Legion: The end of the twinking generation?


Hello, my name is Dexa, and i'm just giving out information about how twinking will be in Legion, the next wow expac.
Twinking will be dead. There aren't any words i can give out to how STUPID Blizzard is right now.

1: There are MORE twink's than actual active/high rated endgame players, which means they will even lose MORE subscribers. Why would you do that?!?!

2: Why remove enchants? Why remove trinket uses. This game is going to a My Little Pony creation, literally everything is chewed up for you and ready to be eaten, if you know what i mean. :p

3: I think we, The TI community should RAZE over the Forums, Twitter, everything to avoid this happening for lvl 1-100, i think they should ONLY implement the feature for HIGH level players.

If you ARE with me, we should get a shit ton of people to make the biggest forum, so we can get their attention!

BEWARE: The generation of twinking is in OUR hands, not Blizzard's, we should stop this era of bullshit!

MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies <<- Link to the blueposts, and if you scroll down the ''good features'' of the new PVP system!

I will be making a video about this and try get as many views so Blizzard will see what they are doing wrong.

If they DO implement this, there won't be 5.6 million, but maybe nearly 2 million.
#SaveTheTwinks !
I will be making a video about this and try get as many views so Blizzard will see what they are doing wrong.

If they DO implement this, there won't be 5.6 million, but maybe nearly 2 million.
#SaveTheTwinks !

are you trying to say that 3.6 million of the current subscriber base is twinks?
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Blizzard has shown distain for Twinks over the years since at least TBC and I don't see them changing their position on it now. For those who say the coming PvP changes aren't directed at Twinks then they should ONLY effect Level 110 and not 10-109, but since it's a sweeping change to ALL BG's then yes, it is a direct nerf to Twinking (even if that isn't the intent from Blizz, it's certainly the result). It's also a direct nerf to what was a cool design change, that is allowing old school items to scale up and not only be useful in PvP but be crazy fun too. Now, what isn't known is if the change will effect proc Weapons but it's likely they will.

To the OP, no, the Twinking community does not make up 3.6 million monthly subscriptions (5.6 million > 2 million that you state). It also does not make up a larger community than all of Raiding. TI is a terrible guideline as to the show of force of actual Twinks in the game as the "active" user base at any given time is maybe a few hundred, but there are VASTLY more Twinks in game than a couple hundred. We certainly do pay Blizzard more money than the average pleb but how much of the slice of the $$$ we actually are, who knows.

Another poster said it reasonably well, the Twinking community will likely find some way to exploit the new system and still be stronger than randoms. And by exploit I do not mean using 3rd party software to lag out, glitch out, etc like some Players do (that should be perma banned) to cheat to win in the Twink Cup as well as normal Bracket BG's. I simply mean we will probably find a way to use the game given to us (Legion) to our advantage. I can bet it won't be the advantage we have now for sure, but something.

That said, I do believe that Twinking strictly for PvP will be severely hit in Legion, while Twinking for PvE may see a boost since none of our gear will be effected by the change. It certainly doesn't look good for Twinks at this early point in the conversation about Legion but who knows with Blizzard, they do some of the stupidest shit I've seen a Game company do over the years.
Blizzard has shown distain for Twinks over the years since at least TBC and I don't see them changing their position on it now. For those who say the coming PvP changes aren't directed at Twinks then they should ONLY effect Level 110 and not 10-109, but since it's a sweeping change to ALL BG's then yes, it is a direct nerf to Twinking (even if that isn't the intent from Blizz, it's certainly the result). It's also a direct nerf to what was a cool design change, that is allowing old school items to scale up and not only be useful in PvP but be crazy fun too. Now, what isn't known is if the change will effect proc Weapons but it's likely they will.

To the OP, no, the Twinking community does not make up 3.6 million monthly subscriptions (5.6 million > 2 million that you state). It also does not make up a larger community than all of Raiding. TI is a terrible guideline as to the show of force of actual Twinks in the game as the "active" user base at any given time is maybe a few hundred, but there are VASTLY more Twinks in game than a couple hundred. We certainly do pay Blizzard more money than the average pleb but how much of the slice of the $$$ we actually are, who knows.

Another poster said it reasonably well, the Twinking community will likely find some way to exploit the new system and still be stronger than randoms. And by exploit I do not mean using 3rd party software to lag out, glitch out, etc like some Players do (that should be perma banned) to cheat to win in the Twink Cup as well as normal Bracket BG's. I simply mean we will probably find a way to use the game given to us (Legion) to our advantage. I can bet it won't be the advantage we have now for sure, but something.

That said, I do believe that Twinking strictly for PvP will be severely hit in Legion, while Twinking for PvE may see a boost since none of our gear will be effected by the change. It certainly doesn't look good for Twinks at this early point in the conversation about Legion but who knows with Blizzard, they do some of the stupidest shit I've seen a Game company do over the years.

This all the way well put.

Twinks were given their own playground, removed from the others who'd rather not play with them. Maybe Legion will include something just as accommodating.
Good try bud, Twinks were REMOVED from the general population due to constant complaints by plebs who were getting destroyed by us in BG's. They have never once accommodated Twinks that I know of. Even the Enchant scaling was an actual nerf (even though it allowed us a higher variety of Enchants to choose from) because we had absurd Leg Enchants prior to that, well some of us did.

