Food Recipes

My fav food to cook is the Italian Seitan from Upton's Naturals

Put some vegetable oil in a pan on the stove, put the stove on like 4/10 worth of heat, then put the Seitan in there when the oil is heated up. Cook for 5-10 minutes and enjoy! Goes well with pasta, rice, quinoa, etc... add sauce and vegetables to your delight as you may. I'm lazy so I just eat it with rice :)
Danish pancakes! Or crepes, or blinis, whatever you'd call em, I've been making em since I was a kid.
2cups flour
2cups milk
2tables o' sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt

Crepes are basically really thin pancakes that go amazingly with fruit, yogurt, jam, peanut butter, your traditional maple syrup, basically anything. There are crepe stands all over Germany that make em with nutella, also delicious :)

Another delicious method(and family holiday tradition) us the aptly named Big Pancake. Same recipe, minus salt and sugar. Preheat oven AND cast iron 9inch pan to 450, blend your ingredients together, deposit mixture into pan following a half stick of chopped up buttee. Bake 32min. It'll explode into fluffiness! I still make this every Christmas, albeit with only four eggs since it's just me :)

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