Five For Fishing Recruitment/Guide


Legend <- My Magelo


Classes we need most atm will be bolded but all are welcome would be preffered if you made a dk to get yourself some money and boa


Druid - Wrath, Moonfire, Thorns, Rejuvination

Priest - Flash of Light, Shadow Word: Pain, Bubble, Smite

Classes with useful auras/buffs

Shamans - Lightning Bolt, Primal Strike, Strength of Earth Totem, Earth Shock

Warlock - Imp/Blood Pact, Shadow Bolt, Immolate, Corruption

Paladin, - Devotian Aura, Crusader Strike, Judgement, Seal of Righteousness


Rogue - Sinister Strike, Eviscerate, Stealth

Mage - Fireball, Arcane Missiles, Fire Blast

Hunter - Arcane Shot, Call Pet 1, Steady Shot, Track Beasts

Warrior - Strike, Charge Victory Rush

Races: Useful Abilities

Draenei - Gift of the Naaru, Heroic Presence, Shadow Resistance

Draenei have gift of the naaru for healing and heroic presence to be able to hit more making them one of the best races to roll for dps

Night Elf, Nature Resistance, Quickness, Shadowmeld, Wisp Spirit

Night elves have shadowmeld which drop combat which allows them to heal back up and are harder to hit with quickness making them the best tanks and a great class for dueling

Gnome - Arcane Resistance, Engineering Specialization, Escape Artist, Expansive Mind, Shortblade Specialization

They can get training dummy and they get a special weapon for using there lvl 3 ability in the questline and in duels they can pop escape artist to lose any slows they might get meaning they may no need pvp trinket

Dwarf -Frost Resistance, Gun Specialization, Mace Specialization, Stoneform

Best hunters and stoneform can help when dueling they also can roll enh shaman and have 3 exp when using a mace

Human - Diplomacy, Every Man for Himself,Mace Specialization, Sword Specialization, The Human Spirit

good for warrior/pally thx to the 3 expertise given and have extra healing with no need for a pvp trinket

Although worgen can be gotten im not going to list them as most people won't be able to get them
Why the heck level 5s? It sounds really like a lame idea, no offence or anything but I do not see the point of making a level 5, just seems like they are level 1s but with couple more moves.
Tinymidget said:
Why the heck level 5s? It sounds really like a lame idea, no offence or anything but I do not see the point of making a level 5, just seems like they are level 1s but with couple more moves.

Level ones are dieing as theres very few viable classes at the lvl boas are almost 100% needed since theres nothing for helm slot/weapons/body/cloak that gives stats we have access to fishing and heals making raiding i feel much more interesting then just kiting on hunters or trying to dodge on rogues. We can pvp with much more variety then ok rogue hunter lets go because every class is viable in one way or another
Devotadin... level ones can still be amazing with or without boas you are not getting what we have and able to do. And raiding is a lot more than kiting on hunters and dodging on a rogue SO MUCH more. You OBVIOUSLY have not played level 1s in a long time. Pretty much all classes at lvl 1 can be very useful VERY.

I've been coming up with a new way to do pve on lvl 1s.

Excuse the hate on lvl 5s but seriously NO point really.
... Why go druid or mage at lvl 1 when you could be a warlock and doing more damage? That`s definitly all classes needed. >:p But really, without BoAs on my old lvl 1 in your guild, Squeaky, I was no match to anyone with BoAs

Viable: Hunters, Rogues, Pallies and Warlocks
Mage > Lock

Reason: Mages have a little bit more damage than a lock. I know locks have a pet but a smart player will kill that pet then it will be a dps race and a mage will always win with the same gear & skill.

Druids are also viable because they can haste stack for damage.

Yes Pally's > Warriors

Reason: Well you know this reason

Priest is just bad cuz of SP it doesn't work the same way locks and mages do.

There ya are
The pet is pretty much a 1 shot. Especially for rogues. And im not fighting with ya either just trying to prove my point.
its a 19 twink guild i have been here for about 4-5 days only one lev 5 logged.

their is another lev 5 twink guild somewhere?

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