DUEL : 29 warr Protection vs level 35 warr

How to pwn a level 35+ warrior with your twink


also see this


and if you wana see me pwning some hunters... druids and pala skulls in STV :

I have just 1 thing to say really : if you comp cant use fraps (or any other like piece of software) with a decent resolution in its output files then DONT bother uploading it. You can't see crap in any of your vids really....
if you're not a troll then you are a disgrace to human kind and should kill yourself with a baseball bat on fire.
cologne said:
lol this must be a joke :p

which reminds me of that popular old vid that used excessive zooming effects, haha that was hysterical, zooming in on the grass and stuff like that :D anyone remember the name of it?

Magnusopus said:
if you're not a troll then you are a disgrace to human kind and should kill yourself with a baseball bat on fire.

or he's just bad at WoW? lol
OMG i literally got a headache from watching the keyboard turning. Nevermind all the other badness in the first vid. Bro, please quit wow.
His S-Key seems to be stuck in video #2.

Someone go clean the sticky seamen stuck in there plz.

P.S. That was an insult and backhanded you can only get girls on the internet jerking it insult in one post...they said it couldn't be done...I said ney!

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