<Extinct> New Alliance Guild Incoming (U.S.) Looking for Premades and Players

Øvêrkill said:
Lol, bluffed us on it? I never called any guilds out, I have no idea what you are talking about. I posted a simple recruitment thread and i got 4 pages of shit talk to me by you guys. You're the one calling us out. Secondly, I think the only rule that should be is No class stacking. I don't see why everyone makes all these rules. its 19 twinking for goodness sake. Play the game, stop thinking about it so much. If you are as good as you say, then it shouldn't matter. Looks like you guys can't win without your crutch, (the "rules"). The "pre-mades" I'd like to do should be Raw WSG, our own rules. Not what some clowns made up, because their class is inferior to the other class once a potion is popped. Expand your horizons and make the game more interesting instead of a simple back and forth capture the flag, go play Halo if you want that.

your right reckful crutches on fair play.
Sadly, this was a simple recruitment post. I came back to the page getting 4 pages of shit talk and trolling. So hey I'm just backing myself up.
Painaid said:
I guess premading for the sake of fun and competition is overrated nowadays.

So much truth in that one statement. I still stand firm that tons of premades never occurred simply out of fear it would become a forum topic with a screenshot. Oh the horrors!
augiddin said:
your right reckful crutches on fair play.

LOL, when will it get to the point when people start saying, "Not every rogue has a shadowfang, they are extremely rare, so it is not fair, therefore not allowed." I don't see why there are so many rules. The only rule that i agree with is the No more than 2 Class Stacking rule, and that's that.
Øvêrkill said:
Sadly, this was a simple recruitment post. I came back to the page getting 4 pages of shit talk and trolling. So hey I'm just backing myself up.

should probably look at the first 3 posts.

also someone tell pizza he is wasting his own time sitting in a 15 minute deserter.
Look, my name might not be white or yellow but I'm going to step in and tell everyone to take a step back from this thread and chill out mon.

Yes, certain people are right while certain people are wrong. I highly agree with Waag, leveling twinks out of bracket while only kill the bracket. Playing for what you call "blood" is nothing more than high stakes gambling which isn't worth playing. What do the winners get? Wup Dee Fucking Doo! Bragging Rights! What does the losers get? A twink leveled to 20. What does the entire community get? One less twink which means less ques for PuGs which in-turn means less activity in the 19 bracket...

This is suppose to be a "Hey, we are here and we want to fight against another guild". Not a flame forum. If you feel the need to flame and call people names, make a topic in the Tavern. All 95% of the people posting here are causing nothing but a shitstorm and stirring a hornets nest with a stick.
Thats wrong threads like these are exactly what we need. We dont need many of them but these threads serve their purpose in the community.
people need to have a reason to get their shit together and trash talk has historically worked quite well.
augiddin said:
people need to have a reason to get their shit together and trash talk has historically worked quite well.

This is completely true.
/shrug .

Just think the manner of how people are "getting their shit togeather" in this thread could be a bit better but meh... Each to his own I suppose.
Beenthere said:
Thats wrong threads like these are exactly what we need. We dont need many of them but these threads serve their purpose in the community.

@ posts too

need @ posts everywhere
i will personally level my twink if tink nation loses.
Øvêrkill said:
Lol, bluffed us on it? I never called any guilds out, I have no idea what you are talking about. I posted a simple recruitment thread and i got 4 pages of shit talk to me by you guys. You're the one calling us out. Secondly, I think the only rule that should be is No class stacking. I don't see why everyone makes all these rules. its 19 twinking for goodness sake. Play the game, stop thinking about it so much. If you are as good as you say, then it shouldn't matter. Looks like you guys can't win without your crutch, (the "rules"). The "pre-mades" I'd like to do should be Raw WSG, our own rules. Not what some clowns made up, because their class is inferior to the other class once a potion is popped. Expand your horizons and make the game more interesting instead of a simple back and forth capture the flag, go play Halo if you want that.

Your three weeks back in the bracket haven't been enough for you to even grasp the idea of putting together and pulling off a premade, let alone a win. I hope that the first game you play you say "raw wsg no rules" and then the efc comes in with 4k hp. Let your speed pots help you then. The rules of all 19 premades have been put in place a long time before you made an account for these forums.
Oh god. I'd roll with every possible buff ingame and pay guilds gold to have them get us Rallying Cry. Twinks will find every advantage possible.
Opinion said:
Oh god. I'd roll with every possible buff ingame and pay guilds gold to have them get us Rallying Cry. Twinks will find every advantage possible.

Opinion! :)
augiddin said:
people need to have a reason to get their shit together and trash talk has historically worked quite well.

Big part of the reason i stopped playing 19's and passed the guild along. It got to the point where damn near the whole community exhibited this cocky, arrogant & generally nasty attitude towards one-another. I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't play in the 19 community for it's incredible threshold for skill, competition, variety & balance lol. I played and GM'ed a premading guild because you actually knew the community you were a part of, people were generally pretty chill, and activity flourished because so many weren't overly-concerned about their e-rep.

In that regard, 19's have really gone straight to hell lately when you can't even-so-much as expect to run into a few nice people anymore, or schedule a premade where both sides actually follow through & show up.
i was in bg with this kid the other night. he's just another terrible bis rogue, with crap personality.

my chat log was pretty much filled with his nerd-ragings, it was hilarious.

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