresh guy....

You: Not to mention all the groceries.

Stranger: Go fuck yourself

You: I was going to until I saw that picture

You: Now my dick won't get hard for a week.

Stranger: I shouldn't have sent you that picture.

Stranger: You've done nothing but slam me.

Stranger: you hurt me.

You: And calling me the Farm Fresh guy doesn't hurt me?

Stranger: I thought you were bullshitting me!

You: Why would I do that?

Stranger: I can't believe that cops are after you

You: I can't believe Santa lets you sit on his lap..

Stranger: FUC YOU!!!

You: You'd break both of his legs.

Stranger: You're a fucking ass.

Stranger: I've been teased my whole life because of my weight

Stranger: and you make fun of me when you don't even know me

You: Ok. I'm sorry.

Stranger: No you aren't

You: You're right. I'm not.


Stranger: I'm done with you

You: Aww. I'm sorry.

Stranger: I'm disconnecting

You: Wait a sec

You: We got off on the wrong foot.

You: Wanna start over?

Stranger: No

You: I'll eat your vag

Stranger: You'll what?

You: You heard me.

You: I said I'd eat your vag.

Stranger: I thought you said you couldn't get it hard after seeing my picture

You: Do I need a hard-on to eat your vag?

Stranger: I'd like to know that the man eating me out is excited yes

You: Well I'm not like most men.

You: I get excited in different ways.

Stranger: Like what?

You: Do you really wanna know?

Stranger: I don't know

You: You have to tell me yes or no.

Stranger: I'm afraid to

You: Why?

Stranger: cause

You: cause why?

Stranger: well lets see

Stranger: you say you have sex with turkeys. You call me fat. then you wanna eat me out

Stranger: doesn't that seem strange to you?

You: Nope

Stranger: well its strange to me

You: Fine. I won't do it if you don't want me to

Stranger: I didn't say that

You: So is that a yes?

Stranger: I guess so.

You: Ok. I need your help getting excited though.

You: Are you willing?

Stranger: What do you need me to do?

You: I need you talk like a pirate.

Stranger: ???

You: When I start to go limp... you say "ARRRR!!!"

You: ok?

You: Hello?

Stranger: You can't be serious

You: Oh yes I am!

You: It's my fantasy.

Stranger: this is retarded

You: Do you want it or not?

Stranger: Yes I want it.

You: Then you'll do it for me?

Stranger: sure

You: Ok. Here we go.

You: I gently remove your panties and being to massage your thighs.

You: You get really juicy thinking about my tounge brushing up against


You: I run my tounge up and down your smooth skin.

Stranger: mmmm yeah

You: uh oh ...going limp.

Stranger: arrr

You: You gotta do better than that!

You: Your picture was really bad.


You: Ahhhh. Much better. I feel you get more moist with every


You: I begin to feel empowered by your femininity.

Stranger: mmmmmm you are good

You: I feel your thighs tighten as I suck harder

You: going limp

Stranger: ARRRRRRR

You: Mmmm I grab your swelling buttocks in my hands.

You: You begin to sway back and forth.

You: going limp

Stranger: this is stupid

You: ...still limp

You: Do it!


You: I turn you around to lick your ass.

You: I pry apart that battleship you call your ass.

You: I see turd nuggets hanging from the hair around your ass.

Stranger: WTF?!?!?

You: They stink really bad.

Stranger: OMG STOP!!!

You: I start to get fed up with your ugly ass

You: I tear off your wooden peg leg.

You: I ram it up your ass.


You: Then I pour hot carmel over your head.

You: And turn you into a fucking candy apple...

You: I kick you in the face!

Stranger: FUCK YOU!!

You: The celluloid from your cheeks hits the side of the cabin...

You: Your parrot flys away.

You: ...going limp again.

You: Hello?

You: Say it!

You: AARRRRRR!!!!!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Isn't this log from /b/? ~_~
Double Post :D

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hey!

You: Hey

Stranger: are you a male or female? :)

You: Male [:

Stranger: i'm a f

Stranger: where are you from?

You: New York you? ;)

Stranger: Brazil!

You: Oh :D

You: I heard Brazilians knew how to please a man

You: Is this true?

Stranger: haha I guess.. it depends x)

Stranger: how old are u?

You: 17

Stranger: i'm 16

You: ;)

You: Send me a pic?

Stranger: do you have orkut?

You: orkut?

Stranger: sorry, this is more used in brazil

Stranger: let me see..

You: Can u send me a picture of u?

Stranger: on Flickr - Photo Sharing! can u see?

You: Oh very nice, how much?

Stranger: how much what?

