How to play in battlegrounds exp on - WITHOUT getting experience

The title tells it all, you can play your twink like old times, full job without getting a single experience point.

I used the method that follow full time from December to now, getting 50000 honorable kills. You can check my armory that will proove it to you The World of Warcraft Armory - Donniedark (you might have to input my name in the search to access it)

I do not fully own the patent for this method as I co-developped it with somebody else (especially the part C).

Btw I did this as a rogue, it might be a whole different ball game with other classes.

I will devide this post in several part as there is multiple ways to beat the experience...

The whole point you should get it, is to avoid the experience... it does only work in Warsong Gulch (and maybe in Alterac Valley I'll come to that later). SO in WSG you get exp when a flag of your team is captured OR, the game is over either by a win or loss or timeout (due to lack of players), it doesnt matter.

Part A: Holding the flag.

The first concept you need to understand you are a twink, and you have total control over the course of any game in batlleground exp. Simplly grab the flag and never EVER EVER score it. I did this as a rogue, so I'm not the most resistant of all, and I loose the stealth obviously.

Here is a list of tricks :

- You need to be very aware of what is happening in the first seconds of the game, if you see your team is dominant you have very little chance to get killed, if the opposite team is dominant and you cannot hold the ground by yourself just drop the flag, there is very little chances your own team will ever grab it.

- If you loose the flag, and one of your team mates grab it, do not kill anyone anymore hopping they kill the FC

- Stay as much as possible with your team, do not try to be a hero too much, unless it is a very very eazy game and you then can camp GY, but if you are the only twink it might not be often

- Wen you get Focused assault which is after a while, around 7min or so, it's not a precise timer, it varries. Drop the flag in a secure place (without teamates around), and grab it back it will reset the debuff OR drop it right in front of an opposite team dude, he will never resist to loot it, and grab it back. You get a fresh flag without any debuff.

A side note about this thing, it is NOT illegal, it has been confirmed by GM several times. You might call that "flag turtling". And the reason they put timer in wsg is to limit this behavior. But it's not forbidden at all. And I have been reported for this hundred of times I think or not far lol, and they never accessed their demand.

Because yes people will hate you for it, it is the big part of the bargain that you have to accept or not.

My politic in the matter is just ignore totally what is said in the BG channel, and sometime just desactivated simply. If you get heavy whispers just don't reply or ignore them.

It is 100% legal, you can grab the flag and do whatever you want with it so don't worry. I'm not gonna say that you can go up to make your team loose but almost... I try to make sure the team win at the end...but I mostly try to stay alive.

Also to make sure you grab the flag first 99% of the time, have some boots and gloves mount speed... if you are not a rogue, only a paladin can beat you (level 20+), for levels 19 bracket, it might require a little extra, engineering boots, or speed potion, again if you are not a rogue...

Part B : Deserter

When the timer reaches its end, you can simply drop the flag in the flag room, and leave the game, obviously they score, and your team win but you are already gone, thats what I was doing until I got into Part C materials.

To desert safely I use this maccro /script LeaveBattlefield()

Part C : Logout

Instead of deserting, which burn you for 15min, you can simply Logout of the game, eheh if you are not in the game you WON'T get exp, since you are not there when the flag is scored AND when the game ends...

So for example when there is 60sec left, you logout, before the timer reaches 20sec you drop the flag... now you wait around 1min30 to be safe, and log back into the game, you will be at the score ends, you can click "LEAVE battleground", and queue up for the next game...

You can also use this method for flag scoring... so your team doesnt whine too much and you get 1-0...but I do not advice it, as if you do that dropping the flag in the room so they score...

First, you are never 100% sure they scored even if there is 5yards to make, anything can happen, an ennemy could have arrivied pick the flag, he might die right away, but when you log back your team score and you are owned...

Secondly, even if the scoring is ok, you might not get the next flag... so it become very difficult...

That's why I advice to never score, just keep the flag except at the end, and let them cry all they want, coz I have tried to be good so many times but I regretted it at the end...

Being a rogue gives a huge advantage here because I can logout basicly in the middle of nowhere, without any ennemy bothering me, so lets say you dont have the flag AND a teamate arrive a little before the tunnel AND the boots are not up, you will have enought time in 20sec to logout, they score, and you come back...

On this matter if you get killed before the 20sec are over, you will die, and the logout process will be interrupted, so if you cut your thing very close, you might have to desert... thats why being stealth is a huge help...

2 more tips :

- Afk reports:

Sometime you will get afk reports, which will trigger a debuff, it's not a problem in itself as either hitting an ennemy OR picking up the flag (either by reset, or just drop pick in a safe place) disable that debuff... I have disable every single I ever got. Maybe 2 times I have gotten the second debuff by I cleared them too...

However early January I got banned 3hours for afk honor farming as a bot... hillarious but true... so you might be carefull about this, being banned for something you are not even doing, apparently they just check who get the debuffs and ban you even if you cleared every single of the debuffs and even if you get the deadly blow on half of yours HKs...

