It's possible to get Revitalizing Jewel Doublet in F2P?

And is a way to get enchant without forget all jewelcrafting?
No. You can buy books for Legion and BfA that will restore all recipes learned thru quests. Books cost 810-1000g. *Buy the book(s) before dropping profession.
Since you can have 2 professions at a time, why not keep Jewelcrafting and replace your 2nd profession with enchanting?
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At the current state of the game, even with Goblin or Exalted reputation the recipe will be around 1080 gold to purchase thus @ F2P you are capped @ 1000 gold. If the cost was 1250 gold you could get it at 1000 gold @ Exalted.

You do get access to weekly Shadowlands Dungeon quests for reputation so technically one can get to Exalted with the Court of Harvesters after a few months of these weekly quests as well as if able to pick them as your Covenant you can get some reputation with other quests but its slow-go.
No. You can buy books for Legion and BfA that will restore all recipes learned thru quests. Books cost 810-1000g. *Buy the book(s) before dropping profession.
Since you can have 2 professions at a time, why not keep Jewelcrafting and replace your 2nd profession with enchanting?
How can i get ingredient for enchant? If I have no profession of colect
At the current state of the game, even with Goblin or Exalted reputation the recipe will be around 1080 gold to purchase thus @ F2P you are capped @ 1000 gold. If the cost was 1250 gold you could get it at 1000 gold @ Exalted.

You do get access to weekly Shadowlands Dungeon quests for reputation so technically one can get to Exalted with the Court of Harvesters after a few months of these weekly quests as well as if able to pick them as your Covenant you can get some reputation with other quests but its slow-go.
Some do strict F2P for the challenge and that's perfectly fine and understandable.

However, if you want to play F2P long-term without the constraint of being "pure" F2P, it is absolutely worth paying $15 for a month. There should be a list of everything you can and should do to improve your F2P experience in a month. Some initial thoughts:

- Get to max level (70 currently without buying TWW)
- Do the DF campaign to unlock adventure mode
- Do the BFA intro so you can skip on alts
- Do the SL campaign so you can skip on alts and buy Renown catch ups
- Do the Legion campaign so you can skip on alts and boost an alt's rep with rep tokens
- Buy a stockpile of gems and enchants rather than levelling the professions
- Unlock allied races and, optionally, heritage armor
- Get Exalted with MoP reps and buy the Grand Commendations
- Get max DF Renowns
- ON ALT: get Revered Rustbolt and buy the Extraordinary Augment recipe. It costs (IIRC) ~1700g so you can't buy it F2P
How can i get ingredient for enchant? If I have no profession of colect
Kill things for green/blue/purple quality item drops. Disenchant them. Soloing dungeons and repeatable rares are good sources for these drops to disenchant.
This post gives good info at how to collect various enchanting materials

An abridged version would be thusly:

If going for lifestealing/crusader enchant (classic enchanting) there's a vendor in your capital city that has cheap greens you can buy to DE for materials that can you get 25 skill from DEing, and will provide materials for 105 to 300 skill. The trick is the 25-105 area, which requires you to craft low level greens to get the strange dust or buy it off vendors from enchanting trainers/suppliers. Shattrath and Northrend Dalaran in particular has 4 and 3 vendors that sell mats.

For most other equip slots Northrend Dalaran enchanting covers a lot of bases and is very cheap (except for the newer classes). Your class specific armor vendors will sell you very cheap blue/purple gear which you can DE for all the mats you need.
Some do strict F2P for the challenge and that's perfectly fine and understandable.

However, if you want to play F2P long-term without the constraint of being "pure" F2P, it is absolutely worth paying $15 for a month. There should be a list of everything you can and should do to improve your F2P experience in a month. Some initial thoughts:

- Get to max level (70 currently without buying TWW)
- Do the DF campaign to unlock adventure mode
- Do the BFA intro so you can skip on alts
- Do the SL campaign so you can skip on alts and buy Renown catch ups
- Do the Legion campaign so you can skip on alts and boost an alt's rep with rep tokens
- Buy a stockpile of gems and enchants rather than levelling the professions
- Unlock allied races and, optionally, heritage armor
- Get Exalted with MoP reps and buy the Grand Commendations
- Get max DF Renowns
- ON ALT: get Revered Rustbolt and buy the Extraordinary Augment recipe. It costs (IIRC) ~1700g so you can't buy it F2P

Unfortunately, while this in theory works, a Starter Account or no game time Veteran Account CAN NOT use the Vet linked Warband bank anymore for reputation tokens, enchantment scrolls, gems or Warbound items as example - exception for now is crafting mats. pet charms, and Mark of Honor are still viable but only can be restocked by a paid account, so you are kind of limiting to playing with a Vet level 20 and hopefully that you left experience off prior to no more game time (or a locked level 11 and then no LFG PVP ;)).

One would have to remember to move all the items for the <= level 20 alternative/newly created characters into their individual bank slots or inventory to use as needed.
Do you have any suggestions for F2P Fury Warrior gems? And thanks for the help.

For the speed - 1x Straddling Jewel Doublet + at least 4 other Shadowlands gems clusters that are +2 when slotted but increase the speed of the Straddling Jewel Doublet

The cluster options are critical strike, haste, mastery and vert

Your health is kind of covered if using the Crusader/Lifestealing/ or even Lifeward enchant on the weapon, Stamina on gear and Strengh in the other gem slots.

This is covered more in

Keep in mind without some jewel crafting, one is lock to PvP vendor gems with for the Warrior are +2 Strength/+2 Armor as well as no Dragonflight Jewlecrafting triple socketing when getting the Dragonflight Amnesia necklace for example.
For the speed - 1x Straddling Jewel Doublet + at least 4 other Shadowlands gems clusters that are +2 when slotted but increase the speed of the Straddling Jewel Doublet

The cluster options are critical strike, haste, mastery and vert

Your health is kind of covered if using the Crusader/Lifestealing/ or even Lifeward enchant on the weapon, Stamina on gear and Strengh in the other gem slots.
I'd still have one of those be the Revitalizing Jewel Doublet. At 6 SL gems (including the 2 doublets), that's a full heal every 10 seconds. Getting chain stunned (or even a badly timed long stun) on certain mobs can kill you. That extra layer of survival is way better than another +2 Haste, Crit or Vers.
I'd still have one of those be the Revitalizing Jewel Doublet. At 6 SL gems (including the 2 doublets), that's a full heal every 10 seconds. Getting chain stunned (or even a badly timed long stun) on certain mobs can kill you. That extra layer of survival is way better than another +2 Haste, Crit or Vers.

Only if a veteran account with game time, the original topic was 'Can a F2P aka starter account get the Revitalizing Jewel Doublet?' and that is currently a no.

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