Leg Kits, Shoulder Enchants, & Professions nerfed?

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I'm transferring one of my 70s over to check on my other account. All of my twinks unfortunately took up all of my slots on my main account ><.
Meh, I think the BoA shoulder enchants and 450 professions (and MAYBE Naxx shoulder enchants) will be the only things being nerfed/fixed. I can't really see them taking away leg armors. Personally, I wish things would stay the way they are right now. :( Well, we'll see. Whatever happens, I don't really think it'll be game-breaking. We'll survive and keep on twinking.
IMO all the changes in patch 3.1 are absolutely fantastic.

I am twinking since preTBC times, and it will bring all the fun that twinking was back in those times, without huge stamina pools, leg patches, shoulder enchants, proffesion etc etc.

There are mainly two advantages of this:

1. Every single twink will have the same chances of winning - depending on SKILL and GEAR - not the huge stamina pool, or using 2k herbalism regen.

2. Everyone can be PERFECT. Everyone can max their profs, get the best gear, get the best enchants. NO MORE grandfathering overpowered stuff.

This changes really made me happy. 1 month ago i was thinking about cancelling my account - now - NO WAY. WoW is back.
yeah, they have been nerfed or they got a level req as the +100hp on chest enchant (which on PTR reqs lvl 30 -.-).

Deva said:
IMO all the changes in patch 3.1 are absolutely fantastic.

I am twinking since preTBC times, and it will bring all the fun that twinking was back in those times, without huge stamina pools, leg patches, shoulder enchants, proffesion etc etc.

There are mainly two advantages of this:

1. Every single twink will have the same chances of winning - depending on SKILL and GEAR - not the huge stamina pool, or using 2k herbalism regen.

2. Everyone can be PERFECT. Everyone can max their profs, get the best gear, get the best enchants. NO MORE grandfathering overpowered stuff.

This changes really made me happy. 1 month ago i was thinking about cancelling my account - now - NO WAY. WoW is back.

Well. In that point it's nice yes, but now ppl have to find new and better items from dungeons, and that would for some twinks. Anyways looking forward to see how Blizz are gonna do it all.
+100 hp is the only enchant that has a level requirement on 3.1 PTR. Other enchants are still the same, without lvl (not ilvl) requirement.
Deva said:
+100 hp is the only enchant that has a level requirement on 3.1 PTR. Other enchants are still the same, without lvl (not ilvl) requirement.

I think some of the confusion here is coming from the fact that some people are arguing/discussion from an assumption that other enchants will get the same treatment eventually, while others are assuming they won't.
the only thing that really upsets me about all these changes is how the un-grandfathered 450 professions will not give you the lower-skill benefits. thus, people who farmed up the 450 professions when it was an allowed part of the game will have to drop the profession and re-level it to the appropriate skill level for the character in order to get the profession rank benefits.

and in my case, that's 375. which is a long ass grind for 2 professions.

Adt said:
and in my case, that's 375. which is a long ass grind for 2 professions.

Yeah, I hope Blizzard tosses in a way to scale down 450 professions to the appropriate level. I'm leveling mining on my 49 Warrior up to 375, by myself. It's doable, but certainly not pleasant... sitting at 319 right now and I'm feeling thankful that I'll be able to do most of it through smelting.

As for the rest of the changes, as time goes by I'm feeling more comfortable with them. I was concerned about the state of clothie twinks, but my friend who's got a mage has just finished up gearing and is closing in on the last level... and it's looking like he'll be fine post 3.1. Even if his health drops to the low 2K range, he's still got Frost Barrier to buffer that.

Frankly, so long as twinks can still stay out of two-shot range in the 49 bracket, I'm just fine with 3.1. And that's looking like how it'll be.
Jadyn said:
some people are arguing/discussion from an assumption that other enchants will get the same treatment eventually, while others are assuming they won't.

Better not to assume at all. Just take things as they come, imo. :)
With the professions, there are players who have gone to huge lengths to level up 450/450 or whatever that got to. And who sacraficed their twink to levels just to achieve this skill. If you bring professions back down to scale then it wouldn't be fair.

With the Naxx enchants, people spent RL money for transfers and in-game money (10k or more sometimes) to obtain these enchants just for you to get rid of them, again is not fair.

With the BOA's, idk how to argue with this seeing as my highest character is level 61 hehe.

But the leg enchants are just plain dumb.

I am saying all this from a different point of view than some people. I do not have my professions maxed, I actually think that out of all my characters my Dk's first aid is the highest skill lol. My next would be my shamans 150 engineering. I have not obtained BoA's and Naxx. Either..

It's not that I do not disapprove of them, it's just that I haven't been able to afford most of the things.

That is my 2 cents.
Atotem said:
With the professions, there are players who have gone to huge lengths to level up 450/450 or whatever that got to. And who sacraficed their twink to levels just to achieve this skill. If you bring professions back down to scale then it wouldn't be fair.
having them in the first place isn't fair either. not intended anyways.

With the Naxx enchants, people spent RL money for transfers and in-game money (10k or more sometimes) to obtain these enchants just for you to get rid of them, again is not fair.
not intended.

With the BOA's, idk how to argue with this seeing as my highest character is level 61 hehe.
they're not intended.

