gearing up to be 1337


here's my link, pretty solid set that i've been using a lot recently 1337 hp ftw!

anyone else trying changing their gear around to do this? I think i remember seeing someone's hp like this before.
Look at my sig my pally has 1337 HP, well in his anti - rogue dps set.

Get crusader or 25 agility on the weapon and your good to go.
Eliot said:
Look at my sig my pally has 1337 HP, well in his anti - rogue dps set.

Get crusader or 25 agility on the weapon and your good to go.

Thanks I knew i saw it somewhere before. why do i need crusader or 25 agil? I have another one with fiery... unholy is getting buffed I am just using it for fun. Yeah might switch to sader on one of them.
A ret paladin in my guild got 1337 HP (in his ret set at least), his name is Suhr.
Eliot said:
Look at my sig my pally has 1337 HP, well in his anti - rogue dps set.

Get crusader or 25 agility on the weapon and your good to go.

You need crusader or 25 agility because fiery on a 2H weapon is just dumb IMO.
I mean you might be right about the Crusader but I like Fiery atm because it's so bursty. In patch 3.2 jugments count as melee swings as well so jugments deal seal damage and can proc fiery! for each melee attack that's an extra 70 or so damage if fiery procs. Jugments can also proc Crusader too so IDK. becuase of this new mechanic (judgments count as melee) you've almost doubled your chance to proc a weapon effect I think you have to go with Fiery, Crusader, or in 3.3 unholy. I think i'm gonna go with 3 BAR's after 3.3 hits so I don't waste money on changing enchants all the time.
Grabco said:
I mean you might be right about the Crusader but I like Fiery atm because it's so bursty. In patch 3.2 jugments count as melee swings as well so jugments deal seal damage and can proc fiery! for each melee attack that's an extra 70 or so damage if fiery procs. Jugments can also proc Crusader too so IDK. becuase of this new mechanic (judgments count as melee) you've almost doubled your chance to proc a weapon effect I think you have to go with Fiery, Crusader, or in 3.3 unholy. I think i'm gonna go with 3 BAR's after 3.3 hits so I don't waste money on changing enchants all the time.

Nothing has doubles fiery is still 6ppm. I get what your saying though, more swings in, but if that whats your aiming for, put fiery on a 1H weapon.:eek:
Actually now that I think about it 25 agi would increase judgment crits!
The gear you have on now is excellent for a retribution paladin.

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