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thought haste the was most important stat to combat rogues in pve? Even though it doesn't scale well at this level, it increases the regeneration of ur energy, increases ur speed(DPS), and by increasing ur speed it also increases the chance of mongoose/whelp/sonic procs due to faster swings.

While this is 50 and not 85, I still can't find a single pve thread that says any of the following:

1. Not to stack haste
2. Crit > Haste
3. There's a haste cap

In fact, in every thread I've found that mentioned crit for pve rogues; it said that crit was the least valuable...

hell, when you bring up haste into pvp; there are even threads that would argue haste over crit in pvp(crit always won the argument but still).
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Yeah well seems I was distracted by the ring enchants, as they were on your original post in the chardev, and maybe I tried in my uncosciousness to find a way that I had right cause I already level my enchanting to 200+ on my priest ._. well I guess I'll drop it for JC now..
chardev 9

BiS fury Warrior and is EXP soft capped. It's safe to assume no one knows how much hit we actually need to not miss any of our "special attacks", so I did not make a max hit build.

And as far as I am aware, using two Sonic Boosters does nothing since their procs do not stack twice and they both share the same ICD.

thats only exp soft capped for 53s remember now. 13% is 2h/special hit cap according to IAT, i havent calculated or searched for it, but ill take his word for now
fury seems week to me honestly b/c you cant get TG or SMF. i would think arms would be the best since you only need the 2h hit cap and you have talents to scale your crit way up. 2h fury might be better than DW just b/c the steep miss penalty of being a lvl 50, but i think arms is better overall

2 sonic boosters is for the HP boost b/c of all the aoe/cleave dmg going out in tier 1/2.5 raids, not for the additional proc (which doesnt stack, like you said, afaik)

thought haste the was most important stat to combat rogues in pve? Even though it doesn't scale well at this level, it increases the regeneration of ur energy, increases ur speed(DPS), and by increasing ur speed it also increases the chance of mongoose/whelp/sonic procs due to faster swings.
haste scales ok, but there just isnt enough of it. your chardev had ~9% haste, his has roughly 6. the difference there is not going to be noticeable, neither set will add even 1 extra energy per tick (tested on my 49 it takes just over 10% to get 1 more get ~.1 energy per 1% haste at 49, so at 50 its either the same or slightly worse).
you will be attacking slightly faster, but its only .05 seconds faster. again.....not very noticeable. id rather take the 1.55% crit or whatever and still have a bit over 6% haste than have 9% haste

*edit: and if the soft hit cap is 13% then IATs profile is hit capped and yours isnt, which makes that haste not that great anyways since hit to cap is always more valuable than haste for a rogue*

both of you guys are gearing combat weird though. afaik combat wants a fast OH for more combat potency procs. and there are plenty of fast weapons available to a 50

id also wonder if anyone wants to theorycraft adrenaline rush vs savage combat.
AD gives double regen (20-21 energy) and 20% faster attack speed for 15sec, but on a 3min CD. so 2, maximum 3 uses per boss fight - i would think youd oom or hit some enrage if youre still fighting after 9 mins, but who knows...could get more i guess
1 pt in savage combat gives 3% ap boost (which is ~40 more ap on IATs profile and thats w/o battle shout, 20% ap buff, etc) and a 2% dmg increase on all physical attacks - which is basically everything a rogue does - provided the target is poisoned, which it always should be
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thats only exp soft capped for 53s remember now. 13% is 2h/special hit cap according to IAT, i havent calculated or searched for it, but ill take his word for now
fury seems week to me honestly b/c you cant get TG or SMF. i would think arms would be the best since you only need the 2h hit cap and you have talents to scale your crit way up. 2h fury might be better than DW just b/c the steep miss penalty of being a lvl 50, but i think arms is better overall

2 sonic boosters is for the HP boost b/c of all the aoe/cleave dmg going out in tier 1/2.5 raids, not for the additional proc (which doesnt stack, like you said, afaik)

haste scales ok, but there just isnt enough of it. your chardev had ~9% haste, his has roughly 6. the difference there is not going to be noticeable, neither set will add even 1 extra energy per tick (tested on my 49 it takes just over 10% to get 1 more get ~.1 energy per 1% haste at 49, so at 50 its either the same or slightly worse).
you will be attacking slightly faster, but its only .05 seconds faster. again.....not very noticeable. id rather take the 1.55% crit or whatever and still have a bit over 6% haste than have 9% haste

*edit: and if the soft hit cap is 13% then IATs profile is hit capped and yours isnt, which makes that haste not that great anyways since hit to cap is always more valuable than haste for a rogue*

both of you guys are gearing combat weird though. afaik combat wants a fast OH for more combat potency procs. and there are plenty of fast weapons available to a 50

id also wonder if anyone wants to theorycraft adrenaline rush vs savage combat.
AD gives double regen (20-21 energy) and 20% faster attack speed for 15sec, but on a 3min CD. so 2, maximum 3 uses per boss fight - i would think youd oom or hit some enrage if youre still fighting after 9 mins, but who knows...could get more i guess
1 pt in savage combat gives 3% ap boost (which is ~40 more ap on IATs profile and thats w/o battle shout, 20% ap buff, etc) and a 2% dmg increase on all physical attacks - which is basically everything a rogue does - provided the target is poisoned, which it always should be
Falkor said it best. Haste is great, but there just isn't enough of it. I'll take a look at that last bit later tonight when I get back into my WoW flow.
Interested in joining. My gnome priest is level 50. if we do this quick i will leave him at 50.
We're halfway filled up for our AQ10 roster! We still need 2 heals (preferably RSham and DPriest) and 3 DPS! Level and gear those toons guys! And remember to POST THE ARMORIES so I can confirm you're coming for the raid.
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Me and Film are currently farming for our Epics in ST. He got his Embrace of the Wind Serpent after only 2 runs! Currently going for my Dragon's Call.
I'm continuing runs in 20-30 minutes, if anyone is online and wants to join in on ST/DM farming let me know!
Just got my Dragon's Call. Thanks for helping out with the runs Film.
Just did a tribute run tonight with Me, Film, Piesmo, and Oletha! No Treant's Bane or Tarnished Elven Ring, but the run went off without a hitch until I died and lost my suit right after the Captain left.

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Wow. Another update. We had TWO BiS epics drop within 3 runs! Edgemaster's Handguards and Robes of Insight, which I and Film both got.
some damn good drop rates. or rng
For hands that drop off bosses wouldn't you be able to do that trick where you can put tinks on? Can't post link but it's in the 70's forum

Ps I haven't looked at the chardevs so I wobt know what bis gloves drop
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For hands that drop off bosses wouldn't you be able to do that trick where you can put tinks on? Can't post link but it's in the 70's forum

Ps I haven't looked at the chardevs so I wobt know what bis gloves drop

Activation requires 450 engineering. However this might make ring enchants possible.

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