Level 1 Rogue Twink In Progress

Hey guys,

So i'm making a level 1 rogue twink and I would like to go head on with this. I was wondering if anyone had any advice?

I'm mainly making this twink to duel, and solo hogger and other bosses.

I know in 3.3 the dual weild will be added so which weapons and which enchants are BiS for me? I've read a lot on the site but so many people have different math calculations that I just can't figure out which one's right.

Also, which single hand weapon enchant should I use now?

Skinning or Mining?

For boots, 5 hit, 7 agi, or 7 stam? I was thinking 5 hit, but the dodge is so nice and it's great to have extra health >< I'm indecisive.

Also, how did many of you guys go about the Explorer title and tabard? And leveling herbalism to 150 must be a bitch, right?

I have a large amount of gold to spend on this twink, and am more than willing to. If someone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
There are lvl1's with it atm?! (Explorer)
Also, which single hand weapon enchant should I use now? Fiery, i think is best. You will still want a Medicine Pouch.

Skinning or Mining? Skinning and Herbalism

For boots, 5 hit, 7 agi, or 7 stam? I was thinking 5 hit, but the dodge is so nice and it's great to have extra health >< I'm indecisive. All 3. :)

Couldn't say it better myself, maybe I would of put it in bullet order though :3

Be a belf for the slowest 1 hander in the game, its epic with life stealing or crusader :3
Depends on the duel for weapon choice / enchant choice. Lifestealing should be your primary enchant, it's way to good to pass up, but if you feel you could burst them down (a class like mage, that can't heal) then try with fiery. If the going gets bad, just hide and bandage.

For rogue v rogue, imo dual-wield 15 agi will be superior. Or 1 LS, 1 15 agi (OH). The extra dodge will help a LOT. I remember dueling my twin twink back when we had like 90% dodge, those fights lasted pretty much until one of us yielded, it was quite ridiculous =P.
skinning and herb, use the herb bug. I'm not gonna explain it, search for it on the site. Get 4 boots, one with each ench including minor speed. They are cheap. Use the one you like the best.

EDIT: A couple of guys in my guild has the exlporer tabard.
The Explorer tabbard isn't that bad to get.. Northrend is a lot more forgiving to wander round than Azeroth.

You'll need 5 summons to finish (2 in shol basin, 3 in storm peaks)

Currently working through Outlands.. seems you'll need a summon on just about every map.

Levelling herbalism isn't too bad if you're going for Explorer title, as you'll find enough herbs to get there (I can't bring myself to exploit coding bugs.. wasn't that bad to do it legitimately)

If you're aiming for soloing Hogger I'd prolly recommend dw with +15 agi for the dodge.

Oh and for the love of God, if you are doing any exploring do try to get a run speed enchant before you start...

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