Helping 39s with Gear/Spec, Post here!


Hey there, Roguenine here, been pretty bored as of usual until school starts again, so i thought i'd help the 39 community to better their character.

Post an armory link to your 39 and i will give suggestions on Spec/Glyphs/Professions/Gear, as well as explanations of the changes i would make to your character if you would like to know why.


Well I have a question that I've yet to figure out.

How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood?
emetophilia said:
As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Edit: Here is my rogue (havent played her in ages and she isnt 100% done. Would love some help since i've been out of the game for a while): Emetophilia @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft

Boa Helm if you have access to it, otherwise your hat is fine.

Boa Back if you have access to it, otherwise yours is fine

Unearthed Bands to wrists, still +12 Stam

Get Diremaul, put in MH, mongoose, put stonevault shiv in OH with 20 agi

+15 agi to gloves

Ogrons Sash

Leggins of the verdant oasis

Band of Zeal instead of tarenars token

BoA pvp trinket again if you have access to it

Possible Devourer's Stomach for when AGM is on CD, thats iffy though, i use both since i'm human but, i'll let you make the call on that.

Some other suggestions, possibly use PvP boa shoulder if you have access to it, its 9 resil and 3 agi vs 4 stam, your call on that one.

Only keep eng if you would use Iron Grenades almost on CD during gulch, otherwise for max BiS get mining, thats a push though i guess :S

In regards to your spec it is perfect for ambush set up, Prime glyph should be Evisc and Major should be blind.

I found this spec Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft to be much more beneficial, as your damage out of stealth is, well godly, hemos crit in the 700s without mongoose/devourers, and you open with a stun every time.
Bieberfever said:
Boa Helm if you have access to it, otherwise your hat is fine.

Boa Back if you have access to it, otherwise yours is fine

Unearthed Bands to wrists, still +12 Stam

Get Diremaul, put in MH, mongoose, put stonevault shiv in OH with 20 agi

+15 agi to gloves

Ogrons Sash

Leggins of the verdant oasis

Band of Zeal instead of tarenars token

BoA pvp trinket again if you have access to it

Possible Devourer's Stomach for when AGM is on CD, thats iffy though, i use both since i'm human but, i'll let you make the call on that.

Some other suggestions, possibly use PvP boa shoulder if you have access to it, its 9 resil and 3 agi vs 4 stam, your call on that one.

Only keep eng if you would use Iron Grenades almost on CD during gulch, otherwise for max BiS get mining, thats a push though i guess :S

In regards to your spec it is perfect for ambush set up, Prime glyph should be Evisc and Major should be blind.

I found this spec Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft to be much more beneficial, as your damage out of stealth is, well godly, hemos crit in the 700s without mongoose/devourers, and you open with a stun every time.

Thanks for you imput, i forgot to write the things i already knew or had in my bags.

I wont be able to get more BoAs due to no main ( might have a pair of shoulders or two in my bags).

I knew about the Unearthed Bands but have yet to find them, if someone got a extra pair i would love to talk.

I have the mallet in my bags, is Diremaul still better? And the reason i dont use it is that i like mutilate spec more (when i retired ShS was too OP).

I think i have the mats for +15 agi to gloves and will change that when i find a enchanter (and by doing that i can equip my leggins of the verdant oasis in my bags).

I didnt know about the Band Of Zeal, i will try and get my hands on that one.

Edit: Is 2agi and 1 stam really better than 6 crit (0,72%) ?

I have Devourer's stomach in my bags and i switch between it and my PvP trinket, 120 hp is to

I dont use iron nades due to economical problems (no main) but do you think it's worth dropping herb for mining and farming mats for the grenades? I doubt i'll drop engi (i love all the trinkets)

I do like your spec better due to it not being dependant on a ambush crit. Do you have any suggestions for my mutilate spec?


Bieberfever said:
Boa Helm if you have access to it, otherwise your hat is fine.

Boa Back if you have access to it, otherwise yours is fine

Unearthed Bands to wrists, still +12 Stam

Get Diremaul, put in MH, mongoose, put stonevault shiv in OH with 20 agi

+15 agi to gloves

Ogrons Sash

Leggins of the verdant oasis

Band of Zeal instead of tarenars token

BoA pvp trinket again if you have access to it

Possible Devourer's Stomach for when AGM is on CD, thats iffy though, i use both since i'm human but, i'll let you make the call on that.