So since that I have added a few things to the system :

a- When, people start to advertise to report you afk, simply state calmly that reporting somebody afk that is not afk is an abuse of the games mechanics. This will reduce the amount of debuffs you get as they will think twice before doing it... if they add "then let him die", you can add, still calmly (and laughing inside) "that you are allowed to do"...

b- Simply try to increase the rate of your attacks to the ennemy, as long you attack something you are ok, a hunter pet, it doesnt matter, i always kill hunter pets, it's very useful, especially when allys are stacked in the graveyard

c- Screenshot every single games you are doing, so if someday you get this ban, you just tell them you are not afk and you can show them hundreds of screenshots...

d- for my case, I also sent a few GM tickets and e-mails, to make them clearly get the message, I told them exaclty what I was doing, that I was not afk etc... I even gave away for free 3 gems with 30K honor to a random noob, to tell them "hey keep your honor points, I don't want them anyway"

e- always use /script LeaveBattlefield() to leave the bg not /afk, as some twisted GM might or might not use the fact you AFKed like hundreds of games... so leaving that way you are sure you never went afk lol... anyway using /afk, and spam clicking it bugs you to the closest GY, while this maccro doesn't do that...

- If things get hot, I feel I'm going to die, I usually vanish, mount right away (or sprint), get out of the action and get the next flag it works 80% of the time, ofc you need to be rogue...

- Be ready to meet anybody, there is some dudes more crazy than you arround, trust no one, slay everyone. An example of some crazy dude I met : some dude found out what I was doing, he then started to make me have exp... so lets say you give the flag in your room so a guy scores, you logout, he will whisp the noob and tell him to wait for you to come back and score...the noob will always execute for who knows god what reason, so you get exp.... you usually here a "NOW" when you get back in the channel, I hear it's a trap and I just hit my leave bg maccro without thinking twice...I only got screwed once...but thats already too much I suppose...that same dude once he gets x8, x9 level, will use that same technick to not get exp, and but still making sure you get exp.... very very crazy... while we could work together since we have the same goal, no the guy use your tip against you to bone you... and it become a crazy mindgame to who will logout when, and how etc lol before or after the other... so be carefully don't tell anyone you don't trust at 200%... don't trust nobody, and even if it hurts sometimes when you see a heal taking care of you and asking you to "score one flag then farm", it will not score your flag, and then you are on your own, its very hard to get the next one, they will make sure to score again and again... so I usually kindly tells heals not to heal me, that they are not forced to, unless they really want (you will find a few cool of thoses guys), and that you don't trade the flag for the heals...

- As a rogue another little tip, but I'm sure it's no news, since you will be holding the flag quite a lot, if you see a hunter approaching you but not marked yet, simply drop the flag, by stealthing, he will close up trying to loot it, grab it back and kill him or kill him and grab it back... in short trick him, very usefull against multiple dudes, when you think it might be tight, obviously it work when there is NOBODY of your team around so they don't pick it back

- Don't abuse of the reset thing, if you can tank with the debuff do it, because otherwise some people will notice what you are doing and camp the ennemy flag room

In that reguard if you see 2 people camping the ennemy flag room, it become sorta 8v10, so just hold the flag in the ennemy base, so at the very least thoses 2 dies with you if anything gets hot...this will discourage them also to do that very quickly...

- To reset a flag when you have a bunch of lemmings following you waiting for you "to die", (which obviously standing around you won't work), just run in circle, or back and forth, they will get angry that you moke them, and they will tend to stop following you. You can also wait some allys engage, they will get distracted find a little spot, drop it, you just need 10sec they will likely not grab it...grab it back if you see they noticed you doing it...

Also the basic way I use is entering throught the tunnel, hitting the boots if they are there, it gives the most options.... (works only if you premeditate your drop as the debuff prevent the boots speed)

- If by any mistake you do not hold the flag, you might simply leave the game, either instant or logout. If you don't, be VERY VERY carefull set a focus on the EFC, so stay in the relevant part of the map, and never EVER loose your eyes from his HP bar, as things can go very fast... I even remember someday it was a zerg, with all my team in our base, the EFC dropped the flag out of nowhere, apparently left the game, and we scored, I never anticipated he would die at this moment, so I was not paying attention, and he didnt die, he just left. It's just a matter of 10sec, be really aware...

- You can also desert the game without having deserter, again simply logout, and wait 5min or so you will exit the game without deserter no matter way, if you have lost track of whats happening it's the best bet... I think you can safely get back in the game if you come under 3min, but I try to never go over 2min... For this mater use your windows clock, and depending on the situation, look at it...

Alterac Valley :

I never tried it but I have thought about it. The exp again is linked to the honor. So you would get exp for :

- Captain death (yours), General death (either), so pay attention

- The commander who are freed once they get home honor so exp... there is 3 of them

- The towers 4Min timer or so

so the tower is eazy as cake, just logout 30sec before it it destroyed and you are good

for the captain and generals just pay attention of the yells, there is little chances they kill them under 20sec...

the only thing is about commanders, well just stand near your base, and use a maccro (probably with some sort of tiny little addon to write), and track thoses 3 mobs, once you target them meaning they are close by, just log out...

Since anyway your best bet to make an AV last long, is to capture the middle GY and defend, so you can keep track of the commanders getting home...

