Exalted at lvl1 - and guild rep


Almost Awesome

The primary purpose of this guide is to quickly gain guild reputation at level 1. The secondary purpose is to level your level 1 twink guild. Below are two scenarios in which to do this:


a) Make a /tar Chicken macro
b) In your keybind menu, bind "Interact with Target" to a key
c) Get this item http://www.wowhead.com/item=69210 to speed the process up. It's BoA so you can buy it on your main
d) Download this addon that we wrote specifically for this: http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/clucker/


1) Get this quest: CLUCK! - Quest - World of Warcraft

2) Fill your bags with this food: Special Chicken Feed - Item - World of Warcraft

3) Find and target this NPC: Chicken - NPC - World of Warcraft

4) Run this script:

/run local t,d,f="target",DoEmote,CreateFrame"Frame"f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(f)if(not UnitIsFriend("player",t))and tonumber("0x"..(UnitGUID(t)or""):sub(7,10),16)==620 then if 0<GetQuestLogIndexByID(3861)then d("cheer")else d("chicken")end end end)

(this will constantly run as long as the chicken is targeted...and is VERY spammy)

5) Once the Chicken offers its quest, hit the "interact" with target keybind

6) The addon will take care of the auto-complete part of the quest
(you might still have to click on the 1st and 2nd quest screen..I haven't tested)

7) After 30-60 min (the quest is quite random), you get this: Time Flies When You're Having Fun - Achievement - World of Warcraft


1) Download this addon that we wrote specifically for this: http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/clucker/
2) Install it on 2 clients
3) It is better to have both clients with the Cluck! quest before proceeding (if not, it's not quite as straight forward)
4) Client 1 just holds the quest, the addon automatically shares it when Client 2 completes it
5) Client 2 needs to run this code (just need to do it 1 time per login)
/run local t,d,f="target",DoEmote,CreateFrame"Frame"f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(f)if(not UnitIsFriend("player",t))and tonumber("0x"..(UnitGUID(t)or""):sub(7,10),16)==620 then if 0<GetQuestLogIndexByID(3861)then d("cheer")else d("chicken")end end end)
6) Client 2 needs to /tar chicken
7) At this point, the script should be spamming /cheer at the chicken (assuming both clients have the quest to begin with). It is best if you stay at max distance with your back to the chicken to avoid accidentally killing it
8) When the chicken becomes friendly, and the question mark is over its head, just spam your "Interact with Target" keybind ... from now on that's all you'll need to do except return to Saladeen to refill your bags with Special Chicken Feed!


I was annoyed with purchasing 80 Special Chicken Feed every time, so I wrote a script to simplify the process. Note that after you run it, it will take approx. 10 sec for the feed to show up in your bags. Just hit it once!

/script local function buy (n,q) for i=1,100 do if n==GetMerchantItemInfo(i) then for s=1,104 do BuyMerchantItem(i,q) end end end end buy ("Special Chicken Feed",1);

The number 104 is the number of empty bag spaces I have...change it to whatever number you have.

1) Turn your back to the chicken, sometimes you accidentally kill it if you don't :)
2) You will need 133 Special Chicken Feed that will cost 31 silver and 92 copper
3) If you are doing this in a group, and the quest holder toon has a 2 seater mount, you can stay mounted and never risk accidentally killing the chicken
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Exalted in like 30 mins or less, chubs you are a god amongst men lol....there was a few 85's there too btw. Is this something that was posted somewhere else ?
have 2 account up and one with the quest, then share complete share complete rinse and repeat. so there no down time waiting on the chicken to give u the quest.

/run local t,d,f="target",DoEmote,CreateFrame"Frame"f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function(f)if(not UnitIsFriend("player",t))and tonumber("0x"..(UnitGUID(t)or""):sub(7,10),16)==620 then if 0<GetQuestLogIndexByID(3861)then d("cheer")end end end)

just changed chubs macro a little bit.
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Hmh.. I am spamming /chicken on him all the time but wont get to the /cheer part even ;C tried the same on trial and wouldnt turn green for him aswell :S Im in Brill, anybody else got this problem?