You: how much for se

You: sex*

Stranger: fuck you!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hey

Stranger: can i vent a tiny bit

You: sure

Stranger: ok so my brother is always really rude and dirspect full to my mom and they always get in huge fights like just now for

Stranger: examle

Stranger: and my mom acts like complealy physo

Stranger: and i dont know what to do

Stranger: and like if she saw me on the computer now shed be like WHAT


Stranger: blah blah blah and probalbly like slap me

Stranger: then she always says that i am tring to get my brother i trouble when im really NOT

Stranger: and finals are right now and everything is really stressful

Stranger: ugh so yea

You: One question

Stranger: thats it

You: Is your mom single?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey

Stranger: hi

You: asl?

Stranger: how are you?

Stranger: 22 m usa

Stranger: you?

You: good i guess

Stranger: asl?

You: 5/sh/krypton

Stranger: ass

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

another one...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey

Stranger: hi

You: Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I liked to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised

On the playground was where I spent most of my days

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool

And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school

When a couple of guys

Who were up to no good

Startin making trouble in my neighborhood

I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day

But she packed my suite case and send me on my way

She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.

I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

First class, yo this is bad

Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.

Is this what the people of Bel-Air Living like?

Hmmmmm this might be alright.

But wait I hear there're prissy, wine all that

Is Bel-Air the type of place they send this cool cat?

I don't think sow

I'll see when I get there

I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air

Well, the plane landed and when I came out

There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out

I ain't trying to get arrested

I just got here

I sprang with the quickness like lightening, disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near

The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror

If anything I can say this cab is rare

But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8

And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'

I looked at my kingdom

I was finally there

To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

Connection imploded.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: asl?

You: Hey

You: Man I'm pissed.

Stranger: whys that

You: I just got through chatting with a complete racist.

Stranger: lol

You: lol?

You: Nothing infuriates me more than racism.

Stranger: ok...

Stranger: so where u from

You: the U.S.

You: Yourself?

Stranger: Norway

You: I see.

You: Know what pisses me off even more than racists?

Stranger: what?

You: dirty norwegians

You: the fucks

Stranger: FUCK U

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: lesbian?

You: Wanna have sex?

You: Yeah I'm a girl

You: I'm bi.

You: Wanna do it?

You: With strap ons?

Stranger: oh yes

Stranger: :)

You: Up the butthole?

Stranger: oh yes :)

You: Then I can pull out my cock a hit you with it?

You: and*

Stranger: oh dat sounds soo good

You: Then you can touch my hairy chest.

Stranger: i'll lick it

You: Then you can suck on my ballsack.

Stranger: of course. :)

Stranger: i'll put some whipcream and suck it

You: But I thought you said you were lesbian

Stranger: i am but i like to suck dick too

You: So then your bi.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Double Post:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


Stranger: sure

You: Are you ghey or a girl?

Stranger: girl obviously

You: How many fingers?

Stranger: 5

Stranger: 10

You: in your pussy?


Stranger: hahahahah

You: You sleezy whore!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Im on a fucking streak here:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: are u a girl with msn and cam?

You: Yes

Stranger: age?

You: 18.

Stranger: from?

You: France.

Stranger: i'm 16 brazil

Stranger: how r u today?

You: Very horny.

Stranger: cool

Stranger: send me your msn?

You: Sure.


Stranger: ta tirando neh veio

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
best i got so far:

You: what brings ye to omegle

Stranger: i'm bored

You: lulz me tew

Stranger: it's gonna to die

Stranger: what r u doin?

Stranger: don't say i'm typing

You: watchn across the univrs

Stranger: watchn?

You: yarp

Stranger: i didn't get it

Stranger: my english is terrible

You: where u from

Stranger: korea

You: south?

Stranger: sure

You: that sucks

Stranger: why

You: gay place

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: no

You: thats not what i hear

Stranger: what did u hear

You: that all gay live there

You: and have butt sex

Stranger: absolutely not

You: u sure?

Stranger: you have the wrong information

Stranger: ya i'm sure

You: idk history books cant lie

Stranger: history books?
Stranger: hello

You: sends out Pikachu!

You: Pikachu uses Thunderbolt.

Stranger: o don't get a shock

Stranger: i'm shock proof

You: Pikachu is affected by Stranger's o don't get a shock

You: Pikachu is badly poisoned

You: Pikachu faints.

You: sends out Caterpie.

You: Caterpie uses String Shot.

You: Stranger is slowed.

Stranger: i don't understand whether u r ur pikachu is a freak?

You: Caterpie is confused

You: Caterpie faints.

Stranger: ow!

You: No! Caterpie can't cut it!

