EU+US Is Arms the only viable PvP Warrior spec?


The Beast Within
Hi all, just asking the Vet / F2P community their thoughts on the best PvP Warrior spec. I've never played Arms, only ever Fury or from time to time Prot.
But with this Pre-Patch it seems to me that Fury and Prot are no longer viable for effective PvP.
Fury can do awesome damage on a stand alone target, but lets be real, how often does someone just stand there in PvP (unless their DC'ing of course :p). Ok, I get it, you crack a boner every time you use Nothing like seeing those big 2-handers swinging wildly and quickly, but outside of that there is hardly any usefulness. You only have 1 charge, no slows or stuns. Half the time you are trying to catch your targets.
Prot, man I love the utility of Prot. You get 2 charges, an AOE slow and can talent a ranged stun. You can stick to your targets like $hit to a blanket with all those closers but in the end you hit like a big girl and really feel more like a Tickle Me Elmo doll than a big burly Warrior.
I haven't spec'd into Arms yet, but feel like there is no other option if I want to remain effective in PvP as a Warrior. Still, they seem to lack utility although I see proc's the healing debuff and looks nice. But at the end of the day, you still only get 1 charge. If like Fury you only get 1 charge, then is it worth changing over to Arms?
I'm not sure if I should just park up the Warrior this X-Pac or is it worth giving Arms a go? Fury and Prot just don't tickle my fancy anymore in this bracket (at least as a 20).
Any long time Warriors want to comment on their thoughts for this X-Pac? Are they fun to play in PvP and is Arms the only way to go? Sorry for the long read, I just would like to know what the community is thinking re : Warriors since the Pre-Patch hit.

TL;DR - Not happy with Fury or Prot - is Arms the way to go?
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Prot isn't as strong as it's previous incarnation, thank god, and Fury is too dangerous to play in a real setting, even with a healer. Arms burst is just too good with Overpower.

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