How many SL gems does an 11 Warrior need for Speed cap?


Assuming you have the Straddling Jewel Doublet and the Revitalizing Jewel Doublet as 2 of your SL gems, how many more do you ened to hit 49% Speed?

How much +Speed and +Health do you get per SL gem at 11?
can probably drop the healing one and just rely on lifestealing as well if you want to have another socket for pure damage.
Leep in mind if any of your gear procs + speed, or any of your gear is enchanted with something that increases speed, it will reduce how many SL gems you need to hit the cap.
For example a quick look at my armory I only have 3 SL gems.
If you want to include the 2 doublet gems then I have 5 SL gems.
Can't remember how many times passive healing saved me. There's too many long stuns.
Where are you being stunned like this? most mobs die in one hit and the heal is every 10 seconds.
The passive heal is way too useful to drop it for another +2 Vers.
I was thinking more a 2 str 2x gem then just a flat 2 vers gem tbh.
Where are you being stunned like this? most mobs die in one hit and the heal is every 10 seconds.

I was thinking more a 2 str 2x gem then just a flat 2 vers gem tbh.
Not really. I mean maybe if youre charging in on 1 mob and using bloodthirst, but pulling 10 mobs I get stunned all the time and for this weeks TW anyway it takes atleast 3 or 4 whirlwinds to melt groups down.
Where are you being stunned like this? most mobs die in one hit and the heal is every 10 seconds.
Large pulls. Particularly in TBC/WotLK dungeons, there are always casters who will stun you for some reason. Pull a bunch and you can get chain stunned. Happens all the time.
I was thinking more a 2 str 2x gem then just a flat 2 vers gem tbh.
What Str gems? If you ditch the Revitalizing Jewel Doublet, you need to replace it with another SL gem.
Getting chain morphed in Zul'Farrak is especially annoying. Your BT is usually enough to one shot the problem mobs, and even if they're not focus them first with BT and slam and you should go stun free. In any dungeon.

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