I need advice on gearing a level 10 DH (vengeance)

Switch to Warlords of Draenor timeline with Chromie. Then que up for those dungeons because they can proc epic gear with sockets and tertiary stats like speed or leech. Once you're in all blue gear switch your timeline to Shadowlands and que up Plaguefall. The last boss drops a trinket named Infinitely Divisible Ooze. That's the easier trink to obtain, the second one is a pain. De Other Side last boss drops Shadowgrasp Totem. The totem and Oozes perform best in BFA timeline so that's when you travel to the desired WoD dungeons and start your solo adventures. Both trinkets are not required but speed up runs significantly. If you're not Night Elf be sure to get your Blood Thorn ring that acts like a Shadowmeld. Fighting trash mobs should be a last ditch effort, base your pulls around the ability to Shadowmeld to drop threat.

De Other Side last boss drops Shadowgrasp Totem.
Trinket is pretty useless for level 10s

DH's can't get any WoD weapons until level 15. There are no epic weapons anywhere that I know of for level 10 Demon Hunter except a lucky proc on a quest reward
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with the 26 gear you have from the gear update, start queing as a tank for plaguefall right away. as a DH on first boss be in havoc loot spec to keep from getting the first trinket over and over, which imo will rob your chances at last boss trinket.

are you subbed, Vet10, F2P10? if subbed get LS enchant on both weapons

good way to start filling some slots from 2 zones

once you have the ooze trinket and LS, you can solo both WOD dungeaons with 26/33 gear
After you farm the trinkets they mentioned, go to the actual dungeons and solo them. Please dont queue randoms. Dont be that person that ruins the runs for everyone else.
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