Lastly to track the game timer, I use Recap, you can see the precise timer for the last 3 minutes...

I'm not asking any fame or such for this... use it if you like, or don't, I'm just releasing it as I 100% know now that this won't risk you to get banned...

So why is everybody saying that twinking is dead ? It's definitively alive... when you don't have NO-exp games, this work like a charm...
This aint twinking, grow a pair of balls and turn XP lock ON and play with the big kids. Quit stalling games, farming scrubs and fucking people off.

50k kills using this shit? nearly 25k kills in the last 5-6 weeks? You're killing scrubbley wubbley nubs with a few hundred HP, your kills aint worth dick. You are one of the new breed of Levelling twinklets that everyone loves to hate.

And you seem to be proud of yourself too? kicking words like "patent" and "co-developed" in your post like you're writing a fucking thesis.

You are a fucking douchebag. Prepare to be flamed.

My only hope for this thread is that If I call you a fucking douchebag enough times it will be locked / deleted and nobody else will get to read this shit.

You fucking douchebag.
Lol like I said, when I did this I accepted the bargain of all the haters, if you didn't read carefully, so you can flame, in 50k hk, your "flame", more like a joke, is like a bug landing on my hand, it doesn't have any impact on me :), you would be surprised what kind of whispers I had, try harder if you want to get inside the top 3... Secondly I did play in bg exp off for almost a month, and I was still at the top of the food chain there, I'm not interrested to post the screenshots so I can show off and proove it to you, it's just a matter of playing more than 3 games a night, which is ridiculous... and there is NOT, no exp, on every batlleground, thats a lie...and I'm not playing in the 19 bracket, but 29 and 39... and lastly I have found it at least as challenging, to play the way I did if not more... Seriously flame people :) It doesn't impact me at all... I'm not here to get a medail or such... that's the last reply I'll input here, just so you don't feel like you are accomplishing something, or that you are hurting my feelings...

Have a good discussion (if there need to be any).... :D
Now you're a fucking douchebag with "top of the foodchain" epeen issues.

There will be no discussion in this thread only flames.
THIS could be a way to force blizz to implement one pool for locked BGs from all EU server.

EVERYBODY should build a rogue, hunter or whatever she/he likes and play on his old, origin server like donnie explained.

every serverpool just needs 5-... players, maybe on both sides, it should be coordinated.

if enough people are doing that, the non-twinking and leveling community will do all the work for us...

would be like kidnapping the BGs till we get what we want!!!
todward said:
THIS could be a way to force blizz to implement one pool for locked BGs from all EU server.

EVERYBODY should build a rogue, hunter or whatever she/he likes and play on his old, origin server like donnie explained.

every serverpool just needs 5-... players, maybe on both sides, it should be coordinated.

if enough people are doing that, the non-twinking and leveling community will do all the work for us...

would be like kidnapping the BGs till we get what we want!!!

As much as i agree that this thing is fucking GAY and LAME.

This above post could work.

Would make the BG's alot more active.
Lol @ even suggesting to go on a BG "Strike"; dafuck srsly. Just go to where everyone else is and be thankful for what they got.
Donniedarkõ said:
is like a bug landing on my hand, it doesn't have any impact on me :)

What if it's a big ass bug capable of human consumption? But then again, it seems

you aren't human..
haha i lvld my priest alliance on spinebreaker to 50 from bg's and getting best gear from dung ect.. i saw you in some bg's (cyclone eu) if it rly was you.. you suck. come to blackout or somother place and play with real people. this isnt '50% will flame 50% will support and do this'- this is 100% of the people in these forums hates this post fact.
Donnie - Why not step up to the non-XP BGs? Why be a big fish in a little pond? I think in time you will find your victories hollow.

Additionally - can you imagine how annoying you are to the other players in WSG if you hold the flag indefinitely?

Doesn't some part of you acknowledge how discourteous you are being to the other 19 people playing??

While I find your pursuits odd I recognize your right to play the game as you wish. It's your $$.

Still - If I were you I would anticipate no support on this website - I believe people here are willing to work towards what they achieve and enjoy the spirit of competition.
Before XP Locks were available, I got sad quite often when I found myself in a match where I could literally Solo-Farm GY until my team capped 3 times in 5-7 minutes. It just isn't fun at all, I may as well be spending that time on Solo raiding on my Rogue or DK or leveling a new class to 80... or taking a nap.

You receive no support from me because a twink bragging about kills against non-twinks on XP BGs is like a rogue bragging about Corpse Camping a Warlock.
Donniedarkõ said:
patent I co-developped

sounds highly pro.

I actually feel bad for you, it would have taken like an hour at least to write out that heap of shit, of which I read possibly the first 2 paragraphs at most before giving up on the pointless fuck-sack.

PLEASE stop stroking your epeen /realpeen over your BAD rogue with 50k kills worth of lvl 11's,

grow a set, and play in Ruin with the real twinks, guaranteed the worste of the worste in Ruin would /faceroll you.
Donnie, everyone is going to flame you, but what you're doing really is twinking at its finest.

Keep rollin em kiddo :)

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