how to play a paladin in arena?

so i'm leveling a paladin right now to be my first 80, and i'm wondering how easy/hard it will be sooo

what are the best class combos? my friend has a shaman, rogue, and upcoming DK, i know DK/pali is good but what about the other comps? what specs are best?

kind of a stupid question, what are the key abilities? i don't like to keybind more than like 15 abilities (habit) so which ones are vital? what abilities and tactics "make or break" a paladin in arena (not just using heals/damage/HoJ)?

i've never geared an 80, so what gear should i go for? how do i get it? etc

thanks for any answers
all i can suggest is getting that one extra stun in the ret tree, cuz my knowlage of endgame pallies is.. lackluster.
15 keybinds isn't going to cut it. you'll need more to be any good.
what spec are you intending to play??

for holy you should have bubbles, heals, judgements, and (only the ones youd use) seals key bound + hoj and exo. also aura mastery, hand of freedom, blessing of sacrifice, bacon of light, etc

as ret...bubbles, cs, ds, judgements, seals, hoj, repent, exo + faceroll

as prot idk, stuff
Evade said:
15 keybinds isn't going to cut it. you'll need more to be any good.

thought paladin might be faceroll to 2k if u knew wtf LoS and keybinding was :p

what spec are you intending to play??

my guess is i'll be dual specced ret and holy, mainly holy in arena though since my partner doesnt have a healing class besides a shaman. but then again maybe ret or even prot is viable with something like a rogue partner. idk

for holy you should have bubbles, heals, judgements, and (only the ones youd use) seals key bound + hoj and exo. also aura mastery, hand of freedom, blessing of sacrifice, bacon of light, etc

ok thanks, why seals? i would think u could just seal at the start and not have a big need to change later
depends if you wanna use light, wisdom, or even righteousness/justice (really will never use you can leave that out). better to have it bound than search throughout your bars or spell book later. doesnt have to be near your main binds but if you ever have a use for it, it should be bound amirite?
The World of Warcraft Armory - Doct

That's my Ret spec + Glyphs.


I'm not going to bother to tell you how to play because it varies a hell of a lot depending on the situation. Also, my Ret is pretty crappy geared but you can still do exceptionally well if you don't just faceroll e.g.

Regarding 2s, Ret/Rogue is a good comp - especially effective at lower MMR while you bring your team rating up since a lot of people just go DURR WATS GOING ON OMG PARTNER DEADIFIED :(((((

Gear Wise: While you're at lower MMR I'd recommend as Ret you aim for 800-900 Resilience and fill in the rest with PvE gear - gem full Strength but make sure you meet your Meta bonus. Once you get a bit higher and have access to more Relentless/Wrathful stuff you'll probably want to aim for 1-1.1k Resi.

Hope that helps a bit.
Druiddroid said:
i don't like to keybind more than like 15 abilities (habit) so which ones are vital?

Might want to get out of that habit if you plan on being any good at this game.
water said:
Might want to get out of that habit if you plan on being any good at this game.

i don't plan on being good at this game i just want to plan my paladin in the best way possible while still having fun. i mean i'm all for playing competitively but it isn't fun for me to play too seriously. i used to play seriously and it just ended up with me being really emo whenever we lost
Druiddroid said:
so i'm leveling a paladin right now to be my first 80, and i'm wondering how easy/hard it will be sooo

what are the best class combos? my friend has a shaman, rogue, and upcoming DK, i know DK/pali is good but what about the other comps? what specs are best?

kind of a stupid question, what are the key abilities? i don't like to keybind more than like 15 abilities (habit) so which ones are vital? what abilities and tactics "make or break" a paladin in arena (not just using heals/damage/HoJ)?

i've never geared an 80, so what gear should i go for? how do i get it? etc

thanks for any answers

Firstly, [I gather you have little or no experience at 80 pvp.]

Arena is entirely situational for everyone, this also applies too paladins. The only pointers that would help a paladin are common sense, know when too freedom/bop your partner, know who can remove BoP and bubble and be ready for this, and the like.

Secondly, ....15 keybinds? That is a terrible habit, and you will most probably not get past 1400 with 15 keybinds. I play with 35ish keybinds on my shaman.

If it is not worth keybinding, it is not worth using.

Thirdly, know when too bubble, there is nothing worse/easier than beating a paladin team against a paladin who will bubble as soon as you touch him.

if a paladin could find 35 things to keybind id be impressed. hell even 15 is a stretch.

and no, thats a generalization that only keybinders are good at arena. you can excel while clicking some abilities, just like you can fail if you bind everything under the sun. just matters how it works for others.

like i cant even imagine having 35 binds. im assuming you have every friggen totem bound. i cant even picture you moving or using a mouse w/o accidently attacking, but hey thats my point, its all personal pref. what works for you clearly wouldnt work for me
I have 34 keybinds on my 80 rogue. My shaman and paladin have a LOT more because they cant use the [stance]/[stealth] conditions to map multiple abilities to one key dependant on the situation. Why wouldnt you individually map the important totems? Being able to drop that grounding or tremor totem in a split second can be the difference. The faster you can react the faster your opponent has to react, by clicking your not only handicapping yourself your making it more likely your opponent can control the fight and you'll just end up reacting to everything instead of being able to pre-empt anything.
on my 49 have my 2 totem set ups for all around use, with 4-5 more bound like tremor, earthbind, grounding, etc. but i dont waste my time binding ALL of them. but hey, thats your decision.

