List of BoE gear for 39's

A question was recently asked on the reckoning forums for any BoE gear that could be used for the 39's bracket. I took the time for abit of research (Insomnia motivated me as well) and came up with a decent list for the BoE's of the 39's

Note if I have the stats as <+6-7,+6-7> That means there are no single number on it you can get.

Necromancers leggings

Firemane leggings

Basalisk Hide Leggings

Leggaurds of the vault

Green Lens of (insert damage here)

Lunar Mantle of (insert animal here) <+9,+9> stats or +20 damage

Ancient Greaves of the (insert animal here)

Pendulum of Doom

Shadowforge Bluntguss (somthing like that)

The Silencer

The Pacifier

Monolithic Bow

Warden wraps

Huntsman's armor of (insert animal here) <+12, +12>

Ogron's sash

Robe of the magi

Staff of jordan

Stonevault Breaker

Saturns ring

Umbral Crystal

Becon of hope

Death head vestments

Necklace of calisa

Underworld band

Bloodwoven Bracers of the (Insert animal/damage here) <+6-7,+6-7/12 damage>

Darkmist Mantle of the (Insert animal/damage here) <+9,+9/19-20 damage>

Wardens woolies

Jania's firestarter

Nocturnal cap of the (insert animal here) <+12,+12>

Aquamarine Signet of the (insert animal here) <+7-8,+7-8>


Ginsu Sword

Speed steel Rapier

Obsidian Cleaver

Captian's Breastplate of the (insert animal here) <+12,+12>

Scorpidashi Wristbands

Wolfriders Wristbands of the (insert animal here) <+6-7,+6-7>

Royal boots of the (insert animal/damage here) <+9-+9/20 damage>

Catabalits cloak of the (insert animal here) <+6-7,+6-7>

Gossamer Cloak of the (insert animal/damage here) <+6-7,+6-7/14 damage>

Shadowweave leggaurds

Lumbering Ogre Axe

Ancient Greves of the (insert animal here) <+9,+9>

Sorcerer's robe of the (insert animal here) <+12,+12/27 damage>

Green Whelp Armor

The Green Tower

Shadowhide gloves

Gloves of holy might

Scarlet Chestpiece

Assault Band

Skeletal Shoulders

Miner's hat of the deep

This is just a list of most of (not all and I know it right now. I'll get it filled in later as I remember more)

This is a list that you can use while doing AH scan's if you want.
Later on, I might split this up by the type of armour they are too...just feeling too lazy to do it now. :p

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