L80 Twinking -- Pros/Cons?


Hey everyone.

I have a almost BiS 80 Warrior that I have not touched since Wrath. I am thinking of turning it into a twink.

Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/blackrock/Kuroxoxo/advanced

Obviously, it needs a bit of work, but still not a bad place to start. Tips/advice on what I could be missing?

What are the pros/cons of the level 80 bracket?

If I decide to keep it in this bracket, do I just want to stay at level 80 with XP off or level to 84 and turn XP off?

Just trying to get a feel for this.

Also, what server are the majority of people on?


this is probably the worst time to start an 80 twink unless you never step into a BG.

MoP is coming out, the gear gap between 83~84's and 80 will be even bigger.
So, 80-84 play in the same BGs with experience turned off?
Yes, you will be running around with 20-40k HP and a geared 84 will have double/triple that easily.
So, sounds like you if just want to PvP, that you want to be at level 84. Got it.

I will start leveling on Tuesday then after the new patch hits and the new talent system comes out.
Id wait to level to see how MOP affects 80 twinks. All of my 80s can kill 84s with no problem as long as I have enough resilience.
Dont level before MoP comes. That one is for sure..

Also.. Atm almost all 84's are killable without too much trouble by a level 80 geared non-bad twink.

There are a lot of facts you need to consider, and i suggest you read through some guides in the 80-84 bracket, before making any decisions that can't be undone..

I suggest you check out: http://www.twinkinfo.com/f157/80-best-slot-pve-pvp-32244/ and look at the gear and what-ever goodies that might hide.
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if i were you, i'd wait till MoP, then level.

1, they might separate the bracket into 80~x and x~84.

2, even if the bracket stays the way it is, it is a lot easier to level to 84 in MoP due to the exp reduction.
Level Old XP Requirement Newer XP Requirement
82-83 4,004,000 2,669,000 (-33%) 
83-84 5,203,400 3,469,000 (-33%)
- Lots of PvE content (4 tiers containing many bosses, 10/25 man, normal/heroic, achievements/hardmodes)
- Insane gear scaling (especially with mastery, and resilience in 5.0)
- Decent gear can be easily obtained from the 2 Cata dungeons, a few quests and the AH/crafting
- Can work on Herald of the Titans and 2 legendaries (1 as a warrior)

- PvP queues are nearly non-existant
- A few classes have very strong burst
- Some BiS items will require you to find/make raids for ICC25hc and RS25hc
- Warriors aren't great dps as they miss Colossus Smash
Aelo pretty much covered most of it, best bet is to wait until after mop release (1-2 months) never know the bracket may still park of hope left /crosses fingers
Also don't level your warrior just because you don't have CS and get it at 81/82? your just going to get roflstompped because you have no resilience, I'm looking at you derpfreeze mages :mad:
For Shane being in the us, there are infact ques

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