Some other suggestions, possibly use PvP boa shoulder if you have access to it, its 9 resil and 3 agi vs 4 stam, your call on that one.

Only keep eng if you would use Iron Grenades almost on CD during gulch, otherwise for max BiS get mining, thats a push though i guess :S

In regards to your spec it is perfect for ambush set up, Prime glyph should be Evisc and Major should be blind.

I found this spec Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft to be much more beneficial, as your damage out of stealth is, well godly, hemos crit in the 700s without mongoose/devourers, and you open with a stun every time.

I think you mean "when your PvP Trinket is on CD" :p IMO the only item worthy of being swapped out by an AGM is a Tidal Charm.
emetophilia said:
I wont be able to get more BoAs due to no main ( might have a pair of shoulders or two in my bags).

I knew about the Unearthed Bands but have yet to find them, if someone got a extra pair i would love to talk.

I have the mallet in my bags, is Diremaul still better? And the reason i dont use it is that i like mutilate spec more (when i retired ShS was too OP).

I think i have the mats for +15 agi to gloves and will change that when i find a enchanter (and by doing that i can equip my leggins of the verdant oasis in my bags).

I didnt know about the Band Of Zeal, i will try and get my hands on that one.

Edit: Is 2agi and 1 stam really better than 6 crit (0,72%) ?

I have Devourer's stomach in my bags and i switch between it and my PvP trinket, 120 hp is to

I dont use iron nades due to economical problems (no main) but do you think it's worth dropping herb for mining and farming mats for the grenades? I doubt i'll drop engi (i love all the trinkets)

I do like your spec better due to it not being dependant on a ambush crit. Do you have any suggestions for my mutilate spec?



That sucks about no more access to boas :/, And yes if you have a mallet in your bags (For Sub) that is the best MH, then it comes down to personal preference for Stonevault Shiv or Dire Maul OH.

For me yes, 2 agi 1 stam is better than .72% crit, It comes down to min/maxing your gear, and for me, i found the extra ap and stam on the majority of my gear to be better than the extra crit from other items i could have equipped

And yes, Scér was right i meant when pvp trinket is on CD.

I personally would never drop herb, while most find it underwhelming with a ~200 heal and the haste, i find the heal to be very useful, and it has saved my life more times than you would guess, if you're that attached to eng due to trinkets and other items, i wouldn't drop it, However if possibly scavenge for whatever gold you have and make some nades, with 100g you can make enough to last you months.

I have never tried mut @ 39 due to shadowstep and hemo just being, so much superior in terms of damage per energy and mobility, however if i was to spec mut i would use your spec, but put the points in blackjack into ruthlessness, that's just speculation though.

As mut however i would prioritize the 6 crit over 1 stam 2 agi, this is largely due to sealed fate, with your current gear you have about a 15% chance to crit, and about half of those crits will give you an extra combo point, meaning 7.5% of your mutilates will give you an extra combo point, which to me is extremely weak, about 1 in every 13 or so. So as mut i would probably pick up a little more crit gear, such as devourer's instead of AGM possibly, Unearthed bands, Tarenars Token, etc.
mrdoobry said:
Mymainfailed - Arathor EU

My 39 Hunter, all input welcome. I prefer a more survivability based build, I think I have every single grandfathered item I would need, if that helps any.

Feel free to tear it up.

Shen'dralar Trident instead of your weapons, the tradeoff is -7 agi +5 stam +8 crit, (after enchants), its a pretty close tradeoff but if you prefer survivability i guess that may be better.

Obviously a pvp trinket on when the CD is up (BoA preferably), but im sure you have/do that ;p

I may use devourer's trinket when trinket is on CD, again that's a bit more offensive, and if you like a stam build i guess another agm isn't awful.

Why enchanting? unless you can get the ring enchants why not drop that for mining/herb/eng, i guess the whole 375 thing is grandfathered though.

I personally would put the point in resourcefulness into Lock 'n Load, largely becauee it's pretty much a requirement to have scatter up to trap, and you don't reduce the cd of scatter so trap is still limited by scatter's CD.

I always liked freezing trap glyph at 39, but disengage is also really good, i'll let you be the judge of that.

