Fastest que pop EU?

I think Horde generally has slightly shorter queues because on alliance side you have EU and RU both queuing.

It doesn't really matter though, you'll get pops within 5-10 mins on either faction at peak times.
I'd say 4-10 min is pretty average for a premade, even outside of peak-times.

Queue'ing solo usually give faster queue-pops.
3-5min soloqueue on Horde is pretty normal.

This is strictly from a Horde perspective tho. Haven't played Ally in months
ques on alliance has been hit or miss lately , with que times sometimes going up to 15-25 mins in the past week.

it seems horde has faster ques currently from what i've heard from people playing both factions.
Horde is definitely faster. I play horde on stormscale and alli on ravencrest. Horde is mostly under 5 mins, alliance as @Phonebook said, sometimes up to 25 mins. I think alliance has much more twinks than horde.
Population on EU is messed up because RU and EN both queue on alliance while horde is 99% EN only. Both EN alliance and horde lack twinks lately but alliance queues are awfully slow the past week so I assume RU alliance is pretty active.

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