Edit: Nvm tested with another chicken and worked :)
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Hmh.. I am spamming /chicken on him all the time but he wont turn green for me ;C tried the same on trial and wouldnt turn green for him aswell :S Im in Brill, anybody else got this problem?

it alot slower that way, u need to switch chickens sometimes. but if u get the quest shared then just /cheer u can get exalted in like 15mins. u can just spam the 1 chook.
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I haven't seen this particular thing posted anywhere...it just made sense to me that it would work like most of the other repeatable quests. This is just the only one that I know of for level 1s

As far as getting your guild from 1-25, idk ... it would be awhile though. I'd think it would be a really long time actually. You'd really need several level 1s doing it for several hours. Only 1 person I think has to have the script running, the rest could just click the quest.

The only time you need to cheer is when you have the quest already...usually I would complete 8 turn ins per quest ... and would pick up the quest the 9th time, but he'd stop offering it for me. So then the /cheer part of the script would kick in and he'd just offer the completion part of the quest.


Got to thinking a little. The numbers I posted about xp and rep were with a level 11 guild, so I only had the 5% bonus. Once you hit level 12, it would go 5% quicker.
  • With 5%, you get almost 7 million guild XP per character going from Neutral to Exalted with your guild.
  • You need roughly 846,000,000 to go from guild level 1 to 25.
  • So you'd need approximately 120 characters doing it.
  • At 30-60 minutes per it would take 1 person anywhere from 60-120 hours to do

OH! I think I get it lovestotwink...
  • you have a guy in your party that has the Cluck! quest, but never turns it in
  • you /cheer and spam your turn in macro
  • quest is complete and they just reshare the quest with you
  • rinse and repeat with no clucking
That about right? If so, that would definitely cut the time in 1/2 or more. If the chicken is already green, does he auto offer the turn-in if you complete and get the quest shared again? Or does he need to be cheered again?


Use this addon! http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/autoquest
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OH! I think I get it lovestotwink...

  • you have a guy in your party that has the Cluck! quest, but never turns it in
  • you /cheer and spam your turn in macro
  • quest is complete and they just reshare the quest with you
  • rinse and repeat with no clucking
That about right? If so, that would definitely cut the time in 1/2 or more. If the chicken is already green, does he auto offer the turn-in if you complete and get the quest shared again? Or does he need to be cheered again?

yep :) it works real good, very fast way of doing it. just run your macro (changed a lil bit) so u dont need to type or click a macro all the time.

/run local t,d,f="target",DoEmote,CreateFrame"Frame"f:SetScri pt("OnUpdate",function(f)if(not UnitIsFriend("player",t))and tonumber("0x"..(UnitGUID(t)or""):sub(7,10),16)==62 0 then if 0<GetQuestLogIndexByID(3861)then d("cheer")end end end)
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I think this was posted on warcraftmovies a few days ago.

I don't doubt it has been posted elsewhere. Once this news broke a couple days ago and things were hotfixed, people were scrambling to find other quests. That's all I did. The idea definitely wasn't mine..but how I did it was! :)

Also, I've been putting in some time to speed it up thanks to Lovestotwink's awesome suggestion. It involves a couple of addons that I wrote, one that automatically shares the quest and one that automatically accepts the quest (there are other auto-accept addons out there, I just wanted mine to be barebones). I'm having a little trouble with the auto share addon working. Right now it works fine on an auto-clicker, but that's cheating :) I'll upload them to curse when I get it to work without it. Then all you need to do is spam the interact with target keybind.

With the auto-clicker testing it for me, I was able to go through 5 16 slot bags of Special Chicken Feed in ~3 min ... which translates from Neutral to Exalted in ~5 min!
The add-on is complete thanks to the help of a guild mate. I'm just awaiting approval from Curse.com and then I'll update the original post with the link and other info.
sob - this is why i hesitate to post things here ... this was only meant to be helpful to low level guilds ... once the asshats on ownedcore get a hold of something it gets fixed...
addon is approved and available for download at curse. the link is in the OP

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