Invasion Info


Will edit this thread as I know more.

So this is what affects twinks, the mobs in the invasions scale to your level, the gear in boxes is your heirloom ilvl, so at 19 ilvl 24, however at 100 weapons are a different item level - I have yet to get a weapon to see the level as a twink.

The gear you get from the boxes can be equipped, but the appearances can not be used for transmog as they require 98.

Any helpers you rescue are level 100, so you can set them on mobs in a high level area to deal with them, for example I am using the homing chicken to one shot the mobs in tanaris at 19

Mobs AOE scaling appears to be fucked, dont stand in the fire
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Weapons are iLvL 15 at Level 10 just like the Armor items. I can also confirm you can get at least 3 items per Chest. I was able to do back to back Tanaris Invasions (were only 15min apart) and received Chests for both so maybe Blizz removed the penalty for doing the same Zone over and over again on the same Character since it was on Beta. You also get Nethershard (Currency Tab) as low as Level 10, but you can only purchase (1) Pet and (3) Consumables, and yes the Consumables are still Unique and stack to (5).

Lastly, Low Level Twinks DESTROY the Invasion NPC's, even the Elites. I was killing things a good 3-5x faster than 100's were on the same one.
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Will edit this thread as I know more.

So this is what affects twinks, the mobs in the invasions scale to your level, the gear in boxes is your heirloom ilvl, so at 19 ilvl 24, however at 100 weapons are a different item level - I have yet to get a weapon to see the level as a twink.

The gear you get from the boxes can be equipped, but the appearances can not be used for transmog as they require 98.

Any helpers you rescue are level 100, so you can set them on mobs in a high level area to deal with them, for example I am using the homing chicken to one shot the mobs in tanaris at 19

Mobs AOE scaling appears to be fucked, dont stand in the fire
So you can't use these items for anything besides them becoming GF'd and cool to have?
How dumb is that, you can equip it whenever but you have to be at least 98 to mog it
The Blood Guard's tooth doesn't appear to be on the loot table anymore unless im wrong. I don't see it on WoWhead at all.

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