Looking for Guide Writers!
I'll start off by saying there's a considerable drop in the player base lately with the new expansion not being out for a while, the holidays around the corner and people getting ready for the new year but I'd like to ask anyone and everyone who's still active either in game or on the forums to consider writing up some guides / help contribute to ones other people might write. There are no promises for fame and glory but this is something the site could really use and there's a lot that can be done in more than just the 20 - 29 Bracket, plus you get a "Guide Author" rank for your Twinkinfo profile. I'm currently in the process of writing a couple guides and am thinking of some more that can be written up to help out new players and veterans of twinking, if you're interested in writing a guide but aren't sure how to start these can help: and Getting Your Guide Approved. This thread is meant for people to seek help writing a guide for 20 - 29 or offer their help to writing one, if you have any idea's on one that would beneficial for the community please share.
I'm currently working on a Ret Pally and a Holy Pally guide for 29, can't say when they'll be posted but they're quite close to finished, and would like to say here for anyone who hasn't seen the post on the that I am indeed still looking for guides to post within the thread itself for their respective classes / spec's as a one stop shop for information. There's a lot of other great guides written already if you need to draw inspiration and I strongly recommend everyone go read some in the General Twinks section. I hope people won't feel intimidated by the thought of putting their work up and being judged because as we all know "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
Here's the armory list post:
Click the button beside my name [>>]
Thanks for reading and I hope to see a lot more guide author ranks some time soon.