But the leg enchants are just plain dumb.
ok, they're dumb, good point?

elaborate :p

I am saying all this from a different point of view than some people. I do not have my professions maxed, I actually think that out of all my characters my Dk's first aid is the highest skill lol. My next would be my shamans 150 engineering. I have not obtained BoA's and Naxx. Either..

ok, that doesn't make the issues any different.

when blizzard takes away stuff that wasn't intended for twinks, it's not that bad of a move because it's usually stuff that is very overpowered, and if your characters don't have it then you have a major disadvantage to people who do have it.

the main issue with obtaining this stuff and then losing it is that blizzard suddenly sprang this 3.1 patch on us. if they had warned us that it was going to be useless in the upcoming patches when it was being obtained, then there wouldn't be an issue. blizzard should communicate and plan more.
the main issue with obtaining this stuff and then losing it is that blizzard suddenly sprang this 3.1 patch on us. if they had warned us that it was going to be useless in the upcoming patches when it was being obtained, then there wouldn't be an issue. blizzard should communicate and plan more.

Bullseye. =/

Lets punish ppl with good gear/chants with nerfs...who cares if they worked hard to get the stuff

under geared layz ppl cant compete with them

**BUT lets not stop with twinks lets NERF lvl 80 pvp/raid gear as well.

its not fair that you had the time/skill to get that gear and i dont have it i mean its not FAIR that u beat me in pvp /cry

in fact blizz should just mail all gear/chants to us as soon as we make an account so it can be FAIR

we wouldnt want someone that has been playing for 3+yrs to have better stuff.

why work or it right .

Lets just take all the gear/gold/goods everyone has and slit it all up so its Fair for new/casual players

oh isnt that call Communism?

IF blizz wants to make things Fair and not piss off ppl that have worked hard they should

make more pvp gear for lower lvls like this

1. scale season pvp gear (like BOA gear) to 19..29..39 ect

2. let us move to a twink battle grp

3. update gear with each season
There is a new 3.1 build coming to the PTR tonight. First one since this twink nerf last friday.

my guess is the patch notes will be telling us something
galindore said:
Lets punish ppl with good gear/chants with nerfs...who cares if they worked hard to get the stuff

under geared layz ppl cant compete with them

**BUT lets not stop with twinks lets NERF lvl 80 pvp/raid gear as well.

its not fair that you had the time/skill to get that gear and i dont have it i mean its not FAIR that u beat me in pvp /cry

in fact blizz should just mail all gear/chants to us as soon as we make an account so it can be FAIR

we wouldnt want someone that has been playing for 3+yrs to have better stuff.

why work or it right .

Lets just take all the gear/gold/goods everyone has and slit it all up so its Fair for new/casual players

oh isnt that call Communism?

IF blizz wants to make things Fair and not piss off ppl that have worked hard they should

make more pvp gear for lower lvls like this

1. scale season pvp gear (like BOA gear) to 19..29..39 ect

2. let us move to a twink battle grp

3. update gear with each season

So many things wrong its hard to know where to start...

Ive been playing since release. My 80 pally brings me upto 5 characters leveled to max level. My in progress lock will bring me upto 8 twinks since the start of TBC (i lost count of my pre bc ones...) oh and that doesnt include my shaman who was twinked at 29, 39, 49 and 59.

If they do officially nerf leg enchants it will be a giant leap forward as far as twinking is concerned imo. It opens up so many options aswell as making twinking openly available to those of us who dont have overly large amounts of gold.

Its amazing how much people cry over the smallest things. If you bothered to research youd see that in 99% of cases there is a very good BoP pair of blue pants to replace your greens with patch. So 19 warriors will go back to using westfall pants, 29 rogues back to triprunner dungerees, 49 pallies to elemental rockridge leggings... Oh noes.

Leg enchant nerf is a good thing, sorry but it is. As for naxx/zg/glad enchants, you were never supposed to get them to begin with lol. They were never intended for twinks, if you spent 10k gold to get something that you MUST have known would be nerfed eventually then its your own fault.

Professions nerf should of been done long ago. Ever tried killing a twink ret pally in 29s with rank6 lifeblood? Its a joke, ive seen 5+ solid built twinks beat on one only to have him kill one or two of them and still have enough left over to run back to the safety of his healer.

Ill probably have to reroll all my twinks, but i say bring on the "nerfs".
1st i have 300 skinning and 150 herb. i do think 450 is wrong

2nd i have glad chants i was fine b4 but will be sad to see them go but i understand just gimme back my gold.

im upset about the items they are taking away that we have had forever like the kits and librams

3rd large amouts of gold? lol we should get rid of all gold in the 1st place i mean why should my 80s have to fight ppl with best gear/chants right? its the same thing with twinks

if blizz makes all items easy to get then what is the point of twinking? at lvl 80 u get more gear for doing more pvp there u have a goal.

at twink lvls we have a few pvp items to go for but after a weekend its done lol we never get anything new to work for.

so my point is if there is nothing for me to work for and anyone with 5 mins can be at the same gear lvl as someone that has put in along time. what is the point in twinking?

to make it fair

1 lets get rid of all pots

2 elixers

3. scrolls

4.green+ gear

5. food

6. buffs from team mates cause other team may not have a pally or priest ect.

and all fight in gray gear LOL it will be Epic
galindore said:
to make it fair

1 lets get rid of all pots

2 elixers

3. scrolls

4.green+ gear

5. food

6. buffs from team mates cause other team may not have a pally or priest ect.

and all fight in gray gear LOL it will be Epic

it would be all skill. i personally wouldn't mind.

the only bad thing though is that there's no way to make a toon geared towards FCing, dps, healing, sp, etc : /
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