EDIT: With the PvP changes I would hope that Blizz would allow Twinks back into the general population for BG's and we'll still be superior to an extent as many Twinks are absolute veterans at PvP compared to the bads that are in most BG's these days.
Good try bud, Twinks were REMOVED from the general population due to constant complaints by plebs who were getting destroyed by us in BG's. They have never once accommodated Twinks that I know of. Even the Enchant scaling was an actual nerf (even though it allowed us a higher variety of Enchants to choose from) because we had absurd Leg Enchants prior to that, well some of us did.

EDIT: With the PvP changes I would hope that Blizz would allow Twinks back into the general population for BG's and we'll still be superior to an extent as many Twinks are absolute veterans at PvP compared to the bads that are in most BG's these days.

Very well said. I think blizzard has always decided to never support something that requires extra work, and in this case more balancing at lower levels such as twinking. Also, they let all the other people complain about how they got rekt against "twinks" from 07' in a battleground where they shouldn't even be able to join if their gear is crappy. That was blizzards issue they obviously never decided to place a barrier on low level pvp causing people to complain. Heck, if you pvp in a 100 bg with crap gear then people on their forums will tell you to farm pve gear or keep doing BG's for honor. Yet it's the opposite if you don't gear at lower levels because people assume that twinks from 07' are the bloodthirsty noob slayers they used to be thanks to blizzards lack of keeping noobs from ruining everything.
Delusional much?

Since when is someone in a leveling BG under-geared if they're not twinked? Twinks were essentially creating their own game within a game. Blizzard separated the two for maximum happiness. Of course, you might be speaking for those who twink only to stomp on non-twinks to erm... compensate. In that case we have nothing to discuss. harumph
Good try bud, Twinks were REMOVED from the general population due to constant complaints by plebs who were getting destroyed by us in BG's. They have never once accommodated Twinks that I know of. Even the Enchant scaling was an actual nerf (even though it allowed us a higher variety of Enchants to choose from) because we had absurd Leg Enchants prior to that, well some of us did.

EDIT: With the PvP changes I would hope that Blizz would allow Twinks back into the general population for BG's and we'll still be superior to an extent as many Twinks are absolute veterans at PvP compared to the bads that are in most BG's these days.

When Blizzard introduced XP into battlegrounds it would have been easier for them to do nothing and not add the option for us to turn XP Off. This would have effectively killed twinking. Instead they created two NPCs named Behsten and Slotz who happen to be wearing gear quite similar to that of twinks. These NPCs allow us the option to either gain or not gain experience in battlegrounds.

When skirmishes were reintroduced they originally excluded those under level 20 from participating. After some Twitter communication Blizzard changed the level requirement to include level 19s.

When the Twink Cup started gaining traction Blizzard reached out to the community. Lore extended the thread on the official forums, Esports got in contact, and they promoted in under the E-Sports event blog.

There are three examples off the top of where Blizzard made changes or did something specifically for twinks.
Even Behsten & Slahtz both emote about twink gear. Such as the loss of nethercleft armor, dreaming of Lucky Fishing Hat and needing Leggings of the Fang.

If/when these changes do come we will find a way. We always do.
Each and every expansion, or big change, a Chicken Little comes along and screams "the sky is falling! The sky is falling!" And guess what? It has not fell yet. How many times have we all witnessed this? 4? 5? times...
We will have doomsayers coming out of the woodwork for the next 12 months stating R.I.P. whatever bracket they are interested in playing. Just like we have for the last eight years. It is nothing new.
Hello, my name is Dexa, and i'm just giving out information about how twinking will be in Legion, the next wow expac.
Twinking will be dead. There aren't any words i can give out to how STUPID Blizzard is right now.

You know exactly how the new system will be implemented from 1-110 next expansion? Not exactly how I'd choose to use a time machine, but to each their own I guess.

are you trying to say that 4.6 million of the current subscriber base is twinks?

Not to mention the fact that the current majority of XP-off players either don't pay a sub (f2p/vet) or haven't bought WoD (90s fueling 90-99 pops).

A large portion of the rest of them play for community and/or competition, neither of which would be impacted all that much by the change.
blizz is going full retard again, same gear/enchants to make pvp more competetive? sure, in arena and rbgs, but in fucking random battlegrounds? they will never be competetive, never ever.

if they merge "twinks aka ppl with locked xp" back into "normal" xp on bgs i fully support it but honestly, even with same gear and enchants nontwinks will find something to cry about, like "twinks have way better xmogs, please ban them"
if they merge "twinks aka ppl with locked xp" back into "normal" xp on bgs i fully support it but honestly, even with same gear and enchants nontwinks will find something to cry about, like "twinks have way better xmogs, please ban them"

I think, twinks will cry as well.. Have u tried unlocked BGs? I am leveling my 3rd character in BGs only and this amount of stupid/retarded/moronic ppl is just HUGE.. IMO, there is a lot of twinks who like playing in locked XP BGs, only cos they dont meet those stupid ppl from open XP BGs and for competitive gameplay without buying WoD/MoP, etc....
Blizzard has been more and more accommodating for us, I don't think this will change in legion, we may not have numbers, but a huge portion of us are long time WoW veterans who still actually play.
please get real, they dont give a shit about twinks..
scaling? wasnt made for twinks
twinkcup support? free promotion for their game, like they give a shit about it
they dont even fix the most obvious lowlvl balance issues like FB oneshotting people a whole fucking expansion from the level they learn it till 89 (but then again, they dont care about pvp at all, " we only focus on 3v3" haha sure)

the only positive thing was to implement the xp lock npcs, prolly because they were afraid of a shitstorm otherwise

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