Epeen - Rated Arenas for Twinks

Hi all,

I'd like to announce an exciting new development to WoW: Rated Twink Arenas!

Here at Epeen we've been working on a new Addon that allows character below level 80 to have rated skirmish arena matches.

We're still in Beta but everything seems to be working now, so we'd like to invite you to come have a look at the Epeen Ratings website, and try it out. There are already many cool features in our system, and we'll keep bringing out more,

Any questions, post here and I'll keep you up to speed :)



Epeen Webadmin
Related to pwndepot?
I don't think they are related. I think that the guys that started this might be part of that site and showing support. Unlike other sites, I'm not gonna hide content or ideas that are not on my own site under the rug in attempt to keep others from knowing that there are other places out there.
Naturaltalnt said:
Interesting idea that has been perposed for a bit, although wouldn't most have to download the add-on to get there ratings? seems flawed in that aspect.

Only flaw it that it becomes a limited community. How to solve this? Spread the word. Me and Mooshu shall be hitting the 2 vs 2 for 39s soon. =)
Drayner said:
I don't think they are related. I think that the guys that started this might be part of that site and showing support. Unlike other sites, I'm not gonna hide content or ideas that are not on my own site under the rug in attempt to keep others from knowing that there are other places out there.

Thanks! We are independent of PwnDepot, it just happens to be the place that we posted on first. We have a link exchange with them, and would be happy to arrange for one here, or a similar idea. We're just trying to spread the word as much as possible to widen the community.

We're also developing an API that will allow websites like yourselves to display ratings from us. 49twinks.com are trialling this at the moment and we should soon have a version with documentation available for other sites.

In the mean time, if you are interested in a link exchange, send an email to mail@epeenratings.com and I can sort something out. If anyone else is interested in linking to us, we have some graphics available at http://www.epeenratings.com/partners/

Thanks for the interest guys!

Just notice this on your front page (thanks for the mention by the way!)

I see some potential pitfalls with this idea and ways to manipulate the ratings. I know that most, including myself, see this as fun and wouldn’t cheat to grow a longer epeen, but I do know many twinks that would cheat their asses off to top a list.

Just to let me know, the system should be reasonably secure. At least, the work involved in reverse engineering the system to an extent where you can cheat it is probably significantly more than the work involved in getting yourself a really good rating :p

If anyone is bored enough that they want to try and hack it, they're welcome to if they send details of any vulnerabilities to me rather than sharing them ;) We might even see fit to reward you (if I can get feaire to let me :p)
Yay look at their website now "friends of Epeen", Twink Info and also a link to the site!

Also Im soo happy for this, gonna try it out next week (got some irl things and also my new main on cyclone bg to level and get gold)
jiminizer said:
If anyone is bored enough that they want to try and hack it, they're welcome to if they send details of any vulnerabilities to me rather than sharing them ;) We might even see fit to reward you (if I can get feaire to let me :p)

Yeh, we'll create/enable a special dragon for them in-game perhaps ;) We'll see.

But in order to "hack" this, you'll need a good knowledge of lua and lots of time :p I invite you to take a look inside the lua file of the addon to see what i'm talking about.

As for the actual file uploaded, that also has lots of protection within it, which cannot be altered without knowing what's inside the addon. If altered incorrectly, it'll penalise the player in-game.

I'm also looking into changing the rating calculations possibly for the end of beta. It depends how people find the rating system up until then :)
korny said:
good idea.

Could you please make it support chinese wow?

Thanks very much.

It's a possibility we're looking into for a future release. However there is quite a lot of work involved, so our main priority is getting the addon functioning correctly on EU/US realms which are easier to deal with, before supporting Chinese realms.

We do know you exist however, and we've been reading chinese forums (with the help of google translate) where we've been mentioned ;)
hey Jim, just something to consider -- I noticed you have to maintain a certain number of games per week in order to keep your rank. for 3v3, 5v5, or less active brackets than 19 (assuming 19s are most active), I think that creating lower activity quotas would be a good idea.
Druiddroid said:
hey Jim, just something to consider -- I noticed you have to maintain a certain number of games per week in order to keep your rank. for 3v3, 5v5, or less active brackets than 19 (assuming 19s are most active), I think that creating lower activity quotas would be a good idea.

Interesting point - I'll discuss this with Feaire tomorrow - after all there isn't much point knocking all the teams off the roster :p

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