Eliøts First PvP Video.


The Specialist
Sorry about the quality will get the HD version up shortly.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42I7oKvG1kE]YouTube - Eliøt - 19 Paladin (Vid. #1)[/ame]

If you don't like it sorry, if you do sweet!

Give me suggestions on how to improve my next video

(I'm aware the quality isn't the best)
Not bad. I like the choice of music. :)
Painaid said:
Not bad. I like the choice of music. :)

Thanks Painaid :)

I think we like the same type of music, just watched your last FC vid and had to get the music in it.
I lol'd hard at Arcane Torrenting out both rogues :D.

More Arena less WSG! :(

Um, music didn't fit all to well and that druid 1v1 was like the most boring thing evar.

Besides that it was a good video, would like to see some proper 2v2s though. I hope that Pally/Rogue team wasn't proper because pally was bad.

Arrange stuff with good 2v2 guise, would be good to watch - regardless of whether you lose or not, aslong as it's a good game.

And what muppets are saying Paladins aren't good FCers, dey be best/2nd best tied with Druids, and i'm not a fan of druid FCers.

Hope this was err, more constructive than unintentional trolling.
Llare said:
I lol'd hard at Arcane Torrenting out both rogues :D.

More Arena less WSG! :(

Um, music didn't fit all to well and that druid 1v1 was like the most boring thing evar.

Besides that it was a good video, would like to see some proper 2v2s though. I hope that Pally/Rogue team wasn't proper because pally was bad.

Arrange stuff with good 2v2 guise, would be good to watch - regardless of whether you lose or not, aslong as it's a good game.

And what muppets are saying Paladins aren't good FCers, dey be best/2nd best tied with Druids, and i'm not a fan of druid FCers.

Hope this was err, more constructive than unintentional trolling.

It was :) Thanks for the suggestions, the druid 1v1 was just for fun :p the druid is one of my good friends and I'm probably going to be doing a lot of arena with him for my next video. I had the most epic 1v1 paladin vs. paladin arena yesturday not on tape like over 10 minutes :p

Thanks for the feedback.
Hamcake said:
Nice video though.

You're supposed to be with me on stuff like this!:mad:

From what I could see(only watched the first 3 minutes)

The movie was just a buch of pug Arenas/WSGs which to me weren't entertaining nor "skill-showing". Now I know paladin movies tend to end up like that, but I'm sure that with a few arranged arenas with some clutch LoSes(which is about as cool as it gets in 19-pala vid) I'd be alot more entertained.

Maybe I just expect too much though.

You did better then the hunter vid which was released this week though! +1
fight better people, because this wasn't good at all.

Your an okay pala, but the people you played against didn't have any knowledge on class tbh : /

watched the entire and it was a big waste of time..
Wow, so many perfectionists...

MAy I remind you about the big Epeen Rogue v Rogue we had going on? Back in the days.

Who's the better, EU or US.

Mythos, which wern't rated the top 1, defeated both Vaj and myself (rated like top 10 /flex). He did take both of us 3-0.

blackout got a Victory of 3-2 very close battles.

Suddenly the epeen shit going on were stopping. I know blackout fought people on US servers too, but do not have the data to come with any score results, what am saying. Don't go emo/ranting about a video, that show something that the normal player would find interesting, the video's arn't supposed to be for all the elitists, it's pure entertainement.

Anyway, I found it slightly boring :p
watched the entire and it was a big waste of time..

k than don't watch it next time

Anyway, I found it slightly boring :p

Thanks for the suggestion.

The movie was just a buch of pug Arenas/WSGs which to me weren't entertaining nor "skill-showing".

Considering most people only PuG, and I was showing the paladins ability to do that. I will try to get some arranged crap next time.
I Lol'ed at arcane torrent hitting both stealthed roug , omg own Nice Vid.

The music was incredibad.

There was little, to NO editing.

Bad quality.

I couldn't really see anything 'skill-showing' in this movie.
ANTIIIIII ROGUEEEE SEEETTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Boring video, Youtube is bad mmmmk?, the arena footage was terribly boring, WSG was even worse...
Its a very good start man, ignore the trolls, for a first pvp vid it had all the essentials

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