GY Farming/Containment explanation.


Alright so! Before I am starting I'd like to point out, that I wont spend my time making this a fancy looking reserve thread.
This thread is solely based on my view upon this topic and I will try my best to explain it from my point of view.

Pushing enemy team to GY

When your team has momentum, and the opposing team is forced to retreat towards their gravyard
your team should use the time to pick flag, get to your team and leave GY.

I've taken my time to try to illustrate this in an MS paint drawing as seen below


in this scenario I think personally it is okay to contain the gravyard until your flag carrier has safely passed.
In my point of view, it should under no circumstances be allowed to camp, and farm the gravyard with the flag
already picked and taken to safety and/or with no intentions of picking the flag.

The battleground should always be played objectively and competitively. Of course, it can be hard to determine
this in PuG groups due to odd class combinations and unfair healer/dps/FC combinations.

Enemy team is pushing your team towards GY

If this happens, you should try to coordinate your team to either escape GY together or regain momentum.
This can be done by protecting your healers oand having your ranged dps or say rogues/feral focus upon
their healers, making the enemy team eventually have to retreat and thus your team can regain it's full potential.

In advantage sorry for the poorly presented thread but I think I got my point out,

oh and one last thing, we finally have a decent pop frequency guys, let's keep it up! We've had pops since
14:00 server time (2:00PM) and as far as I'm aware, the pops are still going as of 22:00 (10:00PM)

Cheers, Eriwen.
Another key point is with containment you give them enough space to regroup and possibly push back

GY farming doesn't offer this oppurtunity since you obliterate the enemy team the instant they spawn

Ofc there is a fine line as to what is defined as containment and GY farming, it shouldn't come to a point where the enemy team has no chance to coordinate themselves to push back

Just my 2 cents
Good post, a lot of people don't seem to know the difference atm - hopefully this clears things up for them. :)
As long as you're playing with the goal to cap flags as fast as you can, then you can position yourself and play however you choose. My guild for one goes into every game with the goal to 3 cap as fast we possible. Ideally we have an FC running flags, a Hunter and Rogue returning flags, and everyone else containing the enemy team as we cap the flags.

Nonetheless, none of this will matter next patch when the GYs have a wall around them. If players on the enemy team don't want to "get camped" or whatever, they can stay behind the walls where they can't be attacked and be "contained" in that cage.
Another key point is with containment you give them enough space to regroup and possibly push back

GY farming doesn't offer this oppurtunity since you obliterate the enemy team the instant they spawn

Ofc there is a fine line as to what is defined as containment and GY farming, it shouldn't come to a point where the enemy team has no chance to coordinate themselves to push back

Just my 2 cents

the whole point of containing aswell is to split the spawn timers so they're never a full 10 man team. so when your fc is past your team is not fighting a full 10 man team when you're trying to peel back your fc and go for the cap whilst your hunter will cut off their repickers.
As long as you're playing with the goal to cap flags as fast as you can, then you can position yourself and play however you choose. My guild for one goes into every game with the goal to 3 cap as fast we possible. Ideally we have an FC running flags, a Hunter and Rogue returning flags, and everyone else containing the enemy team as we cap the flags.

Nonetheless, none of this will matter next patch when the GYs have a wall around them. If players on the enemy team don't want to "get camped" or whatever, they can stay behind the walls where they can't be attacked and be "contained" in that cage.
Good point, although US has alot more activity and alot more stabile activity than EU, thus making this a kind of a valid point for EU pugs, which ís also why I specified the thread EU, very good stardegy nonetheless.
It would be much much better if there were two GYs like TP.
It would be refreshing to see new strategies.
Mid field on either flank. You rez at the furthest from your point of death. It is not as if WSG is all that large. In some case in may be advantageous to actually get killed just to you Rez closer to the point where you want to be.

Mid field on either flank. You rez at the furthest from your point of death. It is not as if WSG is all that large. In some case in may be advantageous to actually get killed just to you Rez closer to the point where you want to be.

Hmm could be interesting, although as you mentioned yourself WSG isn't that big of a map so it might be too OP with 2 spawn points for each faction.
I mentioned it months ago. Way before 6.2 was even announced as a solution to GY camping. And it was met with the normal negative feedback from the herd.
I would imagine that this was Blizzard simplest, most cost effective solution to GY camping in upper tiered Battlegrounds.
Just slap some barriers up, done... Shame it only took ten years to do it. I suppose you can't turn an aircraft carrier on a dime, can you?

I have played some games today and havent seen any gy farming. I even saw ppl writing in bg chat to leave the containing what lead to several wipes on ally side.
Like we pushed horde back in intense midfights, made room for fc to finally grap the flag, and while he was walking up, ppl tried to convince others to leave gy-tun front....
I have played some games today and havent seen any gy farming. I even saw ppl writing in bg chat to leave the containing what lead to several wipes on ally side.
Like we pushed horde back in intense midfights, made room for fc to finally grap the flag, and while he was walking up, ppl tried to convince others to leave gy-tun front....
That is a problem as well, people need to learn when the right time to leave GY is, I personally think I described it pretty well in the OP as in "don't leave GY until FC is brought to safety" another thing might also be people thinking for themselves. "Would it be smart to leave at this point where the whole enemy team just ressed?"
If people dont already know how to contain after the containfest that was MOP, then you should probably not even bother with 19s.

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