Possibly change your chest to the leather chest, and then boot enchant to 12 stam or even boars speed (9 stam/runspeed), you'd lose 23 crit which is pretty huge, but again if you prefer survivability, its a possibilty.

Overall there's no real big issue with your character and i can respect that, nice achievement points too :].
Thankyou for you input Bieberfever.

Obviously for my requirements I feel that my char is as close to being ideal as I can get it. However, I am not naive enough to think I know everything about 39 hunters and I am always open to suggestions and ideas. One of the fun parts about twinking, to me, is experimenting and trying out new things/gear sets/ideals.

I have the Shen'dralar Trident already. It does give fractionally better offensive stats and I use that messing around in PvE. However I find it essential to dual wield simply so I can swap out my offhand with a weapon chain equipped versus disarmers. So my weapon setup on the armory is what I generally roll with.

Regarding trinkets, I have the BoA trinket and Devourer's Stomach. I do exactly as you suggested, the only reason you see 2xAGM equipped atm is purely because I got the second one by getting chests randomly over time and totally unintentionally by doing the Arena Daily there. It really is that easy to get it on my server, so it is only equipped for armory show if you like.

Thankfully for enchanting I had the foresight to level it to 375 whilst that was available. The +4 stats to ring are the sole reason for doing this. This generally puts it as the best Prof for some classes, having +8 to ALL stats versus the benefits from others. The only reason I do not have the ring enchants yet is I am waiting on a few other people to finish with their Ethereum Prison Key grind so we can get all the possible TBC reps up, that are required to get the enchant. Hence, that will be forthcoming fairly shortly.

I have played around with various Survival builds and settled with the one I have now. It is largely down to personal preference but I don`t like to limit trapping to waiting for Scatter CD. Simply because hunters can now have all trap types down at once. This only applies to Immolation, Explosive and Freezing Trap at 39, and yes we only MAINLY use Freezing trap, but the fire traps are not limited by Scatter CD (nor is Freezing Trap for that matter, I can think of a huge number of occasions where Scatter is not needed, like Warrior or melee on initial Charge/Opener?). The 1 point in TnT and its 6% chance to trigger it on a tick of a fire trap is extremely limited. I have tried numerous twists on this build believe me. On paper your choice could appear sound, but through extensive trying out with a 39 Hunter my opinion remains fairly firm with my current build. However, everyone is different and some may prefer that setup over mine.

Freezing Trap glyph is a viable choice, especially in Arenas, but Disengage makes the CD so short (16 secs with talents) that its versatility versus all classes makes it outweigh the slow on one target every possible 30 seconds. Again it is personal choice.

The loss of crit versus a little health when already at this level is not worth it imo. However I have all BoA`s so I am free to mix in and out whenever the need arises. I am a firm believer in high crit rate, I generally have a much higher crit rate than most hunters of this level with similar health levels. Burst wins matches/games, and hunter burst with a crit streak at this level is pretty high. I have found since TBC that having higher crit rather than stacking the slightly higher AP is more beneficial. That is just my personal findings through experimenting. Any indepth math input from anybody on this is welcome, as I am working on a little project to experiment with this and a few other hunter anomalies.

Account @ Baelgun - Game - World of Warcraft

Why not? Better to discuss something rather than nothing. I know most of what I'm missing, and it's all bad luck with RNG. So, anything other than the missing "of Stamina" gear. That as well as legs and trinks. This is ultimately trying to be an FC set, but feel free to point out things for a DPS prot set as well. The spec is something I change frequently, and the Fury spec is just a BS one thrown together on a whim.
Tooh87 said:
Account @ Baelgun - Game - World of Warcraft

Why not? Better to discuss something rather than nothing. I know most of what I'm missing, and it's all bad luck with RNG. So, anything other than the missing "of Stamina" gear. That as well as legs and trinks. This is ultimately trying to be an FC set, but feel free to point out things for a DPS prot set as well. The spec is something I change frequently, and the Fury spec is just a BS one thrown together on a whim.

Prot set, literally just copy Scér :S, id rather give you an armory that has bis gear for prot fcing than list every single piece :p, (Scér @ Doomhammer - Game - World of Warcraft)

His set is full stam, Pretty much 100% max (besides perf bracers and perfect Stam lens).

For you i would suggest using Enduring Cap instead of stam lens, as you most likely will not have on available to you, BoA helm could work fine aswell, for a less stam more stats type set.

