Øvêrkill said:Lol, bluffed us on it? I never called any guilds out, I have no idea what you are talking about. I posted a simple recruitment thread and i got 4 pages of shit talk to me by you guys. You're the one calling us out. Secondly, I think the only rule that should be is No class stacking. I don't see why everyone makes all these rules. its 19 twinking for goodness sake. Play the game, stop thinking about it so much. If you are as good as you say, then it shouldn't matter. Looks like you guys can't win without your crutch, (the "rules"). The "pre-mades" I'd like to do should be Raw WSG, our own rules. Not what some clowns made up, because their class is inferior to the other class once a potion is popped. Expand your horizons and make the game more interesting instead of a simple back and forth capture the flag, go play Halo if you want that.
your right reckful crutches on fair play.