if you have over 34 binds on a pally. wow. gj, id like to see a SS or a video of you doing arena.

the point is though. some people can react just as fast as a binder by clicking b/c they've been doing it for so long. its about what you are most comfortable with and what you react fastest with
Falkor said:
on my 49 have my 2 totem set ups for all around use, with 4-5 more bound like tremor, earthbind, grounding, etc. but i dont waste my time binding ALL of them. but hey, thats your decision.

if you have over 34 binds on a pally. wow. gj, id like to see a SS or a video of you doing arena.

the point is though. some people can react just as fast as a binder by clicking b/c they've been doing it for so long. its about what you are most comfortable with and what you react fastest with

I never said ALL the totems, i said the important totems. And having 34 binds doesnt mean i use them ALL constantly but in the situations where I do, being able to quickly and easily is important. Further, 34 binds is not A-Z + half the Fkeys its QERTFGCV mousewheel up + down + shift, alt and ctrl variations of all of these and on occasion shift, ctrl and alt + space. I also have the side buttons of my mouse bound to ctrl + alt so its easier to reach, this also includes having self cast activated for certain abilities thus increasing the number of binds without increasing the number of bound abilities (foraxample simply hitting 'F' will freedom my friendly target (mouseover or actual target) or hand of reckoning my hostile target (again mouseover or actual) whislt shift+F will auto-freedom me etc... etc... It works for me and muscle memory means im not constantly looking away from whats happening to my character or my target or anyone else around me.

Simply put, I find clicking diminshes your environmental awareness since there is no possible way for you to develop muscle memory from clicking you spend more time watching your action buttons than the fight. Your UI is more cluttered because the buttons HAVE to be there where as bound buttons can be hidden again giving you more awareness of your surroundings.

Just because you CAN click fast doesn't mean you won't be faster with bound keys.
it CAN mean you wont do faster with binds. some people just arent able to make the change to binding. and you can develop muscle memory by clicking the same spot over and over and over again. i mean its not as good, but you can get it to the point you might not have to look
Falkor said:
it CAN mean you wont do faster with binds. some people just arent able to make the change to binding. and you can develop muscle memory by clicking the same spot over and over and over again. i mean its not as good, but you can get it to the point you might not have to look

yea my bubble is keyed at "0" and i am able to press it quite quickly despite having to reach for it

at any rate i'm playing holy atm, doing dk/holy in 2s which either is an autowin against double dps or a long match vs good healer/dps comps...and ele/aff/holy in 3s which is ok, i guess it's not really that difficult to arena lol

"you will most probably not get past 1400 with 15 keybinds"

1500 atm in 2s with a 26-8 record this week.. my partner has like 15 binds too and a 232 dps weapon. my gs is 5367...

it's really not that bad if your comp is good. i mean i admit having to click stuff like divine plea can make me a worse player but eh, it's not seriously detremental until we start playing much higher teams i think
Falkor said:
on my 49 have my 2 totem set ups for all around use, with 4-5 more bound like tremor, earthbind, grounding, etc. but i dont waste my time binding ALL of them. but hey, thats your decision.

if you have over 34 binds on a pally. wow. gj, id like to see a SS or a video of you doing arena.

the point is though. some people can react just as fast as a binder by clicking b/c they've been doing it for so long. its about what you are most comfortable with and what you react fastest with

A clicker can NEVER be as fast in any situation. They can't switch targets, while casting, they keyturn, etc..

OH and this thread is about a pally not a shammy zz

Druiddroid said:
yea my bubble is keyed at "0" and i am able to press it quite quickly despite having to reach for it

at any rate i'm playing holy atm, doing dk/holy in 2s which either is an autowin against double dps or a long match vs good healer/dps comps...and ele/aff/holy in 3s which is ok, i guess it's not really that difficult to arena lol

"you will most probably not get past 1400 with 15 keybinds"

1500 atm in 2s with a 26-8 record this week.. my partner has like 15 binds too and a 232 dps weapon. my gs is 5367...

it's really not that bad if your comp is good. i mean i admit having to click stuff like divine plea can make me a worse player but eh, it's not seriously detremental until we start playing much higher teams i think

Anyone who plays Hpal/dps [ie; warr/dk] is totally excluded.
Resent said:
A clicker can NEVER be as fast in any situation. They can't switch targets, while casting, they keyturn, etc..

OH and this thread is about a pally not a shammy zz

ummmmm....i bet theres a clicker out there who's just as fast as a binder. prove me wrong. they can switch while casting, they dont necessarily keyboard turn (can still click and mouse turn), etc

oh and you're the one who brought up shaman zz
Falkor said:
ummmmm....i bet theres a clicker out there who's just as fast as a binder. prove me wrong. they can switch while casting, they dont necessarily keyboard turn (can still click and mouse turn), etc

oh and you're the one who brought up shaman zz

How can you CLICK and MOUSETURN?

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