Also i would prefer the loss of 1 stam to the higher damage and 8 str of MozF, so i would keep that. Aside from that get the rest of his gear (x2 agm isnt necessary, i'd prefer the poison cleanse and 7 nature resist over 1 stam), I'd also consider Scarlet Chestpiece, again the trade off is 2 stam for 8 strength + armor, i'll let you be the judge of that.

For Fcing i'd put the 2 points in incite into shield mastery.

For prot dps i would suggest The following gear set

Head: BoA dps helm - Or if you dont have access Horned Viking Helm

Neck: Gidwin's Medallion

shoulders: Revelosh's of the bear

Back: Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape

Chest: BoA Dps Chest - or if you don't have access Scarlet Chest (100 or 150 stam)

Wrist: Revelosh's of AP or the monkey (12 stam)

Gloves:Cragfists of the bear (15 str)

Belt: Ogron's Sash

Legs: Elemental rockridge leggings

Feet: Revelosh's of the bear (10 hit 10 crit [Surefooted])

Ring1: Aquamarine of the bear

Ring2: Blackstone Ring

Trinket1: AGM/Heart of Noxxion,

Trinket2: Omarion's Gift

You get hit capped from boa helm+Neck+Ring2+trinket2

And the weapons you currently haev on are the one's id use

for spec as prot dps i'd go something like this Talent Calculator - Game - World of Warcraft

Hope i could help you, If you need more help or any clarification/questions, feel free to post again :]
mrdoobry said:
Thankfully for enchanting I had the foresight to level it to 375 whilst that was available. The +4 stats to ring are the sole reason for doing this. This generally puts it as the best Prof for some classes, having +8 to ALL stats versus the benefits from others. The only reason I do not have the ring enchants yet is I am waiting on a few other people to finish with their Ethereum Prison Key grind so we can get all the possible TBC reps up, that are required to get the enchant. Hence, that will be forthcoming fairly shortly.

What mobs can you farm to get lower city- honored (or quests or whatever)? I believe another mage in the US had 375 enchanting but there was no way to get to honored to buy the recipe.
Thanks for all the feedback. I've used Scer as a constant guide towards things for my FC build. I'll look into the things you mentioned in terms of the dps set.

In regards to the LC rep. From my understanding you can farm Ethereum Prison Key and turn them in at a spot in Netherstorm. They have a chance to grant rep with a BC faction randomly (I forget the amount), or a chance to spawn a mob instead. It takes many, many keys in order to get a specific rep exalted, much less all of them. I could be slightly mistaken on some of that, but it's what my understanding is.
Tooh87 said:
Thanks for all the feedback. I've used Scer as a constant guide towards things for my FC build. I'll look into the things you mentioned in terms of the dps set.

In regards to the LC rep. From my understanding you can farm Ethereum Prison Key and turn them in at a spot in Netherstorm. They have a chance to grant rep with a BC faction randomly (I forget the amount), or a chance to spawn a mob instead. It takes many, many keys in order to get a specific rep exalted, much less all of them. I could be slightly mistaken on some of that, but it's what my understanding is.

Oh wow, interesting.
Bieberfever said:
What mobs can you farm to get lower city- honored (or quests or whatever)? I believe another mage in the US had 375 enchanting but there was no way to get to honored to buy the recipe.

Tooh87 is correct. Using the keys to open the Ethereum Prisons in Netherstorm sometimes grants TBC rep for certain factions from friendly NPC`s within. Doing this enough times will net you Exalted with some of the factions. Should take around an estimated 4000 keys with the guild perk.

You only need Honored for the ring enchants. Less than a thousand keys should do that. As I already have that amount, I could get my ring enchants within a few days if I wanted. However I would rather wait till the others have got their share together so I can get them all maxxed at once.
Tooh87 said:
Account @ Baelgun - Game - World of Warcraft

Why not? Better to discuss something rather than nothing. I know most of what I'm missing, and it's all bad luck with RNG. So, anything other than the missing "of Stamina" gear. That as well as legs and trinks. This is ultimately trying to be an FC set, but feel free to point out things for a DPS prot set as well. The spec is something I change frequently, and the Fury spec is just a BS one thrown together on a whim.



For max stam build, just copy my Paladin. Always use [Green Whelp Armor] when you need to run to a different location or/and kiting enemies.

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