You have disconnected.

Stranger: hi



Stranger: k.

You: You think I'll find that the universe pretty much covers everything.


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: hi!

Stranger: hiyaa

You: i do cocaine!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: Im 16 yr old boy from Finland

You: wow

Stranger: you

You: fuck that

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hai

Stranger: dont you hate it

Stranger: when]

Stranger: You're taking a dump

Stranger: And

Stranger: A polar bear comes in and starts beating off?

You: oh, yeah

You: shit like that always happens to me

Stranger: Its like

You: it's really annoying

Stranger: Im trying to take a shit here..

You: yeah

You: but it's not like he cares

You: I need to fuck him before he leaves

You: the sex is good

Stranger: I agree.

You: but I'd like to take a crap first

You: you know?

Stranger: Polar bear cock is nice.

You: oh, yes

You: and very long

Stranger: Like, The size of my arm.

You: it's taller

You: it's like

You: the full size

You: of my body

Stranger: I love it.

You: me too.

Stranger: Wait, gender?

Stranger: Male/female?

You: female

Stranger: Im male

Stranger: xD

You: ah

You: well

You: I got a cock tho

Stranger: Hermaphrodite?

You: but I like to look at myself as a chick

You: you know?

You: yes

Stranger: Awh, thats hot.

You: oh, yes

You: yes indeed

You: you interested?

Stranger: hell yeah,

You: okay, come visit me in russia

Stranger: ._. Dammet.

Stranger: PICS.

You: oka, sec

Stranger: k.


Stranger: You're a hooker?

Stranger: -.-

You: kinda

Stranger: Oh haha, Very funny.

You: but I'll do it for free

You: cause you seem like a very nice guy

Stranger: Uhh

Stranger: Riiiiight

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: 74 hermathodite here!

You: hey rando

You: you misspelled your gender holmes

Stranger: do i kno u? howd u kno my name?

Stranger: have u ever heard of misspelling thingsa

You: NO


Stranger: how do u spell it

Stranger: y r u in caps?

You: V-A-G-I-N-A


Stranger: r u expresasing ur raw emotions?


Stranger: UR SO SILLY

You: no u

Stranger: NO U

You: no, really, u

Stranger: what did u do today?


Stranger: exciting!!!


Stranger: *nodding*



Your conversational partner has disconnected.

its hard to find funny shit here. 60% of the people are just other trolls. 40% are creepers looking to cyber (actually prolly half of the cyber crowd are either trolls or pretending to be an opposite gender).
got a 40y/o milf to send pics...what a sucker.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: my son was just on here

Stranger: what is this site?

You: talk to

Stranger: doesn't seem very safe

You: u a milf?

Stranger: a milf?

You: got pics?

Stranger: ha

Stranger: maybe

You: lemme see, mrs....?

Stranger: Keene

You: mrs. keene

Stranger: haha

Stranger: who are you?

You: random person

Stranger: I don't even know how to upload one to here

You: go to a website like and upload it there

You: then you put the link here

You: you doing it ms keene?

Stranger: One second!


Stranger: Do you see them?

You: wow..very nice

Stranger: So how old are you?

You: 29, you (if you dont mind me asking)

Stranger: you're too young for me

Stranger: haha

Stranger: im 40!

You: i like older women, give a sucker a chance :)

Stranger: what would a young man want with a 40 year old?

You: women are like fine wine, they get better with age

Stranger: haha

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: i shouldn't have sent pictures

Stranger: my husband will kill me

Stranger: byee

You: good bye beautiful

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Falkor said:
got a 40y/o milf to send pics...what a sucker.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: my son was just on here

Stranger: what is this site?

You: talk to

Stranger: doesn't seem very safe

You: u a milf?

Stranger: a milf?

You: got pics?

Stranger: ha

Stranger: maybe

You: lemme see, mrs....?

Stranger: Keene

You: mrs. keene

Stranger: haha

Stranger: who are you?

You: random person

Stranger: I don't even know how to upload one to here

You: go to a website like and upload it there

You: then you put the link here

You: you doing it ms keene?

Stranger: One second!


Stranger: Do you see them?

You: wow..very nice

Stranger: So how old are you?

You: 29, you (if you dont mind me asking)

Stranger: you're too young for me

Stranger: haha

Stranger: im 40!

You: i like older women, give a sucker a chance :)

Stranger: what would a young man want with a 40 year old?

You: women are like fine wine, they get better with age

Stranger: haha

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: i shouldn't have sent pictures

Stranger: my husband will kill me

Stranger: byee

You: good bye beautiful

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I think we require links here to get the full picture.

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