Fund Me? :D

LF a level 19 twink fund in Ruin BG, will roll anything needed, experienced with Hunters, Mages, Warlocks, and Warriors. You can message me in-game or in this post. In-game names and realms : Shockzilla - Zul'jin (Horde) Gaibuttsecks - Zul'jin (Alliance) Mesoholy - Dalaran (Alliance) PST me at anytime I am on. I am a very experienced player in Premades and Arenas. I prefer Offense, it's just my thing. :p well, Happy twinking everyone. Thanks.

You want funded on Ruin yet two of the toons you posted to contact are on RUIN?
curleypwnsu said:
we can gurantee u a premade spot in district nineteen on warsong H we are funding all classes

Let me know contact info please. :D i'll get to you ASAP.

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